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Anno MMX Æfterra Geola
- ii d: Her in Colombiam se fyrbeorg Galeras onwac.
- xii d: Her heard eorþstyren tobræc Port-au-Prince þe is Haiti ieges heafodstede, ond his miht wæs Richter 7, ond hit acwellede .c. þusend oððe maran .
- xv d: Her Ethiopisc lyftcræft fleag of Beirute to Addis Ababan ond neah Beirute hit feoll in sæ in stormwinde ond unwedere ond hit bær .xc. ond ealle aswulton.
Anno MMX Solmonað
- xiii d: Her in Helmand scire in Afghanistane ongann Operation Moshtarak þe is great farung Brittiscra ond Americiscra ond Afghaniscra fyrdmanna wið þa Talibanum; ond mid him fōr fyrdmenn Canadisce ond Denisce ond Estonisce. Ond in Dari-gereorde moshtarak segþ "ætgædre". Ond in Marja ceastre hie fundon swiðe manige utberstenda.
- xiv d: Her in Moshtarak-farunge æt Showal ceastre man feng .cccxl. hundrædgewihte opiumes ond feower hundrædgewihte heroines. Ond lange Showal wæs burh þara Talibana.
- xv d: Her in Moshtarak-farunge man segde þæt man ofsloh hundræd-gerim þara Talibana.
- Her æt Buizingen in Flǣmiscum Brabante in Belgalande twa irenweg-gewægnoþe rann ætgædre ond .xviii. aswulton ond .clxii. wurdon gewundode.
- xvii-xix dd: Her de Dalai Lama wæs in Washington ceastre in þæm USAn ond spræc mid Barak Obama foresittende, ond Cinaland wæs ierremód æt þæm.
- Her on Madeira iege great regenstorm macode flod ond horhslidinga þe acwelledon .xxxii. oððe maran.
- xxvi-xxviii dd: Her in Westeuropam strang hweollic windstorm gehaten Xynthia fór of Atlas-sæ ofer Portugale ond Hispaniam and Francrice and Belgalande to Germaniam ond acwellede .lv. ond man ne mæg findan .xii..
- xxvii d: Her betweox Santiago ond Concepción in Chile lande wæs strang eorþstyren, ond his miht wæs Richter 8.8, ond hit acwellede .dccviii. oððe maran ond macode micel hearm, ond hit macode tsunami.
Anno MMX Hreðmonað
- v d: Her in Mohmanda folclande in Pakistanes norþwestbeorgum wingwindendas sceotende slogon Talibana bold ond mæg beon þæt man ofsloh Faqir Mohammad ond Qari Zia-ur-Rehman ond hie sind Taliban-togan.
- vi d: Her Gordon Brown fyrmestscealc Brytenes eode to Lashgar Gah in Helmand scire in Afghanistane and spræc to Brytenes fyrdmenn þær.
- xx d: Her in Islande se fyrbeorg Eyjafjallajökull onwac, ond æfterra his æsce bleow ofer Europam ond sare hindrode þa fleogunga lyftcræfta.
- xxv d: Her Charles æþeling eode to Kabule ond to Camp Bastion fyrdbyrig in Helmand scire in Afghanistane.
- xxvii d: Her æt Wangjialing coldelfunge in Shanxi provinciam in Cinalande wearþ flod under grunde, ond .cliii. menn ne mihton forflēon, ond æfter wuce man nerede .cxv. hira, ond man fand siex hira deade, ond man ne mæg findan .xxxii.. Ond Wangjialing is on Lóngmén Shān beorg þe þæs nama segþ Dracageatbeorg.
Anno MMX Eastermonað
- v d: Her wæs fyrlyft-utberstung under grunde æt Upper Big Branch Mine coldelfunge in Montcoal þe eac hatte Whitesville in West Virginia underrice, ond .xxv. delferas aswulton ond man ne mæg findan feower.
- vi d: Her ongann folcgefeoht in Kyrgyzstane.
- x d: Her Lech Kaczyński foresittend Polalandes fleag of Warszawan to Smolenske in Russlande ond mid him manige æðele menn Polalandes, to þæs þe hie faren to Katyn-wealde for gemynde .ccim. ond .dcclxviii. æðelra manna Polalandes þe Sovietisce ofslogon þǣr ond elleshwǣr in geare .mcmxl.. Ac wæs mist þǣr ond se lyftcræft secende landian sloh lyftcræfta beacn ond feoll in wealde nea Pechersk wice ond hit bær .xcvi. ond ealle aswulton. Ond of þǣm wearþ great sorg in Polalande. Ond man wrát ymb þis her in Wikipediam.
- xiv d: Her wæs eorþstyren in Yushu scire in Qinghai provinciam in Cinalande ond acwellede .mcxliv. ond man ne mæg findan .cdxvii. ond his miht wæs Richter 6.9. Ond in Yushu scire þa landware sind Tibetisce.
- Her in Islande se fyrbeorg Eyjafjallajökull onwac ongean, ond macode swiðe micelre ascan in windum, and for þissum man sceolde beodan þæt lyftcræftas ne fleogen ofer Brytene ond Norþwege ond Sweolande ond Denemearce ond Finnlande ond Germaniam ond Francrice.
- xx d: Her se elewielladelfend Deepwater Horizon worhte in Mexico-sæwe ond wæs utberstung, ond þanon micel ele fleow in sæ manige wuca.
Anno MMX Ðrimilcemonað
- i d: Her sum macode selfacwellende utberstunga in masjide in Mogadishu in Somaliam ond .xlv. aswulton oððe maran.
- vi d: Her in Aden-sæwe Russisce sundorfyrdmenn foron of þæm Russiscan guðscip Marshal Shaposhnikov ond fengon ond freogodon of Somaliscum sæweargum þæt Russisca eleberendscip Moskovskiy Universitet.
- xvii d: Her ond æfterra great ond heard regen macode greatne flod on Middeleuropam ond strangost in Polalande. Ond .xxxvii. aswuldon oððe maran.
- xxiii d: Her ond in æfterdagum in Kingston in Jamaicam wæs heard gefeoht æwearda ond fyrdmanna wið þæm mándǣdwyrcum Shower Posse ond aswulton .lxxiii. oððe maran ond .xxxv. oððe maran wurdon gewundode.
- xxvii d: Her in Guatemalan se fyrbeorg Pacaya onwac.
Anno MMX Midsumermonað
- vii d: Her on sæ neah Nuseirat in Gazalande Israelisc guðbāt asceat feower Palestinisce froggamenn in hira bate.
- viii d: Her in Gambiam man fand .mm. kilogramma cocaines oððe maran ond his weorð is billion-gerim dollara ond hit wæs for sendunge to Europam.
- ix d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in Niðerlande.
- xvii d: Her flod acwellede .xlvi. in Maharashtram in Indiam.
- Her great regen macode flod in Cinalandes suðan ond acwellede .xlvi. ond man ne mæg findan .l..
- xxviii: Her regen macode flod in Rumaniam.
Anno MMX Æfterra Liða
- vii d: Her manige foron to Imam Moussa al-Kāðimes scrine in Kāðimīyan in Baghdade ond þenden hie eodon þurh Adamīya sum acwellede þritig hira mid selfacwellend utberstunge. Ond þes Imam Moussa wæs se seofoða þara twelf Shī`iscena Imama.
- viii d: Her wearþ widcuþ þæt in Eastermonaðe þisses geares man fand nea Frome in Sumorsætum .liim. ond .diii. Romisce sceattas ætgædre.
- x d: Her neah Rauðborg1) in Norðumbralande Raoul Moat asceat hissylf ond æweardas huntodon hine þurh wuce æfter þæt he asceat sume.
- xi d: Her in Kampala in Ugandan sume macodon sylfacwellende utberstunga gemang mannum wæccendum World Cup fotðoðor ond acwelledon .lxxiv. ond wundodon .lxx. Ond se Somalisca Islamisca wearghere Harakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn segdon þæt his dydon þis.
- xv d: Her wearð widcuð þæt D.R.Congo landes fyrd fōr wið þæm Ugandiscum weargherge ADF-Nalu þe hæfþ setl in D.R.Congolande, ond .xlm.-gerīm folces afliemdon of gefeohte.
- xvi d: Her in Cinalande ond Malaysiam ond Singapore ond Thailande æweardas foron wið .dccc.-gerime stedum þær menn unæwlice gamolodon2) ymb þæm World Cup fotðoðorplegunga ond fengon teon-gerim milliona dollara. Naht godes ond micel yfles weordon of gamolunge: swa is gewriten in þæs Rigvedan boces .x. hymne .xxxiv., ond in manigum oðrum writingum.
- xviii d: Her wæs fyr in Xiaonangou coldelfunge æt Sangshuping in Hancheng ceastre in Shaanxi provinciam, ond .xxviii. delferas aswulton.
- xxx d: Her bāt sanc in Kasai-ea in Congolande ond .cxl.-gerim adruncon.
1) (Old Norse for "red fort"): Rothbury
2) gamolian = to gamble
Anno MMX Weodmonað
- In þissum wucum se greatost sumorregen in eahtatig gearum macode greatne flod þe hergode Pakistan ond fordyde þone wæstm, ond manige adruncon, ond mæst in Norþwestmearclande ond Pakistaniscum Punjabe, ond þanon in æfterdagum hit flēow in Sindh. Ond feower millionas sind huslease.
- i d: Her Russisca Orthodoxisca Patriarchus Kirill biddede to Gode to sendanne great regen to endianne greate wealdfyr þe sare wide hergiaþ weald ond land in Russlande, for þæm þe in Russlande is greatost dryhþ ond hætu siððan Russisce wederwritunga ongunnon in geare .mdcccxc. ond of þæm wana cornan.
- vi d: Her ond in æfterdagum in Pakistane þa strange ond deope flodas eodon in Sindh lande ond healf milliones folca afliemdon þanon.
- vii d: Her horhslidung derede Zhouqu in Gansu provinciam in Cinalande ond acwellede .mcclxx. ond man ne mæg findan .dclxxiv..
- xiv d: Her in Wenchuan scire in Sichuan provinciam in Cinalande horhslidung acwellede .xv. oððe maran.
- xxiii d: Her in Amsterdame stormwind afyllede þæt Anne-Frank-Treow, ond hit lifde .cl.-gerim wintra.
- xxix d: Her in Sumatra iege norðan se fyrbeorg Sinabung onwac, ond þis wæs his ærest onwacung æfter geare .mdc..
Anno MMX Hærfestmonað
- iv d: Her wæs strang eorþstyren æt Christchurch ceastre in Niwsælande, ond his miht wæs Richter 7.1.
- xvi d: Her wæs Sancti Niniani mæssedæg, ond Benedictus .xvi. papa fleag to Éadwinebyrig in Scotlande ond éode to Háligródhúse ond þær spræc mid Elizabeth .ii. cwene.
Anno MMX Winterfylleð
- xviii d: Ker se Friðsǣwisca hweolstorm Megi swiðe hearde sloh Izabela provinciam in Luzon iege in Philippin-iegum ond dyde swiðe micelne hearm.
Anno MMX Blotmonað
- xix d: Her utberstung in Pike River coldelfunge in Nīwsǣlande acwellede .xxix..
- xx d: Her in Phnom Penh in Cambodiam .cccxlvii. aswulton þurh þringunge on brycge ofer Tonlé Sap ea, ond maran þonne .dcclv. wurdon gewundode. Ond Cambodiae riciendas secgon þæt hie willon bytlan Buddhiscne stupam þǣr for gemynde.
- xxv d: Her great snaw ond cyle cwom to Brytene.
- xxvi d: Her in Java ieges eastan se fyrbeorg Bromo onwac.
- xvii d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in Victoriam underrice in Australiam ond John Brumby feng to rice.
Anno MMX Geolmonað
- vii d: Her deop snaw feoll on Scotlandes middanwonge.
- xxix d: Her Elizabeth II cwene dohtre Annan sunu Peter Philips ond his wif Autumn Philips acennedon dohtor, ond swa ongann Elizabethes eoforena þridda acennung.
- xxi d: Ymb þisne dæg in Australiae norðeasten swiðe great regen macode deopne widne flod þe dyde greatne hearm.
- xxv d: Her ymb geole se hweolstorm Tasha sloh Queensland underrice in Australiam swiðe hearde mid greatum regne þe macode greatne flod ond dyde swiðe greatne hearm.