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Anno MCMXCIX Æfterra Geola
- In þissum geare Pola land ond Czechland ond Hungarian wurdon gegildan
- Her wearð cuð þæt Clinton foresittend nis fæder þæs bearnes anre horena
þe wolde gield habban for hiere race ond þus seolfe spedan fram Clintones care.
Ac on þæm Heahhuse on Americalande, þæt menn nemnað senatus, wurde manig
gesprec gehealden, ge fram republicaniscum ealdrum, ge fram democratiscum, ge
fram Clintones lahwitum 2), forþy eall willað hiere spæc 3)
geagnian. Þære worulde ofer mihton menn seon þæt þis nis lahspæc ac circus for
þæm ealdrum.
- Her on Colombian heard eorþstyren fordyde þa ceastra þe hatton Armenia
ond Pereira ond ofsloh manige menn.
- Eacswa on þissum monðe ofslogon Serbisce ðreatas manige ceasterware ond
landbuendas on Racace on Cossowo. Woruldbregas wæron ierremod ond ðreagdon
Iugoslawie þæt hie sceoldon banan healdan ond hiere deman ond eac þæt hie na
sceoldon NATO-menn gelettan on hiera weorce.
1 halig begong = religious service
2 lahwita = lawyer
3 spæc = lawcase
Contributions by: Anthony Appleyard, Sarah L. Higley and Michel van der
Anno MCMXCIX Solmonað
- On þæm æfterrum geolan Hussein cyning Jordanes eode to seochuse in
Minnesotan in American for lacnunge 1), for þæm þe he wæs ongean seoc mid
þære seocnesse þæs lices blod-odene 2) in þæm banholum þe hatte
leukaemia þe wæs in him .vii. gearu, ond agande to hame he draf þæt
lyftscip. Ond he lagode þæt Abdullah his sunu beo his yrfeweard, ond ne Hasan
his broðor swa wæs ær. Ac seo leukaemia awac ongean in him, ond he eode
ongean to Minnesotan to þæm seochuse, ond þa læcas fundon þæt seo seocnes
fordyde his lundlagan 3) ond lifer ond hie ne mihton hine nerian, ond he
eode ham to his folce. Ond he forðferde, ond he ricsode .xlvi. wintru, ond
Abdullah his sunu feng to rice. God alyfe þæt ne guð ne gewinn weorð ymb þa
yrfescipe, swa foroft is, for þa Middaneastlande ne þurfon ongean guð. Ond in
æfterrum gearum he worhte strang for friðe in þæm Middaneastlandum, ond sume
heton hine "þæs Middaneastes animere utberstenda" 4). Ond to his byrgunge
eodon manige of manigum landum; ond þeod-togan of Israhele ond of Syrian wæron
ætgædre in anum stede, þe næfre wæs ær. Ond þider eode Yeltsin foresittend
Russiae wið læca hæse, ac he ne eode to þæm byrgungstede, for þæm þe he sylf wæs
swiðe seoc: eac in Russian God alyfe þæt ne gewinn weorð ymb yrfescipe.
Sorg on Solmonðe sige wide feng,
þa him Hussein to hame heofonweard gewat,
seoc snotorcyning seomeð on byrgne
Iordanwara frea. Geomor wæron
worulde þeode, ymb winedryhtne
deadum on reste dyrstiga betstan.
Iudeas ond Iordanware gealgmod wæron
þæt him wine gewat, nu þæs witan bedæled,
ðy he feondum frið ond freondscip brohte,
þeah wæl ond wig na winescip sohton,
heortlease menn Husseines winnan.
Se frea wæs frod forþode mycel -
þætte him Alwalda este geeace on heofne.
- Her .ccclxxx. menn aswulton þonne an bat sanc neah Tambelan-iege þe is
neah Borneo in Indonesia.
- Her ymb Chamonix in þæm Frenciscum Alpum beorgum snaw feoll deopora
þonne wæs in .xc. gearum, æfter strang ceald wind berende snaw ofer þæm
Westlandum ongean of þæm norðernan ise, ond greate snawslidunge tobræcon hus in
þæm wicum Le Tour ond Montroc-le-Planet, ond menn þohton þæt þa stedas næron
snawslidunglic 5). In þæm Alpum siððan menn ongunnon writan gearwritunge,
snawslidunge habbað ofslægen formanige menn. Ond æfterra in Eastrice 6)
ond Hungarian feoll snaw deopora þonne wæs in hundred gearum, ond man ne mihte
beran fod to wicum buton þurh lyfte. Ond æfter þæm in eallum þæm Alpbeorgum
feoll ongean deop snaw, þæt mare þonne .xx. þusend leoda þe wæron in Alpum to
skiðanne 7) ond for oðrum plegum ne mihton agan to husum, þæt menn sohton
wingwindendas 8) of oðrum landum, for þæm þe deop snaw forstod ealle
stræte. Ond micel snawslidung tobræc manige hus ond acwellede menn in þære
ceastre Galtür in Tyrole, þe næfre ær wæs in þæm stede. Ond eac snawslidung
feoll on þæm wice Morgex in Aosta-dæle in Italian. Ond is micel wen deopa floda
æt snawmeltunge þær ea rinnað of þæm Alpum. Ealle þara snawslidunga in Eastrice
habbaþ acwelled .xxxviii. menn, ond þær wæs halig begong in Innsbruck-mynstre
for þissum deaðum.
- Her æfter .cvi. dagum endode seo langa spæc 9), þæs foresittendes
Clinton ymb his leogunge ymb Monican Lewinski, ond hie segdon þæt he nis gyltig.
- Her in þæm Chateau de Rambouillet in Francrice ongan mot Serbisca ond
Kosovo-wara ymb frið, ond NATO þreagede sendan guðlyftscipe wið Serbian gif frið
ne cume. God ane wat hwanne frið wile cuman endlice in þæm Balkan-landum: for þa
Balkan-land þurh formanige gearum wæron flowende dolh 10) in Europan, a
siððan þa Turcas cwomon wið þæm Byzantiscum Grecum ond fengon to rice ofer þæm
landum Greca ond Slavonisca þeoda, oþ þæt Suleiman se Micellica ofsloh þa
Hungariscan fyrd æt Mohácse ond ofereode Hungarian. Æfterra, Suleiman besat
Vienna lang, ond þurh hungre Vienna wolde gieldan, ac `se heretoga Winter'
nerede Eastric, ond þa Turcas ahton agan of snawe ond cyle. Ond þenden Suleiman
ofersat Szigetvár in Hungarian he aswealt, ond Selim se Wesa feng to rice in
Constantinopole þe nu hatte Istanbul. Ac under þara Turca lange hearm-rice
Hungaria wearþ weste ond hire folc wearþ fea. Ond æfterra Kara Mustafa
pasca17) æt Buda (þe nu is dæl þære ceastre Budapest) lang ofersat
Viennan, ond se Eorl of Starhemburg werode Vienna lang, ac þa Turcas dælfon
under Viennan weallum ond brucon hie mid utberstendum, ac cwom Sobieski cyning
Polalandes mid miclum eorede, ond wæs gefeoht in þæm Wienanwealde, ond he bræc
þa ofersittung ond adraf þa Turcas.
- Oft Balkanisce folc aras wið þæm Turcum. Kara George aras in Serbian, ac
þa Turcas ahton wælstowe gewald. Æfterra Obrennovic aras ond freogede Belgrade
ond dæl Serbian. Ond wæs se micla ond grimma guð for freodome in Grecland, ond
Kolokotronises fyrdes wæpn wearþ read þonne he nom Tripolitsa þe wæs
heafodestede þara Turca in Greclande, swa þæt þenden he rad .cl. fet his horses
fet ne hrepode eorð. Ond þa Turkas fetodon Muhammad Ali Ægyptes cyninges fyrd,
ac seo Englisce scipfyrd tobræc Muhammad Alis scipfyrd æt Navarino, ond Grecland
wearð freo suð of þæm stedum Arta ond Volos. Ond æfterra wæs guð þonne Russisce
fyrd freogede Bulgarian, ond þa Russiscan lang ofersat Plevna, ond æt ende seo
Russisca fyrd gewicode æt San Stefano (þe nu hatte Yesilköy þær is lyftfeld)
neah Istanbule. Ond in .mcmxii. Serbia ond Grecland ond Bulgaria freogedon
Macedonian of þæm Turcum, ond seo Bulgarisca fyrd sloh þa Turcas æt Kirk Kilisse
(þe nu hatte Kirklareli) ond æt Lüleburgaz ond cwom neah Istanbule, ac seo
seocnesse cholera forbad þat seo nime þa ceaster.
- Her Abdullah Öcalan heretoga þara Kurda þe risað wið Turciscum rice cwom
to Kenyan ond sohte mund in þæm Greciscan ambahthuse in Niarobi, ond sume secgað
þæt þa ambahtmenn gifon hie to Turcum ond he wearð genomen to Turclande, ac sume
secgað þæt Turcas nimon hine wið þara Greca wille. Ond gemang þæm Kurdum þe
wuniað in Germanian ond in oðrum landum in Europan wearð micel ierre wið
Greciscum ambahthusum, þæt in Lundene Kurdas healdað þæt Grecisc ambahthus; ond
in Berline hie giet sohte niman þæt Israhelisc ambahthus þeah Israhel wæs ne a
wiht in þisre dæde, ond þær wearð ofscoten .iii. þara Kurda; ac manige
Muslimisce menn giet witon þæt Israhel nom micel land of Palestinwarum in geare
.mcmxlviii. þonne Israhel wearþ. Ond Turcland segð þæt Öcalan is mándædwyrca
11) ond bana manigra manna - ac swa wære geo ymb Kolokotronis þe freogede
Grecland of þæm Turcum mid langum blodigum guðe, ond ymb Obrennovic þe freogede
Serbian of þæm Turcum.
- Her Savoniuk wearþ gebrohte fore deman in þæm Old Bailey in Lundene, for
þæm þe in geare .mcmxlii. he ofsloh .xv. Iudeas æt Domachevo in Belaruslande
þenden he þegnode þa Germanas in þæm formiclan wæle þeoda þe Europisce hataþ
Holocaustus ond Israhelware hatað ha-Shoah. Ond se dema ond his
æwgemot eodon ætgædre of Lundene furðum to Domachevo in wintersnawe to seonne
þone mándædstede 12). Ond þæt wæs þæt fyrmest swylc guðmandæd-æwgemot in
Englalande, þeah wæron manige guðmandæd-æwgemote ymb swylce dæda in oðrum
- Her hæfð sum wifhad gecyndwitan 13) of Deniscra londe, bi naman
Lene Vestergaard Hau, macode slaw bi sume searwe orðance þone leohtes gegang.
Ðæt leoht sunnes ond steorra ferð on þære æmtignesse 14) mid ungemetlicre
hrædnesse; wæter ond lyft ond glæs maciað slaw an lytel þone leoht, ac þes
doctor hæfð hit gefroren, ond nu hit ferð .xxxviii. mila on ane stunde, lytel
swiftra þonne ænig god mearh! Hau weneð þæt sona hit biðmacod forþor slawra,
gelic byrdlinge 15) oððe snægle.
- Hwæt mæneð þes? Is nu an giedd mid us, "Leoht oðres dæges" bi þæm
writere Bob Shaw, þæt sægð bi "slawum glæse": Se onlicnes 16) þæs landes
cumð slawe þurh micelum eageþyrelum oððe glæses weallum ond man mæg gesion þæt
leoht .xx. wintra giu. Man mæg an eageþyrel habban on huse .xx. wintra mid lease
onlicnessum þæs feorres folclandes; man mæg his wif gesion .xx. wintra giu, his
cyldru, his seolf ætsomne, swa swa hie wæren on life. Swa sægde þæt giedd. Of
hwæt sægð nu þeos niwe lare?
1 lacnung = treatment
2 blod-odene = blood-making system
3 lundlaga = kidney
4 þæs Middaneastes animere utberstenda
= the Middle East's bomb disposal man (from a-niman)
5 snawslidunglic = liable to avalanches
6 Eastrice = Austria (from German Österreich =
`Eastern Kingdom')
7 skiðan = to ski (from ON skið)
8 wingwindend = helicopter (loan-translation from Greek
helico `turning' + pteron `wing')
9 spæc = law-case
10 flowende dolh = running sore
11 mándædwyrca = criminal
12 mándædstede = crime scene
13 gecyndwita = scientist
14 æmtignis = space
15 byrdling = tortoise
16 onlicnes = image
17 pasca = pasha (a Turkish title)
Contributions by: Anthony Appleyard, Matthew Carver, Michel van der Hoek.
Poem by: Michel van der Hoek.
Anno MCMXCIX Hreðmonað
- ii d: Her forþferde Prof. Glenn Seaborg þe in geares .mcmxlii.
Hærfestmonaðe ærest macode plutonium, ond he lifde .lxxxvi. wintru.
- viii d: Her gefor mid lungenadle on Americam, þæm frumearde hyrnðoðres
1), Joe Dimaggio, .lxxxiv. wintra, mann weorþe ond bi liste wide cuð ond
are þe him in þære gelace rihta earnungas wæron ond bi blæde þe him gilded wæs
for þy he hyrnðoðor swiþe cræftiglice dyde. Micle wearð gemurned fram
Winlondwarum seo forþfor ond fram manna felum in oþrum londum, þæm eac þe ær
næfdon þæs mannes blædes geascod ne þa gelace beseawon, þonne he ætwæs; him
geweorþode eacswa Wilhelm foresitta, þæm cynne þisses wundorlican plegmannes
Americae þoncas ond gebedu gerymende.
- Her wearð widcuð þæt þær manige hopiað for friðe, wierþð niwe wen
unfriðes, ymb wæter, for þæm þe ymb Iordan-ea wæs in wintre læst regen siþþan
geare .mcmviii., þæt Iordan-ea ond Iarmuk-ea sind swa dryge swa Israhel ne mæg
gifan to Iordanlande þa fyllu wætres þe hie geheton þonne hie ond Iordanland
macodon frið. Hwider eode þæt wæter þe þa dryge land þurfon? Weder forspendede
hit, ond of him macode micelne hearm, greate flode in Englalande, fær-deopne
snaw ond mannsleande slawslidunge in þæm Alpum, swa wearð ær gewriten. God sende
to þæm Middaneastlandum frið ond godne ræd ond regen. Ond in Indiscra heahsæ
El-Niño ond sunnes hætu hæfdon gebroht to Maldiv-eagum greatra hætu
sæwætres þe acwellede greatne dæl þa coralla, þe ærdagas wæron swa Paradis ac
sind nu hwit westenn under sæ. Hwylc seocness is in þæm wedere? Þæs þe menn
byrnað formicel eorþ-ele ond col for hiera grædignesse.
- Her in Englalande .viii. dagas æfter Eostre cwom ongean wintercyle ond
snaw on grunde ond heard forst ond heard wind of þæm norþernan ise þenden manige
geonge lamb wæron in feldum ond on morum ond manige bledtreowas blowodon.
Her yldo bedræs eorþe widra
mæres truðes þe to mannum oft
wynsumnesse worhte mid fiðele
siþþan he geong wæs, Yehudi Menuhin,
oþþæt his licsæscufa 10) æfter langum gedeorfe
þenden se eormengrund eahtatig siðas
and twegen foredraf ymb dæges steorran,
stod and still wearþ. Gestreon wynne
mannum he macode in manigum landum.
Segþ man þæt Einstein, þone eadigne soncræft
hierende, segde: "In heofonrice
an God wunaþ: þæt wat ic nu.".
In greatum guðe wiþ Germanian,
ne lystede hine wunian in wynsumum stedum
feorrum feohte, ac he mid fyrdum rad
þurh fif gearum in færstedum,
soncræft berende to sarum locum,
brohte blisse to þæm Belsenwarum,
æfter hie freo wurdon, þonne fyrd inbræc
þone getawungstede and atræd scriðdraca6)
þæt grimme geat: he þider gan ne ondred.
Eft fyftig gearu he on folde wæs,
ac nu he agan hæfþ, swa ealle sculon.
- Her forþferðon in anum wuce twegen mære gleaweras 2): Rod Hull
æfter þæt he feoll of his huses hrofe ond he lifde .lxii. wintru, ond Ernie Wise
ond he lifde .lxxiii. wintru (Eric Morecambe his gesið afor fore him, in geare
- Her in Kenyan irenweg-gewægnas 11) forflugon fram wege þenden hie
runnon þurh Tsavo-deorgearde ond .xxxii. menn aswulton, ond þara sum wæron
- Her wæs micel fyr under grunde in þæm þyrelwege 8) under þæm
beorge Mont Blanc in þæm Alpum ond hit acwellede .xl. menn.
- xxiv d: Her flugon NATO fyrdlyftscipu ofer Iugoslawia to sceotenne
utberstendas on Serbiscum stedum forþy þa NATO-land wæron wraðe wið Milosevic
foresittende þæt he earge feaht mid here wið Cosofowarum. Neah an gear habbað
folctogan gefandod to healdenne frið ond to bringenne Milosevic æt gefeohtes
ende wið burgwarum. Ac Milosevic foresittend nolde þæt fremde NATO wigendas
cuman on his rice to beseonne frið betweoh Serbum ond Cosofowarum ond he
þurhwunode on wælhreownesse. Her on þissre wuce beag Holbrook se friþspecend þa
gespræc mid Milosevic ond sægde þæm NATO landum þæt he niste na griþweg for
Iugoslawia. Tony Blair Englalandes heahþegn sægde þæt þær næs butan an weg for
Iugoslawia ond þæt sie guð na grið forþy Milosevic nolde habban sibbful ende.
"Guðes lyre is niþera þonne bleaðnesse lyre," sægde he. Þæt sægdon eac Bill
Clinton Americæ foresittend, Javier Solana NATO-n heahþegn ond ealle þa
foresittendas ond heahþegnas on NATO.
- Ac þa utberstendas ne dydon eall þe hie woldon to werian þa Cosofoware,
for oft þurh unwedere þa lyftscipu þurfon bringan hiera utberstendas ongean
hame, for hie noldon alyfian þa utberstendas feallan þurh blindnesse wolcna
gemang manigum menn þe næron in hergum oððe in fyrdum.
1 hyrnðoðor= baseball (lit. `corner-ball')
2 gleawere = comedian
8 þyrelweg = tunnel
9 stered fyrspere = intercontinental ballistic missile
(lit. `guided fire spear')
10 licsæscufa = body-sea's impeller = heart (poetic)
11 gewægnas (pl) = `together-wagons' = (railway) train
Contributions by: Anthony Appleyard, Matthew Carver and Michel van der
Anno MCMXCIX Eastermonað
- Her giet þa Cosofoware flugon of þæm Serbiscum here. God bringe rihtne
ende. Ond Milosevic segde þæt his menn wolden forstoppian of feohte, to arianne
þa Byzantiniscra 3) Eastertid, ac he ne anom his here ut of Cosofo oððe
alyfian þa fleogende gan ongean to hiera hamum; ond for þæm NATO giet sendede
guðlyftscipu wið him, for sið ond late hæfde agan þæt þystru wolcna þe werode þa
Serbas in Cosofo. Ond wearð widcuð werum þæt Serbas in Cosofo ofslogon manige
Cosofoware. Ac gif NATO wolde sendan fyrd on grunde, þa wegas wære swiþe nearwe
ond feawe menn mihton werian wið manigum, þurh manigum heam beorgum þe sind swa
hearde swa sume beorgas betweox Albanian ond Montenegro hatton Prokletije, þe in
Serbgereorde segð þa Fordemde.
- Ond sið ond late cwomon to Albanian ond to mearce þære guðe Americanisce
fyrwæpnberende wingwindende Apache to ofsleanne Serbisce scriðdracan
6) ond fyræscmenn 7).
- Ond to guðe to helpenne hiera folc cwomon manige Cosofarisce menn of
manigum landum. Seo Cosofarisce fyrd hatte in Albaniscum gereorde UÇK ond in
Niwengliscum gereorde KLA, ond se KLA giet hieldeð land in Cosofo. Ond æt Pecske
Polje neah Pec ceastre se KLA ofsloh Shari Purici þe wæs gesið þæs Arkan, ond
ærdagas he dyde yfel in Bosnian.
- Þus geo wrat an Irisce munuc ymb þa Wicingas:
Gif hæbbe ic heafde teon giet
and tunge wæren teon in ælcum
and teon stefne tunge in ælcum
irenstiðe æfre sprecende,
þurh teon gearum tellan ealle
ne cuðe ic þe to minum cyþþe yfel
in Iralande se yrremod
hearmbeorna folc hæþen worhte."
and swa in Cosofo nu: cymeð hwanne heolp?
Dryhten beo milde ond gife frið.
- Her India upsendede stered fyrspere 9) þe hie macode, ond hit
hatte Agni, þe in Sanskritgereorde segð "fyr" ond is nama Indisces fyrgodes. Ond
Pakistan to andswarianne upsendede fyrspere þe hatte Ghauri, ac sume æfterra
segdon þæt se Ghauri wæs gemacode in Cinalande.
Here due to pressure of other work Michel van der Hoek stopped editing
NASC, and Anthony Appleyard started editing it.
Anno MCMXCIX Ðrimilcemonað
- Her giet wæs guþ in Kosovo, ond formanige Kosovoware afliemdon of hira
lande, þeah Viktor Chernomyrdin of Russlande ond Martti Ahtisaari of Finnlande
ond oþre menn sohton macian friþ. Ond ungewealdes Americisce guþlyftscipu slogon
Cinalandes ambahthus in Belgrade, ond æfterra manige Kosovoware þenden hie
fleogon ut of lande ond hundteontig hira aswulton. God bringe rihtne ende. Ond
menn þæs KLA eodon ut of þæm mearcbeorgum in þone wonge Kosove midlandes ond
fuhton wiþ þæm Serbum æt Junik ceastre, ac þa Serbas ahton wælstowe gewald. Ond
Serbisce guþmenn eodon in Albanian sylfe ond bærndon þa wic Kamenica ond Padesh
neah Tropoje. Ond æt þisses monaðes ende sume segdon þæt hie woldon ceallan
Slobodan Milosevich fore deman æt Den Haag in Niþerlande for guþmánum.
- Her on .i. dæge on Everestbeorge in Himalaya-beorgum man þæt gefroren
lic þæs George Herbert Leigh Mallory ond hit wæs þær .lxxv. wintru æfter þæt he
aswealt þurh cyle ond wana oxygenes þurh hiehþe on .viii. dæge Midsumermonas
geares .mcmxxiv. þenden he ond Andrew Irvine sohte Everestbeorges hiehst.
- In NATO wæs giet wiþcweþung, for þæm þe Englaland wolde sendan fyrde in
Kosovoland on grunde be feohte ac Germania ond America ne woldon. Ond æt ende
þæs monðes sume Serbisce heremenn wiðerodon hira heretogan ond segdon þæt hie ne
woldon gan ongean in Kosovo.
- Her on Everestbeorge menn fundon George Mallory, þe aswealt þær in geare
.mcmxxiv., ond hie bebyrgedon hine on þæm beorge.
- Her in Oklahoma-lande in Americam formiclan spinnwind 1) fordydon
manige hus ond acwelledon .xli. menn. Ne in manigum gearum wæron swylcan strange
- Her wæs ceosung in Israhele, ond Ehud Barak feng to rice, þe ær wæs an
fyrdtoga þære Israheliscan fyrde.
- Her seo Suþseaxnisce wif Jill Bettelley gaf dæl hire lifre to hire sune
Luke, ond nerede his feorh.
- Her wæron ceosunge for þæm niwum Wealiscum ond Scyttiscum witenagemotum.
Ne ær siþþan geare .mlccvii. wæs witenagemot in Scotlande.
- Her se papa Iohannes Paulus .II. eode in Rumaniam ond æfterra oðre land
Easteuropan, to secanne frið to wiþcweðunge gemang þæm dælum Cristes cyrice an
- Her forþferde se deortruð Johnny Morris.
- Her ongan India to feohtanne wið Pakistane in beorgum in Kashmire.
1) spinnwind = tornado
Contributions by Anthony Appleyard.
Anno MCMXCIX Midsumermonað
- i d: Her in Suþafrican wæs ceosung.
- ii d: Her for werignesse Serbia segde þæt hie wolde frið ond þæt hire
here wolde gan ut of Kosovolande ond alyfan NATO fyrde ingan. Ond NATO segde þæt
se Serbisca here sceolde utgan of Kosove in .vii. dagum.
- iv d: Her æt Racak on mearce Macedoniae ond Kosove se Englisca heretoga
General Sir Mike Jackson (þe his fyrdmenn nemnaþ Darþ Vader) ongan metan
Serbisce heretogan. Ond Serbas scuton utberstendas on Kruma ceastre þær wæron
manige fleogende, ond on Nicoliq wice, þe begen sind in Albanian sylfe.
- vi d: Her æt Racak þæt gemot endode, ond swa wæs wen þa Serbas gieldedon
naht, ond sume secgaþ þæt hit ane wæs besyrwung for þæm þe NATOisce guðlyftscipu
ne fleogen wið Belgrade feowe dagas, ond sume secgaþ þæt Milosevich wolde frið
ac his heretogan ne wolde frið. God sende rihtne ende.
- viii-ix d: Her ymb middan neahte æt NATOs guðlyftfelde æt Kumanovo in
Macedonian ongean gemot mid NATOiscum ond Serbiscum mannum, ond in æfne þæs .ix.
dæges hie geþingodon frið.
- viii d: Her dema sendede Jonaþan Aitken to carcerne for þæm þe he leag
to demum ymb gife þe an Arabisc ceapere gaf him, ond se Aitken wæs ærdagas an
rædmann þære cwene. Þus man mæg witan þæt giet se mihtigost mæg feallan.
- ix d: Her to Abdullah .II. Iordanes cyninge wearþ gegifen þæt cynereaf
- xi d: Her Slobodan Milosevic segde þæt he wolde gieldan Kosovo. Ond in
neahte æfter æfne ymb cc Russisce fyrdmenn eodon of Bosnian in Kosovo ond nomon
Pristinae lyftfeld, ond þa Serbas þe wunodon in Pristinan gegretedon hie. Ond þa
Russas a wæron friend þara Serba, giet in geare .mcmxiv. þonne an Serb Princip
gehaten in Sarajevo ofsloh Austriae caseres yrfeweard ond his wif, ond of þære
dæde wearþ formicel guð.
- xi d: Her forðferde DeForest Kelley, þe plegode Dr.McCoy in `Star Trek',
ond he lifde .lxxix. wintru.
- xii d: Her eodon manige NATOisce fyrdmenn of Macedonian in Kosovo þurh
Kacanik þurhgonge 1), ond wingwindendas bæron sume hira, ond se weg gæþ
þurh hearde beorgum mid manigum brycgum ond þyrelwegum 2), ac þa Serbas
ne hæfdon gederede þone weg þenden hie aeodon, ond NATOs menn cwomon þæm dæge to
Pristinam. Ond þa Albanisce Kosovoware þe giet wæron in hira land gegretedon
hie, ac manige Serbisces folces flugon of Kosovo in Serbland sylf, ond se
Serbisce here bærnedon manige hus þenden hie aeodon. Ac þa Russas noldon alyfan
NATOmenn gan in Pristinae lyftfeld, ond of þæm wearþ wiðcweðung ond yrre gemang
rixiendum þeoda. Ac Slobodan segde þæt to him wæs sige, giet þenden his here
eode ut of Kosovo in Serbiam sylfe. Ond æt Kacanik ond æt oðrum stedum on þissum
dæge ond æfterra NATOs menn fundon manige stedas þær Serbas hæfdon bebyrged
Albanisce menn þe hie acwelledon, unrim morðra ond unrihtra dæda.
- xiii d: Her ongean se KLA fohte wiþ Serbum æt Junik ceastre, ond se KLA
ahte wælstowe gewald. Ond Germanisce NATO menn eodon of Kukes in Albanian to
Prizren in Kosovolande, ond þa ceasterware gretedon hie.
- Her wearþ cuþ þæt wæs giet lang gefeoht Ethiopiae wið Eritrean ond
manige menn wurdon ofslægen. God bringe frið.
- xv d: Her wæs eorþstyren in Mexico ymb Puebla ceastre.
- On þissum dæge in geare .mccclxxxix. wæs þæt gefeoht æt Kosovo Polje.
- xvi d: Her in Kosovo cwomon Englisce NATO menn to Vucitrn ceastre. Ond
manige Serbisce Kosovoware giet utfliemdon to Serbiam ond to Montenegro, þeah na
mann utdraf hie, ond se KLA segde þæt magon bidan in Kosovo þa þe ne habbaþ blod
on hira handum.
- xvi d: Her David Sutch þe nemned his sylfne hlaford heng his sylf in his
huse in Hearge3) in Lundenbyrig, ond he lifde .lxiii. wintru, ond
.xl.-gerim tida he sohte weorþan witenagemotmann.
- xvi d: Her Nelson Mandela Suþafrican foresittend alætte his ric for
yldo, ond Thabo Mbeki feng to rice.
- xvii d: Her forðferde Basil Hume cardinalis þære Catholiciscan
cyrice in Englalande, ond he lifde .lxxvi. wintru, ond he worhte micel for
eallum Cristnum in Englalande. God gife þæt his æftergenga weorce swa wel.
- Her wearþ cuþ þæt Serbas in Kosovo acwelledon teon þusend Kosovowara
oþþe ma, ond in Pristinan wearþ gefunden an Serbisc tintregbur in boþle þe ær
wæs scol. Godes wite sie on þæm þe dydon swylce mándæde.
- xvii d: Her in Kosovolande Englisce fyrdmenn cwomon to Podujevo ceastre.
- xviii d: Her æt Windelesóran4) Eadweard æþeling weddede Sophie
Rhys-Jones, ond Elizabeþ cwen macode hie Eorl ond comitissam Westseaxna.
God sie mid him ond alyfe þæt ne weorþe wiðcweðung gemang him, ond gife to him
ond to hire wisdom (þe in Greca gereorde is sophia).
- Her Serbiae wealderas heton þa Serbiscan Kosovoware þæt hie gan ongean
to hira hamum, ac God ána wat hwæðre hie willað gieman. Ond æt Mushtishte wice
sume KLA menn feng anne Albaniscne londmann for þæm þe he forstæl from anum huse
anes Serbisces londmannes þe afleah. Ac Serbisce Kosovoware giet bærndon hira
agnan hus þenden hie aflugon. Þyncþ þæt ymb fif þusend Serbisce leode flugon
þonan. God bringe rihtne ende.
- xx d: Her uteodon þa æftemeste Serbiscan heremenn of Kosovolande, butan
swiðe feawe. Ond NATO het þone ende þære lyftguðe wið Iugoslavian.
- xxi d: Her Lt-Gen Jackson fyrdtoga for NATO ond Hasim Þaci fyrdtoga þæs
KLA geþingodon þæt se KLA wolde gieldan his wæpn in .lx. dagum, þeah manige
wolde secgan þæt man sceolde alyfian þone KLA þurnwunian ond þæt se is seo
æw-rihta fyrd Kosovolandes. Ac þynceþ þæt manige KLA menn willað gieldan hira
wæpn to nænigum NATOiscum menn ac to `þyrses feondes moðre'5). Ond in
Bazhdarhane in Kosovo menn fundon manige gewritene þe scawaþ þæt Russisce
fyrdmenn hulpon þa Serbas in hira mándædum. Ond in Ferisaj in Kosovo manige
landmenn heton þæt hie noldon þæt Russisce oþþe Grecisce fyrdmenn gen þider, ac
hie woldon ane Americisce: sume Grecas secgaþ þæt dæl Albaniae þe is suð of
Shkumbin-ea sceolde beon to Greclande for þæm þe Grecas wuniaþ þær, ac þa treowe
word sind þæt Grecas wunodon in þæm ceastrum ond Albanisce in þæm wicum ond in
þæm feldum (oþþe swa wæs fore in geare mcmxlv cwom to Albanian se
Communismus ond Enver Hoxha feng to rice in Tiranë).
- xxvii d: Her Pavle patriarchus ond Artemije biscep Kosovolandes
ond oþre Serbisce Byzantinisce preostas spræcon wið Slobodan Milosevic, þenden
hie macodon halige begonge ymb þæt gefeohte æt Kosovo Polje.
- xxviii d: Her Vaclav Havel foresittend Czechlandes eode to Kosovolande
ean Serbiae leafe, ond Belgrade wearþ iorremod æt þæm.
- xxix d: Her Turcisce deman demedon þæt Abdullah Öcalan sceal sweltan.
- xxx d: Her Iugoslavisce heremenn ongunnon besittan þone weg þe scytt of
Croatlande in Kosovolande, for þæm þe heolp ne cume þanon to þæm Kosovowarum, ac
hie giet ne besitton þone port æt Bar ceastre.
0) cynereaf = royal robes. (The Hashemite dynasty does not
use a crown)
1) þurhgong = a pass through mountains.
2) þyrelweg = tunnel.
3) Hearg = Harrow. (There may have been a heathen temple on
the hill there, whence the name.)
4) Windelesóra = Windsor. (The name seems to mean "Windlass
5) þyrses feondes moðor = giant's enemy's mother = Thor's
mother = the Earth, i.e. burying them to hide them.
Contributions by Anthony Appleyard.
Anno MCMXCIX Æfterra Liða
- i d: Her forðferde Joshua Nkomo, ond he lædde þa Zimbabweware lang
þenden hie fuhton to weorþanne freo, ond he lifde .lxxxii. wintru.
- Her Elizabeþ cwen openode þone niwan Scyttiscan witenagemot in
- iv d: Her forþferde Mario Puzo þe wrat þa bec `The Godfather', ond he
lifde .lxxviii. wintru.
- v d: Her in þæm Philippin-iegum se fyrbeorg Mayon wac.
- Her spinnwind bræc husa hrofas in Beornmundingahame1) in
- Her æt Bela Crkva (þe in Serbgereorde segþ Hwitcyrice) in Kosovolande
wurdon gebyrgede ætgædre .lxiv. Kosovoware þe Serbas hæfdon ofslægen, ond sume
þæs KLA scoton ofer þæm grafum, swa oft is æt fyrdbyrgungum. God ne alyfe ongean
swylce acwellunge manigra manna.
- Ond ongean wearþ wen gefeohtes in Montenegro, ond Montenegrice æweardas
secaþ to werianne hira land wiþ þæm Serbiscum heremannum þe healdaþ hira land.
Montenegro (þe in Montenegrisce gereorde hatte Crna Gora, þe is Blæc Beorg) wæs
a freo oþ geare .mcmxiv., ond þa Turkas næfre nomon þæt land.
- Ond giet wæs guð in Kashmire, ond India nom þone beorg Tigrishyll
of Pakistaniscum mannum þe incwomon.
- ix d: Her belimp deaðes on rade anom Charles Conrad, þe in blotmonaðe
geares .mcmlxix. wæs þridda þara .xii. manna þe fleag of eorþe ond of hira lyfte
in rodore in þæm Apollo-flyhtum ond stod on þæm monan, ond he wæs
genemned an Astronautes, þe is steorrascipmann, ond he fleag in
woruldrume oðrum siðum, ond he lifde .lxix. wintru. On monan he eode to wonge þe
hatte Oceanus Procellarum, þe is Heahsæ Storma, ac næfre wæs wæter þær.
Feorr ond ieð oft to oðrum steorrena woruldum fleogaþ woruldrumscipu manna
geþohta ond writunga; ac slawora ond nearra soðe woruldrumscipu manna magon
geræcan; þus God segþ to manna heahmodnessum "Þider gé ond eower mægen ond pryte
magon gan, ond ne begeondan, for þæm þe ic sendede Einstein, ond of him ealle nu
sculon cnawan þæt ne mann ond ne wiht ond ne ærend mæg gan swiftora þonne
- xi d: Her wæs eorþstyren in Hondurase, ond hire strengþ wæs Richter 6.6.
- Her in Lundene wurdon gefangene twegen Ægyptisce menn for þæm þe hie
settedon in Niarobi ond Dar es Salaam utberstendas þe ofslogon .ccxxvi. menn.
- xvii d: Her John F.Kennedy se gingra ond his wif ond hire sweostor
aswealte þonne his lyftcræft þe he draf feoll in heahsæ neah Massachusetts
lande, ond he wæs æftemest sunu þe giet lifde þæs John F.Kennedy foresittendes
þe wearþ gescoten in Dallas ceastre in Texase. Manige secgaþ þæt þæt Kennedy
cynn is Americae cynecynn, ac sume secgaþ þæt yrgðu is on him.
- xix d: Her endode gefeoht Indiae wið Pakistane.
- xxiii d: Her forðferde Hassan II cyning Morocce, ond he ricsode
.xxxviii. wintru, ond Muhammad his sunu feng to rice. Ond on þæm xxv dæge he
wearð bebyrged in Rabat his cyneceastre, ond þider eodon manige ond Barak
foresittend Israheles ond Abdelaziz Bouteflika foresittend Algeriae.
1) Beornmundingaham = Birmingham.
Contributions by Anthony Appleyard.
Anno MCMXCIX Weodmonað
- i d: Her æt þæm stede þe hatte Gaidal in Bengale in India twegen
irenweg-gewægnoþe slogon æghwylc þa oðre ond maran þonne .cccl. menn aswulton.
- iv d: Her wæs symbel for þæm þe on þissum dæge Elizabeþ þære cwene moðor
wearþ .xcix. wintru eald.
- i-iv d: On þissum dagum heard ond lang regen and se hweolstorm Olga in
Korean ond in þæm Philippin-eagum macodon flod ond dydon formicel hearm to manna
- vi d: Her in Nicaraguan se fyrbeorg Cerro Negro onwac.
- xi d: Her in Cornwealum ond Defna suþdæle ond in dælum Europan seo sunne
wearþ sweart in dæges middle, for þæm þe se mona cwom fore him, ond tungolæmenn
hataþ hit eclipsis.
- xvii d: Her in Turclande ymb Izmit wæs great eorþstyren þe ofsloh .xiv.
þusend ond .dlix. leoda ond fordyde manige ceaster. Ond þider to helpanne eodon
manige of manigum landum ond giet of Greclande, ond Grecisc spellgewritung wrat
"Ure greata feond is sare gewundod, ac hit ne bringþ to us wynn.".
Contributions by Anthony Appleyard.
Anno MCMXCIX Hærfestmonað
- iv d: Her in East-Timore ceosung sceawede þæt þa landware geornedon beon
freo of Indonesiae rice, ond wearþ sar gefeoht gemang þæm landwarum. Ond in
æfterdagum Indonesisce menn forbærnedon Dili þe is East Timores heafodburg ond
forheriodon þæt land ond ofslogon manige menn, for þæm þe seo ceosung cyþede þæt
þa Easttimorware wæron unholde to Indonesian, ond in Jakartan is wen þæt gif
East Timor weorþe freo, þanne þa Acheh-ware ond manige oþre dælas Indonesiae
wolden weorþan freo ond weorþe wid unrice.
- v d: Her in Sicilian se fyrbeorg Etna onwac.
- vii d: Her wæs eorþstyren æt Athenis in Greclande, ond hire miht wæs
Richter 5.9, ond heo acwellede .xxxii. leode oþþe ma.
- ix d: Her in 1)Moskvan in Russlande sum læg utberstend þe
forbræc boþl maninga husa ond acwellede .xciv. menn.
- xii d: Her in 1)Moskvan in Russlande sum læg utberstend þe
forbræc boþl maninga husa ond acwellede .clxxxii. menn oþþe ma, ond sume secgað
þæt se mann þe læg þa twegen utberstendas wæs sum Islamisc mann þe wolde
onwrecan sume his folces þe Russisce guþlyftscipmenn ofslogon in Dagestane.
- xiv d: Her swiþe strang hweolstorm gehaten Floyd sloh þa Bahama-iege,
ond in æfterdagum he rann andlang særiman þara Carolinena ond feoll great regen
ond deop flod.
- xx: Her seo seocnes leukaemia anom Raisa wif Mikhailes Gorbachev,
ond he ær wæs foresittend Russiae, ond heo lifde .lxvii. wintru, ond on .xxiii.
dæge heo wearþ gebyrged in 1)Moskvan in Novodevichimynstres lictune, ond
þær licgaþ Khrushchev foresittend ond Chekhov scop ond manige oþre mære Russisce
- Her wæs heard eorþstyren in Formosan iege ymb Nantou ceastre þe tobræc
formanige botl in greatum dæle þære iege ond hire miht wæs Richter 7.6 ond heo
acwellede .mmc. menn oþþe ma; ond in æfterdagum wæron manige æfterstyrena. Ond
of hire wearþ wana dæla cyrcolwyrda in worulde, swa wæs ær of þæm greatum
manigsleandum eorþsrtyrene æt Kobe in Japanlande.
- xxvii d: Her neah Lydenburge in Mpumalanga lande in Suþafrican .xxvii.
Bryttisce menn aswulton þonne an wægn feoll of rade in þurhgonge þe hatte Long
Tom Pass in Klein Drakensberg beorgum.
- xxx d: Her in Mexico wæs strang eorþstyren in Oaxaca-lande ond hire miht
wæs Richter 7.4.
Anno MCMXCIX Winterfylleð
- vi d: Her neah Paddingatune in Lundene twegen irenweg-gewægnoþe slogon
æghwylc oþerre ond .xxxi. menn aswulton, ond sume hire wurdon eall forbærned in
ele of togiende, ond manige hira wunodon æt Readingum: God sie mid hira sawlum
ond mid hira mægum.
- ix d: Ymb þisne dæg wæs formicla flod in Mexico ond from hire .ccl.
þusend menn sind ean husum.
- xii d: Ymb þisne dæg þa menn þisses woruldes wurdon mara þonne .vi.
þusend milliona.
- xii d: Her in Pakistane seo fyrd feng þa þeodtogan ond feng to rice.
- xiv d: Her forþferde Julius Nyerere þe lange rixode Tanzania, ond he
lifde .lxxvii. wintru.
- xvi d: Her wæs eorþstyren in Mojave-westenne in Californian ond scoc Los
Angeles ceaster ond hire miht wæs Richter 7.0, ac heo ne sloh mann.
- xviii d: Her se hweolstorm Irene cwom on Floridan ond Norþcarolinan mid
flode ond greatum winde ond bræc manige hus.
- xix d: Her in Sicilian se fyrbeorg Etna onwac.
- Her Jiang Zemin foresittend Cinalandes cwom to Englalande ond wæs æt
symble mid þære cwene.
- xxix d: Her swiðe strang hweolstorm sloh Orissa-land in Indian ond
ofsloh manige menn, ond sume secgaþ þæt hie magon beon mare þonne teon þusend,
ond .mm. þusenda sind ean husum.
- xxx d: Her Ægyptisce lyftcræft feoll in deopre sæ be eastan
Nantucket-iege in American ond .ccxvii. menn aswulton.
Anno MCMXCIX Blotmonað
- xi d: Her wæs fyr in þære hearmsúslemæran Lubiankan in Moskvan.
- On þissum dæge in geare .mcmxix. wearþ acenned Mikhail Kalashnikov þe
ærest macode þæt fyrwæpn gehaten AK47.
- xii d: Her wæs eorþstyren ymb Duzce in Turclande ond .cccl. menn
aswulton oþþe ma ond his miht wæs Richter 7.2.
- Her forþferde Sir Vivian Fuchs þe ærest oferfor Antarctican, ond he
lifde .xci. wintru.
- xxi d: Her Cinaland upsendede gestyred fyrspere genemned
Shenzhen, þe segþ "heofoncræft", þe miht beran mann in woruldrume swa
Russland dyde mid Gagarine, ac næs mann þærinne.
- xxvii d: Her ymb twentig menn aswulton þonne scip rann in stanas ond
sanc neah Haugesunde in Norþwege in winde ond storme ond wintercyle.
Anno MCMXCIX Geolmonað
- i-xiv d: Her in Englalande wæs long and great regen.
- ii d: Her Norþiraland ongan rixian his sylf æt Stormonte þæm fyrmestum
dæge siþþan geare .mcmlxxii.. God sende frið to þæm lande.
- x d: Her forþferde Franjo Tudjman carcinomate abdominale and he
rixode Croatland siþþan heo wearþ freo of Jugoslavian and his fyrd fohte heard
and lang wiþ Serbiscum hergum, and he lifde .lxxvii. wintru.
- xiv d: Her wæs snaw on Englalande.
- xv d: Her cwom sar ond great regen to Venezuelae særiman in þæs landes
drygum monaþum ond macode great flod ond manige horhslidunge þe fordydon þæt
land ond acwelledon .xv. þusend manna, ond mara þonne .xxx. þusend manna ne
magon weorþan gefunden, ond .cl. þusend manna sind ean husum. Ond man segþ þær
þæt is teon geara geweorc macian ongean eall þæt þe þeos flod fordyde.
- xx d: Her fore Geole wæs snaw ond heard forst on Englalande.
- Her in Banja Luka ceastre in Serbisce dǣle Bosnian Englisce
fyrdmenn ðæs SAS fangon Serbiscne heretogan Stanislav Galic þe lædde anne
Serbiscan here þe dyde greatne hearm þanne hie lange ofersæton Sarajevo. Ond he
wearþ geboren to Den Haag in Niþerlande ond þær man wile lædan hine fore deman
for guþmándædum.
- xxiv d: Her mona cwom nearra eorþe þonne wæs in .lxx. gearum.
- xxiv-xxvi d: Her þurh Geole wæs heard regen ond storm on Europan. Ond in
Versailles tune wind fordyde þa wlitigan wealdas ond fyllede .mmmmm. treo ond án
treo þe Napoleon Buonaparte casere Francrices settede. Ond hit fyllede feowerþan
dǣl þara treowa in Boulogne-wude neah Parise.
- xxviii-xxix d: Her ofer Europan wæron greate stormas mid heardum regne
ond snawe ond winde þe fylledon formanige treowas ond hearde in Francrice od
greatost in Massif Central beorga westernan riman ond in Périgord ond Limousin.
Ond æt Galtür in Eastrice ongean slawslidung acwellede menn.
- xxxi d: Her Boris Yeltsin foresittend Russlandes alætte his ric for
seocnesse, ond Vladimir Rutin feng to rice oþþæt wære ceosung in Hreðmonaðe
geares .mm., ond se Rutin ærdagum wæs in þæm KGB.
- Her æt Kandahar in Afghanistane sume weargas alætton lyftcræft ond
þærinne manige menn þe hie fengon on dæge .xxiii..
(to next year)