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Anno MM Æfterra Geola
- Þes winter in Mongolian wæs swiþe heard mid deopum snawe and fordyde hira hors ond hira feo ond hira sceapas, ond in hira gereorde hit hatte chagân dzud, þe segþ þone hwitne þrea.
- In þissum monaþe cwom seo seocnes influenza strang in Englalande.
- i d: Twa þusend geara.
- v d: Her twegen Bryttisce menn ond an Bryttisce wif cwomon to þæm suþernan polum ond hie gewodon an fotum ofer Antarctica-lande of særiman æt Patriot-hyllum.
- vii d: Her man wolde sendan Latvisce mann Kalejs gehatenne of Englalande to Australian for þæm þe he dyde yfel ond guþmán for þæm Nazium ond he wæs ærra in Australian, ac he forecwom ond eode to Australian freolice.
- viii d: Her wif .lvi. wintra bær .iii. cildru ætgædre æt Sunnyside in Washington underrice in American ond heo wæs giet ealdmodor.
- Her cwom to lande in Francrice micel ele þe wæs in ele-berendum scipe Erika gehaten þe sanc an .xii. dæge Geolmonaþes, ond sare afýlede þone særiman.
- xi d: Her neah Man-iege stormwind sanc Hwitearniscne1) bát Solway Harvester gehaten ond .vii. fisceras aswulton in sæ, ond þæs bates nama wæs gewriten æt Cyrice-Cúþbeorhte2). Ond ealle þisra menn wunodon an Hwitearn-iege. Ond on .xxvi. dæge Midsomermonaðes man ræred þone bat of sæ.
- xv d: Her in Belgrade sum asceat Arkan þe dyde micle guþmán in Bosnian, ond on .xxv. dæge he wearþ gebyrged.
- xvi d: Her neah Guatemala ceastre se fyrbeorg Pacaya onwac.
- xxv d: Her fyf Bryttisce wif gengon on fote ofer Antarctican snawweste to þæm suþernum polum.
- xxvi d: Her wæs great ond deop snaw in norþeasternum dælum Americae.
- Her æt Stockholme in Sweolande wæs gemot þeoda þæt hie geræden hu man tæce ymb þone Holocaustum.
- xxvii d: On þissum dæge in geare .mcmxlv. wearþ gefreogede se hearmmæra deaþstede æt Auschwitz, ond forþy þæm ærdæge þa Brytlandiscan witan lagodon þæt þes dæg eallra geara sceal in Bretlande in gemynde þæs Holocausti.
- xxviii d: Her in Israhela land feoll snaw deopora þonne wæs in fyftig gearum, ond in Jerusaleme se snaw læg to .xv. inceum.
- xxx d: Her in greatum regne in Transylvanian þæt ator cyanide rann ut of loca-lace æt þære golddelfunge Baia Mare Aural neare Oradea ceastre in Romanian, ond on .xv. dæge Solmonaþes hit cwom in Tisa-ea þe eac hatte Tisza, ond cwom in Danube ea, ond acwelle unrim fisca ond dyde sarne hearm.
1) Hwitearn = Whithorn (in SW Scotland).
2) Cyrice-Cúþbeorht (reversed part order due to Celtic influence?) = Kirkcudbright (in SW Scotland).
Anno MM Solmonað
- i d: Her dema sendede to carcerne Dr.Shipman for þæm þe he acwellede .xv. menn ond wif mid þæm atore diamorphine, ond sume secgaþ þæt he acwellede .cl.
- Her man fand þæt an Dominicisc wif Elizabeth Israel gehaten wæs .cxxv. wintru eald, ond heo wæs þeowes dohtor, ond heo is ieldest in worulde.
- Her lyftcræft feoll in heahsæ neah þæm Elpendban-særiman in African, ond .clxix. menn aswulton, ac teon wurdon generede.
- iii d: Her in Chechnia-lande þa Chechniisce wæpnedmenn alætton Grozny ond eodon in þa hean Caucasus-beorgas, for seo Russisce fyrd wæs giet great ond strang.
- Her forðferde George Levett, ond in geare .mcmxlviii. he worhte micle to macianne Israhela landes lyftfyrd þonne wæs great pleo þara Arabþeoda.
- iv d: Her dyferas fundon þa lic þara manna þære Solway Harvester ond brohton hie to lande.
- vii d: Her Afghanisce menn fengon lyftcræft ond brohte hit to Stanstede in Eastseaxnum, ond in him wæron manige Afghanisce, ond manige hira woldon wunian in Englalande, for se Taliban nu ricode Afghanistan swiþe hearde.
- xi d: Her to eastdælum Suþafricae ond to Mozambique cwom se greatost regen in .xxx. gearum ond great flod fordyde þone hærfest ond þa strætwegas.
- xii d: Her þa witan Englalalandes fengon ric in Norþiralande.
- xxi d: Her in Suþafrican þa wyrste wealdfyr in .xl. gearum fordydon micel wild land ond manige wingeardas.
- xxii d: Her se hweolstorm Elina cwom of India-heahsæ to Mozambique betweonan Beira ond Inhambane ond rann in Zimbabwe ond ofereode micel land mid winde ond greatum regne ond fordyde þone wæstm, ond þæt wæter rann to eastan ond macode þa flodas deoporan.
- xxiii d: Her in æfne forþferde Stanley Matthews se swiþe mæra fotðoðormann, ond he lifde .lxxxv. wintru, ond þæm .iii. dæge Hreðmonaðes he wearþ gebyrged.
- xxv d: Her in þæm Philippin-iegum se fyrbeorg Mayon onwac.
- xxvi d: Her giet flod in Mozambique wearþ deopora, for þæm þe wæs sar ond great regen þær ond in Suþafrican ond in Zimbabwe þe rann to eastan in Limpopo-ea ond in Save-ea. Ond wæron þær ane fyf wingwindendas to nerianne menn of eallum þæm deopum ond widum flodum, ond ane þreo hira habbaþ windels, ond Suþafrica ne giet sendede maran, for in Suþafrican eac wæs wen greatra floda. Ond wæs wen þæt oþer hweolstorm gehaten Felicia cume to þæm landum; ac he cwom to ende ofer sæ ond ne cwom to lande. Ond in Botswana eac great regen dyde hearm, ac mæste dæl þisses wætres sceal rinnan binnan lande to Makgadikgadi sealtwonge ond ne to sæ.
- xxvii d: Her in Íslande se fyrbeorg Hekla onwac.
- xxviii d: Her Suþafrica sendede eac þreo wingwindendas to Mozambique. Ond Kariba-lacu wearþ full, and æfter þæm Zambezi-ea flodwæter rann eac to Mozambique, ac Cahora Bassa-lacu heald þæt wæter. Ond giet oðer hweolstorm Gloria gehaten cwom to Mozambique ond eac to Madagascare, ond from þæm in æfterdagum Frencisc wingwindendberend ahte alættan Mozambique ond gan to Madagascare to nerianne menn of flodum.
Anno MM Hreðmonað
- ii d: Her General Pinochet wearþ gesended of Englalande to hame to Chile, for þæm þe sume segdon þæt þurh ieldo ond seocnesse he ne miht gan fore deman. Ac æfter þæt he cwom to Chile-lande he wearþ ongean hal.
- iii d: Her nu sind .xv. wingwindendas in Mozambique.
- Her æt Den Haag wearþ gebrohte fore deman se Croatiscan heretoga Blaskic for guþmáne for þæm þe he lædde menn þe acwelledon ond bærnedon .c. Muslimisce menn æt þæm wice Ahmici in geare .mcmxcvii..
- viii d: Ymb þisne dæg þæt flodwæter rann from Mozambique.
- xi d: Her hweolstorm macode great flod in norþwesternum dæle Australian.
- xii d: Her se papa Johannes Paulus .ii. ond sume þære Curiae segdon mea culpa for manigum yflum ond hearmum þe þeowas þære Romacatholiscan Cyrice geodagum hæfdon gedon.
- xiii d: Her se Bosnisca Serbisca heretoga Radislav Krstic wearþ gesendede fore demum æt Den Haag in Neþerlande for þæm þe his here ofsloh manige Muslimisce menn þonne hie nomon Srebrenica ceaster.
- Her wæs heahceosung in Hispaniam.
- xx-xxi dd: Her in þissum dagum in suþwestdæle Ugandan man fand þusend manna oþþe maran þe godcundlic sectus ofsloh ond bebyrgede, ond se sectus forewitegode þæt woruldes ende sie on ærestum dæge geares .mm..
- xxi d: Her se papa Iohannes Paulus .ii. cwom to Amman ceastre in Jordane ond in æfne to Jerusaleme. Næfre ær papa cwom to Israhela lande. Ond he is se ærest papa in .cd. gearum þe nis Italisc.
- xxii d: Her se papa cwom to Beþlehem. Ond Cormac Murphy O'Connor wearþ Romacatholisce arcebiscep Westmynstres.
- xxiii d: Her se papa cwom to Yad Vashem þær is micel gemynde þæs Holocausti, ond þær he métte Iudeisce wif þe he nerede of þæm Nazium þonne he wæs geong preost in Pola lande.
- xxiv d: Her se papa cwom to Galilé-sæ ond spræc þær Iesus spræc þa Sermonem in Monte.
- xxv d: Her se papa cwom to Nazareth þær engel segde þa Annunciationem to Marian Iesuses moðore ond in æfne he eode to Geþsemane wyrtgearde.
- xxvi d: Her se papa gebadd æt þæm Westernum Wealle in Ierusaleme, for forgifenesse for þæm hearmum þe Cristnas dydon to Iudeum in manigum gearum. Ond he eode in þa Cyrice þæs Sancti Sepulchri þær geo læg Iesuses lic, ond he afleag to hame to Roman.
- Her wæs heahceosung in Russian, ond Vladimir Putin feng to rice.
- xxxi d: Her in suþwestdæle Hokkaido-iege in Japane se fyrbeorg Usu onwac ond dunnade þæt land, ond man þurfte alædan þa ceasterware þreora ceastra from his pleo.
Anno MM Eastermonað
- In þissum monaþe wearþ widcuþ werum seo sara drygþ in Ethiopiam, ond þis wæs þridda gear þonne þæs landes regen ne cwom, ond se wæstm ond þæt feoh sind deade. Ond þider menn sendaþ fod, ac is wen þæt guþ wile derian þa fedung, for þæm þe þa Ogadenware sind Somali cynn ond gemang him is unæwlic fyrd gehaten ONLF þe secþ beon freo of Ethopian, for þæm þe in Ethiopan sind manige cynn, ond Ethiopiae heafodcynn þe rixaþ in Addis Ababa is Amharisc; ond eac is guþ betweonan Ethiopian ond Eritrean, ond Eritrea ær lange wæs dǣl Ethiopiae.
- In þissum monaþe sumor cwom to norþdælum ond westdælum Indiae mid sarre hæte þe fordrygede þæt land ond his wiellas ond ofsloh manig feoh, ond sumorregen ne sceal cuman fore Midsumermonaðe, ond sumorregen ne cwom in gearum .mcmxcviii. ond .mcmxcix., ond fyf millionas Indiscra sind in pleo hungres.
- In þissum monaðe wæs micel spæc betewox Microsoft ond sumum Americae rixienda ymb ceapunge hnesceware ond heardware for circolwyrdum.
- ii-v d: Her winter cwom ongean to Englalande mid forste ond snawe ond acwellede manige geonge lamb.
- vi d: Her forþferde Habib ben Ali Bourguiba þe rixode Tunisian of geare .mcmlvi. to geare .mcmlcccvii., ond he lifde .xcvi. wintru. Ond ær þæt he feng to rice Tunisia ne rixode hire sylfe siþþan Roma nom þæt land of Hannibale þe rixode geo in Carthagine.
- ix d: Her wæs heahceosung in Greclande.
- xiv d: In Zimbabwe in þissum monaðe wæs gewinn, for þæm þe heahceosung wæs neah, ond wæs wen þæt Mugabe ne healde to rice, ond for þy sume gehaten war veterans (þe is: guþieldran) nomon be mihte land of þæm hwitum geburum, ond þas guþieldran secgaþ þæt hie fohte for freodome mid Mugabe wiþ þæm rice þæs Ian Smith, ond on þissum dæge in þæm gewinne an hwit mann and twegen swearte menn wurdon ofslagen, ond on .xviii. dæge an oþer hwit mann; ond Mugabe foresittend ne spræc wið þæm deaðum. In Zimbabwe sind twegen þeod, Shona ond Matabele, ond þa Matabele eac hatton Ndebele, ond geo wæs guþ betweox him, ond Mugabes hyldu is for þæm Shona. God bringe rihtne ende.
- xix d: In þissum monaðe wæs spæc ymb þone cild Elian Gonzelez, ond in blotmonaðe .mcmxcix. he ond sume oðre Cubisce aflugon of Cuban to Floridan in bate, ac seo bat sanc in heahsæ ond his moðor adranc. Ond manige his cynnes þe sind in Floridan wyscodon þæt he bide þær, ac Juan Miguel Gonzalez his fæder wyscode þæt Elian ga ongean to Cuban mid him. Ond on þissum dæge deman in Atlanta ceastre lagodon ðæt he mæg bidan in American oþþæt Federaliscan deman geceosen ymb hine in Þrimilcemonaðe. Ac in nihte .xx. ond .xxi. daga Eastermonaðes ean warnunge Federalisce menn mid strangum fyrwæpnum swilce sie wið heardum wearge nom hine be mihte þenden he sleop of his huse in Miami ond to Washingtone ond to his fædre, ond manige ond Miami ceastre burhtoga wæron yrremod æt þæm.
- xx-xxi d nihte: Her wingwindend Weala landes æwearda feoll on hus in Cardiff ceastre, ac þa þreo menn in him ne wurdon gewundod.
- xxiii d: Her Abdullah .ii. cyning Iordanes eode in bate of Aqaban to Eilate ond mette sume þeodtogan Israhela landes.
- xxiv d: Her Philippinisce sæweargas macodon onscyte on þone dyfungstede on Sipadan-iege ond anomon .xx. gislas to Jolo-iege (þe man segþ `Hholo').
- xxv d: Ymb þisne dæg seo fotðoðorgeferscipe Manchester United sceolde bycgan Niþerlandiscne mann Ruud van Nistelroy, ond his weorð sceolde beon .xviii. ond healf millionas punda, ond næfre ær wæs swylce weorð forðoðormannes, ac on þissum dæge man fand þæt wæs wen þæt he ne miht lacan, for þæm þe his rihtan cneowes ligamentum mediale wæs gedered, ond eaðe mæg eac þæs cneowes ligamentum cruciatum 1) anterius, ond he eode to hame to Niþerlande. Ond he sceolde alættan his plege þenden þæt cneow hælede, ac he giet plegode hearde, ond on .xxviii. dæge þæt ligamentum cruciatum 1) anterius bræc æt Eindhovene æt his fotðoðorgeferscipe, ond þurh anum geare he nyle beon hal to lacanne, gif he a læcþ ongean. Ond his weorð æt fotðoðore wearþ naht, þe ær was swiðe micel. Swa God scæwþ þæt se mihtigost mæg weorþan lytel.
- xxviii d: Her in American deman segdon þæt Microsoft sceal weorþan getwæmde, ond an dæl sceal syllan þa rihtendgesamnung þe hatte Windows, ond se oþer dæl sceal syllan þa gefremminge þe rinnaþ under Windows, ond þæt Microsoft sceal macian widcuþ þa frumregolas sumra his gefremmunga. Ond on .xxix. dæge Microsoft badd wiþ þære demunge.
- Her in Zimbabwe Chenjerai Hunzvi ond þa hwitan geburas sohte frið, ac is lytel wen þæt feoht ond beot swiðriaþ. Ond he háteþ his sylfne Chenjerai Hitler Hunzvi ond is folctoga þara guþieldran þe secaþ fón land of þæm hwitum geburum. ac on xxix dæge Mugabe foresittend segde þæt he wolde fón land of þæm hwitum geburum. Ond in æfterrum dagum wæs mara swylc gewinn.
1) Here medical Latin uses cruciatus as "arranged in cross shape" and not as its classical Latin meaning.
Anno MM Ðrimilcemonað
- i d: Her in Lundenbyrig wæs scawung wiþ þæm capitalismum, ond heo wearþ yrre ond nið ond forspillednesse ond menn deredon þa licnesse þæs mæran guþtogan Winston Churchill mid yflum writungum ond giet þone guþdeaþhaligne Cenotaphum.
- iii d: Her siþ ond late þa twegen Libyisce menn Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi ond al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah eodon fore deman æt Camp Zeist in Niðerlande for þæm þe hie forspilledon þæt Americisce lyftscip æt Lockerby in Scotlande in geare .mxmlxxxix. ond ofslogon .cclxx. menn. Ond man hæfde gelagode þæt se démungstede sie dæl Scotlandes þenden þa twegen wæron in carcerne þær ond seo spæc rann, ond æt ende man demde þæt al-Megrahi wæs gyltig ond Fhimah næs gyltig. Ond Camp Zeist wæs geo Americisc guðlyftsciphyð.
- Her on Basilan-iege in þæm Philippinum seo fyrd nerede sume gislas þe Muslimisce wealdweargas feng ymb fyftig dagas ær, ond mæst dæl hira wæron Cristene cildru of ceastre on Basilane, ac sume þara gisla wurdon ofslægen.
- iv d: Her in Englalande wæs ceosung for burh-witenagemotum, ond Ken Livingstone wearþ ceastertoga in Lundenbyrig.
- Her swiðe deriende wælwyrm cyrcolwyrda gehaten `Love bug' oþþe `I love you' asprang of Manila ceastre ofer worulde þurh þæm email ond dyde micel hearm.
- ix d: Her in New Mexico underrice in American strang wealdfyr asprang to Los Alamos ceastre ond bærned .cd. hus oþþe ma, ac man segþ þæt nis pleo for þæm cyrnwæpengeweorcstede1).
- Her Bryttisce feallhleofyrdmenn2) ond sæfyrdmenn3) eodon in Sierra Leone in African to nerianne Bryttisce menn þe wunodon þær, for heard ond wælgiefre wealdhere gehaten RUF þe fohte lang wiþ þæs landes folce wearþ pleo for Freetown þe is seo heafodceaster. In Sierra Leone se RUF hæfde gefangen fyf hundræd fyrdmenn þæs UN.
- x d: Her þæt Indisca folc wearþ mara þonne an billion.
- xiii d: Her in Niþerlande micel fyrweorc-oden utbærst neah Enschede ond tobærned .cd. hus, ond ofsloh .xx. menn oþþe ma, ond wundode .dlxii. menn.
- xiv d: Her in Sierra Leone UN-isce ond Sierra Leonisce fyrdmenn fuhton wiþ þæm RUF æt Masiaki ond ahton wælstowe gewald. Ond se RUF freogede xl UN menn þe hie hæfdon gefangen.
- Her þæt gewinn in Zimbabwe giet rinnþ, ond guþieldran fengon micelne feoh-tun gehaten Gwenoro þe Ian Smith áh, ond ærdagum he rixode Zimbabwe þonne hit hatte Rhodesia.
- Her Ethiopia ond Eritrea fuhton æt Badme, ond þa Ethiopisce ahton wælstowe gewald.
- xvii d: Her in Freetown UN-isce fyrdmenn fengon Foday Sankoh heretoga þæs RUF, ond wæs gefeoung æt þæm, ond neah Freetown lyftfelde wæs gefeoht betweox Brytticum feallhleofyrdmannum ond þæm RUF.
- Her twegen Bryttisce sæfyrdmenn cwomon to þæm norþernan polum, ond hie eodon on fotum þurh eallum siþe.
- Her in København þe is Denemearce cyneceaster wæs heard gefeoht betweox Arsenaliscum ond Galatasarayiscum fotðoðorfylgerum.
- xix d: Her wearþ geboren Leo sunu þære Claire Blair wif Englalandes heahþegnes.
- xx d: Her forþferde seo mæra writere Dame Barbara Cartland, ond heo lifde .xcviii. wintru.
- xxii d: Her in Sierra Leone se RUF freogede .xxix. UN-isce gislas.
- Her þa Bryttisce þeodtogan segdon þæt hie woldon lagian þæt deman magon fón mándædwyrcan æht.
- Her forþferde se mara truð Sir John Gielgud, ond he lifde .xcvi. wintru.
- xxviii d: Her in Sierra Leone eall þara UN-iscena gisla nu sind freo.
- Ymb þisne dæg in geare .mcmxl. manige lytle batas neredon .cccxxxviii. þusend fyrdmenn Bretlandes ond fyrda þe fuhton mid him, æfter Hitleres here bærst þa scyldburh æt Sedan ond foredraf hie to Francrices særiman æt Duncyrice4). Forþy her manige þara bata woldon faran ongean to Duncyrice, ac for strangum unwedere anne twegen mihton cuman. Ond on .xxxi. dæge .lxi. þara bata eodon to Dofre5), ond mid him wæs MTB 102, þe in geare .mcmxl. wæs se swiftost Bryttisca guðsæcræft. Ac hie ne mihton faran to Duncyrice þæm dæge forðy giet wæs unweder, ac on þæm oðrum dæge Midsumermonaðes .lviii. hira foron of Dofre to Duncyrice, ond HMS Somerset lædde hie. God sie geðancod þæt næs swylc unweder þær in geare .mcmxl..
- xxix d: Her in Lundene æweardas fengon sum Barry Michael George for þæm þe on .xxvi. dæge Eastermonaðe geare .mcmxcix. he asceat Jill Dando, and on .ii. dæge Æfterra Liða man fand þæt he wæs gyltig.
- Her in Fiji-iegum seo fyrd nom þæt rice æfter þæt þurh endleofan dagas wæs gewinn gemang þæm Fijiwarum æfter þæt mann nomon sume Fijiisce þeodtogan swa gislas.
- xxx d: Her in Norþiraland ongean wearþ gegifen þæt rice to Stormonte, and sum Catholicisce and sum Protestantisce rixiaþ. God gife þæt ongean ne wearþ gewinn þær.
1) cyrn- = nuclear (as in atom or biological cell) (compare German Kern-).
2) feallhleo = parachute (c.f. German Fallschirm).
3) sæfyrd = the Marines.
4) Duncyrice = Dunkirk (French "Dunkerque", Flemish "Duinkerke").
5) Dofer = Dover.
Anno MM Midsumermonað
- i d: Her sum læg utberstend in Hamersmiþþebrycge1) in Lundene, ond hit utbærst, ac seo brycg ne feoll ond hit dyde lytel hearm.
- Her in Wasserbillig wice in Luxembourge æweard asceat ond wundode mann þe heald .xxv. gislas ond manige þara wæron cildru, ond hie freogodon ealle þara gisla.
- Her Elizabeth cwen Englalandes wæs æt symble mid Camilla Parker-Bowles þe Charles æþeling lufode ær.
- iii d: Her wæs halig begong in Duncyricehyðe on Francrices særiman ond þær wæron manige þe wurdon generede þær in geare .mcmxl. ond manige þara lytlena bata þe neredon hie.
- Her in Norþhymbrum in Englalande wæs great regen ond flod.
- iv d: Her in þæm Solomon-iegum sume wæpnedmenn gehaten Malaita Eagles fengon þa heafodceastre. Ond giet is gefeoht in Sierra Leone.
- v d: Her under sæ be westan Bengkalu ceastre on Sumatran wæs heard eorþstyren ond his miht wæs Richter 7.9, ond hit acwellede .ciii. menn oþþe ma.
- vii d: Her wæs gefeoht in þæm Solomon-iegum. Ond giet is gefeoht in Sierra Leone.
- viii d: Her Americae þeodtogan lagodon þæt Microsoft sceal weorþan getwæmed.
- Her in Athenae in Greclande twegen menn ascoton Brigadier Stephen Saunders þe wæs Bryttisc ambahthusmann.
- x d: Her forþferde Hafez al-Assad foresittend Syriae, ond he lifde .lxix. wintru, ond he rixode .xxx. wintru, ond Bashar his sunu feng to rice. Ond in Arabgereorde "al-Asad" segþ "se leo". Ond on .xiii. dæge Hafez al-Assad wearþ gebyrged æt Qardaha wice þær he wearþ acenned.
- xii d: Her lytel lyftcræft feoll in Mæresea2) neah Liferpóllyftfelde3) þenden hit bær seocne mann of Man-iege to Liferpole3), ond eall fyf menn þe wæron in him adruncon.
- xiii-xv dd: Her þeodtogan Norþkoreae ond Suþkoreae metton in Pyongyang þe is Norþkoreae heafodceastre, ond næfre ær wæs swylc gemot siþþan Korea wearþ getwæmde in geare .mcmxlv..
- xvi d: Her forðferde Nagako widwe Hirohitos caseres Iapanlandes, ond heo lifde .xcvii. wintru, ond heo acennede eahta cildru, ond heo wæs moðor Akihitos caseres.
- xix d: Her án cyleberende4) wægn cwom of scipe æt Dofre hyðe ond in him hyðweardas fundon .liv. menn ond .iv. wife þe sohton cuman in Englaland wiþ æwe ond hie wæron ealle deade of lyftleasnesse, ond twegen menn þe giet lifdon. Ond hie eall sind Cinalandisce ond man segþ þæt hie cwomon of Fujian lande. God frefre hira cynn ond þa menn þe þurfton utberan þa lic.
- Her on Halmahera iege in Indonesian wæs gefeoht betweox Cristenum ond Muslimiscum wicwarum ond .cxiv. hira wurdon ofslægen.
- xxii d: Her .xv. geonge menn aswulon in fyre in boþle in Childers ceastre neah Brisbane in Australian, ond .vii. hire wæron Bryttisce oþþe Irisce.
- xxiv-xxv d: Her wæs heahceosung in Zimbabwe, ond Mugabes fylgeras fengon ymb healf þara witenagemotmannscipa.
- xxvi d: Her menn hæfdon gefunden eall manncynnes genoma þe is gewriten in his DNA, ond man segþ þæt hit hæfþ .mmm. milliones stafa, ond seo findung wæs teon geara geweorc.
- xxix d: Her Elian Gonzales ond his fæder flugon to hame to Cuban.
- Her carcinoma anom John Aspinall þone wilddeorhyrde, ond he lifde .lxxiv. wintru.
1) Hamersmiþþe = Hammersmith (in west London) (the name means "smithy where hammers are made").
2) Mæresea = the river Mersey (the name means "Border River").
3) Liferpól = Liverpool. The name means "liver pool", where "liver" described the consistency of the ground, Liverpool started as a fishing village by a tidal creek, which was later made into the Old Dock, which has since been filled in.
4) cyleberende = cold-carrying = refrigerated.
Anno MM Æfterra Liða
- In þissum sumere wæs heardra dryhþ in dælum Kenyan þonne wæs in hundteontig gearum, ond manige feo aswulton, ond sume þæs Masai folces drifon hira oxan in Niarobi ceaster seocende wæter ond græs.
- i d: Her Carl .xiv. Gustav cyning Sweolandes ond Margrethe .ii. cwen Denemearces openodon niwe swiðe lange brycg þe scytt of København to Malmö ofer Öresund wætre. Giet wæs niw brycg ofer Storebælt þe scytt of Nyborg on Fyn iege to Naksskov on Sjælland iege, micel wundor ofer widum wætre, ond nu man mæg drifan of Germaniae to Sweolande ean scipe.
- v d: Her in Greclande ond Bulgarian weder wearþ swiðe hat mid strangum wealdfyrum þe in æfterrum dagum fordydon manige olivatreowas ond micel dæl Samos-iege in Aegea-sæ wearþ forbærned.
- ix d: Her Festus Mogae foresittend Botswanae segde þæt wæs fær þæt in æfterrum gearum seo seocnesse AIDS wille ofslean mæstne dæl his folces.
- Her forþferde Lord Robert Runcie þurh carcinomate ond he ær wæs arcebiscep æt Cantwarabyrig1), ond he lifde .lxxxviii. wintru, ond on .xxi. dæge he wearþ gebyrged.
- xi d: Her Clinton foresittend ond Ehud Barak ond Yasser Arafat ongunnon metan æt Camp David in American to secanne frið.
- Her in Nigerian þeofas brucon ele-ædre æt Adeje wice neah Warri ceastre, to stelanne ele, ond se ele wearþ to fyre ond ofsloh hundræd menn.
- Her in Mozambique giet micel land is under flode.
- Her in Baikonure in Kazakhstane Russia upsendede fyrspere Proton gehaten þe bær dǣl niwes micles woruldrum-wices "International Space Station" gehatenes, ond se dæl hatte Zvezda, þe segþ Steorra, ond þes dǣl foræt .ccclx. milliona dollara, ond þis woruldrumwic sceal weorþan fullfremmede in geare .mmv..
- xii d: On þissum dæge eallra geara in Norþiralande sind scawunga þara Orangiscena manna, ond in þissum geare wæs lang gewinn æt Drumcree for þæm þe þa æweardas ne alyfaþ þæt þa Orangisce menn gan andlang anum wege þær Catholicisce menn wuniaþ.
- Her in Fiji-iegum George Speight freogede þe æftemeste þara .xxvii. gisla þe he nom in Fiji-landes þeodtogahuse on .xxx. dæge Þrimilcemonaðes, ond he wille þæt þa Indisce þe wuniaþ on Fiji ne healden ric ofer þæm Fijiwarum, ond on .xviii. dæge he ond his menn eodon ut of þæm þeodtogahuse.
- xx d: Her regen macode greatne flod in Sweolande.
- xxii d: Ymb þisne dæg þeodtogan metton on Okinawa iege to gerædanne hu hie willen animan þa forgrindendre byrðen eftgieldunga of earmum þeodum; ac sume secgaþ þæt þis gemot foræt mara sceattas þonne eall þe earm þeod swa Cameroon mot eftgeidan.
- xxv d: Her þenden hit fleag uppe of grunde Concorde lyftscip feoll to eorþe on boþl giesthuses in Gonesse ceastre be westan Paris Charles de Gaulle lyftfelde ond aswulton hundræd Germanisce menn þe hit bær ond his nigon scipmenn ond fyf þe worhton in þæm giesthuse, ac an Centisc mægð hleop of þæm giesthuse and nerede hire feorh. God frefre hira cynn. Ond sume secgaþ þæt þenden hit rann to afleoganne án his hweol-ecga tobærst ond dæl fleag in muþ anes his scufenda ond derede hit.
- Her in Camp David endodon hira gemot Ehud Barak ond Yasser Arafat, ond hit ne brohte frið, for þæm þe hie ne mihton gecweðan ymb Jerusalemes ealde ceastre ond eastdæle. Ond on .xxx. dæge sume metton ymb þis in Jericho.
- Her in Fiji-iegum George Speight wearþ worht hæft be fyrdmannun þe werodon anne weg ond he wearþ gesett in carcerne. Ond ofer nihte man tiehþ fyrstafas, ond in æfterrum dagum his gesiðas giet macodon gewinn.
1) Cantwaraburh = Canterbury (= "fort of the Kent-dwellers").
With thanks to Andrew Smith for the entry about Fiji for the 25th.
Anno MM Weodmonað
- iv d: Her Elizabeth Englalandes cwene moðor wearþ hundteontig wintru eald, ond þy on .xi. dæge Æfterra Liða wæs micel mærung for þissum ond halig begong in Scti Paules cyrice in Lundene ond .mmd. menn wæron þær ond þa cyningas Belgiae ond Norþweges ond se heahheretoga Luxemburge. Ond on .xix. dæge Æfterra Liða wæs ongean mærung. Næfre ær mann oþþe wif Englalandes cynecynnes lifde hund wintru.
- v d: Ymb þisne dæge in Eastengle aras seo hearmweorcende seocnesse swina þe hatte swinfefor ond of þæm wearþ micel pleo for swinum in Englalande.
- xii d: Her in þæm miclan Russiscan cyrnmihtan1) undersæscipe Kursk torpedoscufend utbærst in his wæpenholdunge ond of þæm manige oþre his torpedena utbærston ond bræcon þæt scip ond hit sanc to botme Barents-sæwe ond .cxviii. menn in him. Ond .xix. dæge Bryttisc scip Normand Pioneer gehaten cwom to þæm stede ond mid him lytel undersæbat LR5 gehaten to secanne nerian ænige þæs Kurskes menn þe giet libben, ond Norþwegisce dyferas eac eodon þider, ac hie fundon þæt nænig giet lifde.
- xxi d: Her wæron greate stormas on Englalande mid spinnwindum ond miclum hægle.
- xxii d: Ymb þisne dæg wæron micle wealdfyr in American westdælum.
- xxiii d: Her lyftcræft feoll in sæ neah Bahrain lyftfelde ond .clxiii. in him ond ealle hira aswulton ond mæste hira wæron Ægyptisce.
- xxv d: Ymb þisne dæg in Norþiralande gewinn wearþ betweox twæm dælum þara Protestantiscra Ulsterwara ond sume menn wurdon gescoten. God bringe frið.
- xxv d: Her in Sierra Leone wealdhloð gehaten West Side Boys feng .xi. Bryttisce fyrdmenn, ond on .xxx. dæge hie freogodon fyf hira.
- xxvii-xxviii d: Her in Moskvan wæs fyr in Ostankino 2)feorrseoung-senderes torre ond .iv. aswulton ond hit is se hiehst boþl in Europan buton anum, ond of þissum great dæl Russiae is ean feorrseounge.
1) cyrn- = nuclear (of atom or in biology) (c.f. German Kern-).
2) feorrseoung = television; feorrseond = television set.
Anno MM Hærfestmonað
- v d: Her Papa Johannes Paulus Secundus geinseglede segen Dominus Jesus þe asægde þæt gesyntu sie onfunden fulfremedlicost anan þurh þære Romaniscan Catholican Cyrican.
- vi d: Her ongunnon gewinn ond acwellunga manna in West-Timor ond wingwindendas flugon fram East-Timore to West-Timore to ahreddanne menn þara Geanlæhtena Þeodscipa1) þe landhere heold þær.
- Her wæs ceosung in Australiae, ond se folc ceas þæt Elizabeth .ii. sceal giet beon hira cwen ond þæt hie nyllað habban foresittend.
- vii d: Her in Francrice wægndriferas ond oþre þe drifaþ for geweorce ongunnon besittan ele-odena for þæm þe hie wurdon yrremode ymb þone weorþ dieseleles, ond of þæm wearþ great wana eles in Francrices.
- viii d: Her manige in Englalande ongunnon don gelice æt ele-odene æt Stánhláwe3) in Legeceasterscire, ond æfter þæm menn dydon gelice æt manigum oðrum ele-odenum, ond of þæm wearþ great wana eles in Brytene.
- Her in warehuse in Bogotan in Colombian æweardas fundon undersæscip þe sume Colombisce ond Russisce mánhloðmenn macodon þætte hie dyrne beren cocaine ond he is hundræd fet lang ond wel gemacode swa in scipfyrde. Þa mánhloða sind strange, gif hie magon macian undersæscip dyrne.
- Her se wealdhere þe is in Jolo iege freogede feower hira gisla.
- x d: Her in Sierra Leone æt sunnupgonge Bryttisce feallhleofyrdmenn ond SAS-menn flugon to Feri-Bana ond Magbani wicum in wealde ond fuhton wið þæm West Side Boys wealdhere ond ahton wælstowe gewald ond ofslogon .xxv. hira ond fengon Foday Kallay hira heretoga ond .xvii. oþre hira ond freogede hira siex gislas. Ac se wealdhere fohte hearde ond twegen fyrdmenn wurdon sare gewundode ond án þisra æfterra forþferde, and he wæs mann þæs SAS. Ond in æfterrum dagum .xlv. menn þæs wealdheres gebugon.
- Her Canadisc seocendbat St.Roche gehaten cwom to heahsæ ond hit hæfde gerunnen þurh þæm swiðe isfærmærum `North-West Passage' in buton nigon wucum ond hit næfre fand forstandende ís. Wel þis scæwþ ða wearmung þæs eorþes, for þæm þe geo Frobisher rann þurh þæm wege ond his scip wæs twegen wintru gefroren in ise.
- xiv d: Her fore sunnupgonge æt Stánhláwe3) þa besittende alætton þone stede ond hira hloðtoga segde þæt þa oðre æt oðrum stedum sceoldon don gelice, for þæm þe hie ne wyscedon þæt se wana eles do maran hearm in Brytene.
- Her wearþ widcuþ þæt Robert Ballard ond sume in lytlum undersæbate fundon under .cccxi. fotum wætres neah Turclandes norþernan særiman stede ealdes wices, ond þis scæwþ þæt seo Swearta Sæ (þe in Boclædene hatte Mare Euxinum) rás feorr swiþe cwice ond ymb .mmmmmdc. gearu fore Xtes acennednesse fordranc formicel land þeoda þonne sæ þurhbærst greatne hrycg eorþe in Bosporus oþþe Dardanelles nearwum þenden seo sæ sláwe rás þenden seo Ís-tíd endode, ond þa Sancta Biblia amearciaþ hit ond hit is Noahes flod.
- xv d: Her in Sydney in Australiae ongunnon þa .xxxvii.þan Olympiscan plegan.
- xvi d: Her seo Philippinisca fyrd fór mid mihte to Jolo iege ond fohte hearde wiþ þæm wealdhere.
- Her ymb Portesmuðan anes monaðes regen feoll in twæm stundum ond macode flod.
- xvii d: Her wæron mærunga in Brytene for þæm þe in geare .mcmxl. Bretlandes lyftfyrd þe hatte seo RAF fuhton lange in lyfte ofer Brytene wið Hitleres lyfthere þe hatte seo Luftwaffe ond seo RAF ahte wælstowe gewald.
- xviii d: Her swummon Australisce menn ond hraðlice æt þæm Olympiscum plegum in hiera lande, fulneam suðlanda ytmæstum, æt Sidney ceastre in Australian. Swa sceal menn hiera gold winnan, þurh lic-þytignesse. Þa Ian Thorpe, se is gehaten "Thorpedo", hie gelædde.
- xix d: Her wearþ widcuþ þæt in Cambodian ond Suðvietname great ond forecumende sumorregen macode greatne flod þære Mekong-ea ond he draf manige of hira husum ond fordyde þone wæstm. Ond in þissum monaðe in Bengal-lande regen macode greatne flod ond unwæstm.
- xx d: Her æfter æfen sum sceat lytelne utberstendne fyrspere in þæt MI6-boþl neah Westmynstre in Lundenbyrig ond in þæm boþle is mycel dyrngeweorc to werianne Englaland.
- xxv d: Her wæs heahceosung in Jugoslavian, ond sume secgaþ þæt Koštunica hæfþ getalode maran þonne healf ond sceal fon to rice, ac Milosevic segþ þæt hit is læssa þonne healf ond sceal beon oþre ceosung, ond is wen gewinnes. Ond is wen þæt manige þara scyldæwearda willen healdan mid Koštunican gif weorþe strætgefeoht.
- xxvi d: Her in Prag ceastre ongann gemot þæs World Bank, ond þæm .xxvii. dæge ongunnon þær greate scawunge ymb þa byrðne eftgieldunga earmra þeoda, ond æweardas fuhton hearde wið þæm mid bordum ond sticcum ond teagorlyfte.
- xxvii d: Her in heardum winde ond mónleasum nihte æfter æfne scip gehaten Express Samina sloh stan in Aegea-sæ neah Paros iege þonne his scipmenn alætton hira stedum to seon fotðoðor. Ond hit sanc swifte, ond hit bær ymb .dxxxl. menn, ond ymb hundræd hira aswulton in sæ for anum sige mid þoðore on gærse. Ond Paroses særimaweardtoga aswealt þurh heortcoðan2) þenden he nerode sumne of sæ. Ond þa scipmenn willað gan fore deman for morðre.
- xxviii d: Her in Denemearce wæs ceosung ymb þa niwan mynete euro, ond mara dæl þara Dena ceos þæt Denemearc healde his agenra mynete þe hatte krone.
- xxviii d: Her Ariel Sharon eode to þæm Templbeorge in Ierusaleme ond he is Israhelisc fyrdtoga, ond manige Arabas wurdon ierremode æt þæm, ond ongann strætgefeoht Israheliscra æwearda wið Palestiniscum in Eald-Ierusaleme ond oðrum stedum. God bringe frið ond mæste to þæm stedum þær geo þu eode swa mann ond menn nemnedon þé Iesus Christus.
- xxx d: Her an Grecisca scip Zeus .iii. gehaten sloh stanas neah Naxos iege ond sanc ond hit bær .li. ac hie ealle wurdon generede.
1) Geanlæhtan Þeodscipas (pl.) = United Nations.
2) heortcoþa = heart attack.
3) Stanlow in Cheshire. (The name means "stone mound"; Stanlow Point is a small low rise where there was an abbey once.)
With thanks to:-
Andrew Smith for the entry about the Pope for the 5th and for part of the entry about Timor for the 6th.
Leigh Harrison for the Olympic Games entry for the 18th.

Anno MM Winterfylleð
- i d: Her in Sydney in Australiae endodon þa .xxxvii.þan Olympiscan plegan.
- Her in Norþwice1) in Englalande forþferde se mándædmæra Reggie Kray þurh carcinomate þære blædre, ond he lifde .lxvi. wintru. Ond on .xi. dæge he wearþ gebyrged in Lundene.
- iv d: Her æt Kolubara in Serbiae col-delferas fuhton wiþ manigum scyldæweardum, ond þa coldelferas ahton gefeohtstowe gewald, ond fyf dagas fore þissum hie alætton hira geweorc.
- v d: Her æt manigum stedum in Serbiae formanige foron ætgædre wið Milosevices rice, ond æweardas wiðstodon manigum hira, ac healf milliones hira cwom to Belgrade middanceastre, ond manige scyldæweardas ne fuhton wel wiþ him ond sume eodon mid him, ond se folc nomon Iugoslaviae witenagemothus ond forbærned hit, ond hie eac nomon þæt feorrseounghus, ond Vojeslav Koštunica feng to rice ond seo democratia nu sið ond late cwom to Iugoslaviam. Ond Milosevic afliemde to eastan to Bor ceastre in Serbiae ond werode his sylfne in delfunge æt his hame. Ac in Serbiam is eac þæt Serbisca witenagemot, ond hit giet hieldþ for Milosevice.
- vi d: Her Letsie .iii. cyning Lesotho-landes demde þæt Thabo Mbeki foresittend Suðafricae sceal gieldan ane cu swa wite for þæm þe he ne eode to þæs cyninges weddunge, ond se cyning miht swa beodan for þæm þe Mbekis moðor wearþ acenned in Lesotho rice.
- xi d: Her forþferde Donald Dewar Scotlandes fyrmestscealc2) þurh bledunge in his brægne, æfter þæt he feoll in stræte neah his huse in Eadwinebyrig3), ond he lifde .lxiii. wintru, ond on .xviii. dæge he wearþ gebyrged in Glascú6).
- Her elpend acennede geongne in Legeceaster4)-deortune in Englalande.
- xii d: Her in Englalande in Hamtunscire ond Suðseaxnum ond Cente ond Suðfolce swiðe heard regen macode deop flod.
- xvi d: Her in Sharm el Sheikh in Sinai-lande ongann gemot to secanne frið gemang Israhele ond þæm Palestiniscum.
- xvii d: Her æt Hæþfelde5) in Heorotfordscire in Englalande irenweg-gewægnoþ afleag of his wege ond tobræc ond feower menn aswulton ond manige wurdon gewundode, ond æfterra wearþ widcuþ þæt hit wearþ þurh gebrocenum weg-irene. Ond in æfterrum wucum manige dælas Englalandes irenwega wurdon eft-gelegde, ond manige siðas on irenwege wæron slawe oþþe ne eodon.
- Her Elizabeþ .ii. cwen Englalandes eode to Romam ond spræc mid þæm papam.
- xviii d: Her in Sydney in Australian ongan þa Paralympiciscan plegan.
- xix d: Her se Dalai Lama eode to Norþiralande to secanne frið.
- Her giet wæs gefeoht in þæm Palestinwara stedum.
- xxviii d: Her in Bugganóran9) in Suðseaxnum strang spinnwind derede mara þonne hundteontig botl ond dyde micelne hearm.
- xxix d: Her in Chile Pinochet eode in seochus for þære seocnesse pneumonia.
- Her in Sydney in Australiam endode þa Paralympiciscan plegan.
- xxix-xxx dd: Her on Englalande wæs great storm mid winde ond flode, ond mæst in suðe ond fyllede manige treowas on irenwegas ond strætwegas, ond æt þæm Nædlum stanum æt ende Wihtlandes wind wearþ hund mila in stunde. Ond æt Seolesiege7) in Suðseaxnum wæs spinnwind. Ond in Norþymbrum wæs snaw. Ond in æfterdagum wæs giet regen, ond man ne mihte gan to Eoforwice8) buton in bate oþþe þurh lyfte.
1) Norwich.
2) First Minister.
3) Edinburgh.
4) Chester.
5) Hatfield.
6) Glasgow.
7) Selsey.
8) York.
8) Bognor Regis.
Anno MM Blotmonað
- In geare .mm. in þæm þrím monþum Hærfestmonaðe Winterfylleðe Blotmonaðe þe ætgædre hataþ autumnus in Boclædene ond hærfest in Englisce feoll in Brytene mara regen þonne wæs siþþan menn ongunnon weder-gearwritunga in geare .mdcclxvi..
- v d: Her in Englalande giet is wind ond regen ond micel flod.
- Her in Addis Ababa ongean wearþ gebyrged Haile Selassie þe ær wæs lange casere Ethiopiae, ond he forleas his ric in geare .mcmlxxiv., ond he forþferde in geare .mcmlxxv..
- vi d: Her Elizabeth Englalandes cwene modor feoll æt hame ond bræc hire wynstran wiðoban1).
- Her in Nigeriae ele-berend sloh wægnas æt æwearda strætforstandunge on wege þe sciett of Ibadan to Ife ond hit wæs full of fyr-ele for wægnum ond twa hundteontig oþþe ma swulton in fyre.
- vii d: Her in Sctae Mariae seochuse in Mameceastre in Englalande wurdon getwæmde getwinnas þe menn heton Mary ond Jodie ac hira rihtan naman sind Rosie ond Gracie Attard, ond hie wurdon acennede on .ii. dæge Weodmonaþes, ond hie wæron geanlæhte be hira hupebanum swa læcas hataþ ischiopagus, ond hira ieldran wunodon in Xaghra on Gozo iege neah Maltan. Ond Mary forþferde for þæm þe þa twegen ætgædre hæfdon ane heorte. Ond in ærdagum wæs æwspæc ymb þis, for hira ieldran segdon þæt God ne wyscede þæt an hira aswelte to nerianne þa oðerre. Ond on þæm .xix.þan dæge Æfterran Geolan Mary wearþ gebyrged in Gozo. Ond on .xxvii. dæge Midsumermonaðes geares .mmi. Gracie eode to hame in Gozo.
- Her in Americae wæs heahceosung, ac þa rim wæron swiðe nea, ond in Floridam menn þurfton efttalian, ond menn wiðcwæðon, ond þurh manige dagas man ne wiste hwa wolde beon se .xliii.oþa foresittend þæs USA.
- Her in Lundene sume brucon in þone Millenium Dome mid strangum delfendum wægne þe hatte JCB, to stalianne frætwa, ond þara frætwa weorþ is .cccl. millionas punda, ac æweardas fengon hie. Ond hit wære seo greatost þiefþ frætwa þæt a wæs. Ond on .xviii.þan dæge solmonaðes geares .mmii. man brohton hie fore demum ond sendede hie to carcerne.
- Her forðferde Ingrid Denemearces cwene modor, ond heo lifde .xc. wintru.
- xi d: Her wæs great ond heard fyr in irenweg-gewægnoþe þenden hit rann þurh þyrelwege in Kitzsteinhorn beorge neah Kaprun in þæm Eastriciscum Alpum, ond .cl. oþþe ma wurdon forbærnede oþþe atorlyft of þæm fyre ofsloh hie, ond mæste dæl hira wæron þær for winterplegum. God sie mid hira sawlum ond mid hira cynnum.
- Ond giet is flod in Brytene, ond is wen þæt eall se regen in Brytene wile macian flod oþ Eastermonaðe geares .mmi., for þæm þæt land is wæterfull ond ne mæg healdan ma wæter. Ond ymb Seljaby in Eoforwicscire is niw lacu greatora þonne Vinundar-mere2).
Ymb þisne dæg wæs sar and great regen in Niwsuðweala underrice in Australiam, ond dæl þæs landes micel swa eall Brytene wearþ under flode, ond his wæstm wearþ fordon. Ond in gearum .mcmxcviii. ond .mcmxcix. dryhþ fordyde his wæstm.
- Her in Sogn og Fjordane provinciam in Norðwege man openode niwne langne þyrelwag under heam beorgum of Nyheim in Aurland to Håbakken in Lærdal ond hit is fyfteon ond healf mila lang ond hit is se lengest þyrelwag for drifunge in worulde.
- xvii d: Her Clinton foresittend eode to Hanoi in Vietname.
- xviii d: Her Clinton foresittend eode to Ho Chi Minh City þe ær hatte Saigon ond wæs Suðvietnames heafodstede.
- xix d: Her Clinton eode to hame, ond in Den Haag in Niðerlande ongann gemot ymb wederwearmunge.
- xx d: Ymb þisne dæg in Prag in Czechlande forþferde Emil Zatopek se mæra Olympisca rinnere, ond he lifde .lxxviii. wintru.
- xxiii d: Her in Brytene wæron ceosunga for feower witenagemotmannum, ond se mægenwerod3) Labour ahte ealle. Ond in Americam wæs Þancgifungdæg.
- xxv d: Her æfter manigum efttellungum ond spacum ond wiðcweðungum sume segdon þæt George Bush sceal fon to rice in þæm USA, ac in æfterdagum wæron ongean spacas ond wiðcweðunga, ond giet ne mann feng to þæm rice. Ond snaw ond forst cwomon to Englalande.
- xxvi Her in Den Haag in Niðerlande endode seo gemot ymb woruldwearmunge, ond of hire ne wearþ geþwærnes.
- xxvii d: Her man ongann delfan niw wæterweg æt Preosttune4) þe wile sceotan of Lonceaster-wæterwege5) to Ripele6) ea, ond hit is þæt fyrmest niwa wæterweg in Brytene in hund gearum.
- Her in Péacháme7) in Lundene cnapan ofslogon be seaxe Nigeriscne cnapan genemmed Danilola Taylor, ond he lifde teon wintru: þus hie dydon, giet ean fyrwæpnum.
- xxx d: Her Englalandes cwen lagode þæt Anne hire dohtor sceal weorðan cniht þæs Þisles for þæm þe heo manige gearu worhte micel for earmum leodum.
- Her in Chile dema demde þæt Pinochet wæs hal to ganne fore demum.
- Her wearþ widcuþ þæt seo swiðe bealoful seocnes Ebola cwom of African to Pakistane, ond þær is wen maniga deaða.
- Her æt Kumal in Nepale wealdhere .cl. Maoista oþþe ma fohte wið æweardum ond ofsloh .xi. hira.
- Her æt Ibute-Oko wice fiscera on Nigeriae særiman eorþ-ele-ædre weorþ to fyre ond sixtig swulton in fyre oþþe ma.
1) collarbone.
2) Windermere (in the Lake District in England).
3) "power-band" = political party.
4) Preston in Lancashire.
5) Lancaster Canal.
6) River Ribble.
7) Peckham in south London (= "peak home").
Anno MM Geolmonað
- ii d: Her Bretlandes witenagemot forgaf eall þæt twentig earme þeoda sceoldon gieldan to Bretlande.
- iv d: Her wearþ widcuþ þæt se bealofulla micg Anopheles þe birþ þone malariam eardaþ in Sceapiege2) be Temesemuðan in Englalande.
- v d: Her forþferde Colin Cowdrey se mæra criccetmann1), ond he lifde .lxvii. wintru, ond he wæs lange seoc, ond he wearþ acenned in Indiam.
- vii d: Her in Nice in Francrice ongann gemot ymb bysgu þæs EEC, ond in strætum þær Frencisce scyldæweardas gehatene CRS fuhton mid teagorlyfte wið gewinnum manna.
- Her wæs heahceosung in Ghana lande ond Jerry Rawlings aleas his ric, ond he rixode .xix. gearu.
- vii-viii dd: Her ongean wæs great flod ond storm in Suðwealum ond Defnum ond Westseaxnum.
- x d: Her in American hiehstum æwgemote ongann spæc ymb hwa sceal weorðan foresittend.
- xi d: Her in Algiers Ethiopia ond Eritrea macodon frið.
- Her Ehud Barak fyrmestscealc Israheles alætte his ric ond lagode þæt sie heahceosung.
- Her ongean flod ond wind derede irenwegas in Englalande.
- xii d: Her William æþeling Englalandes cwom to hame of Tortel wice in Chile landes feorran suþdæle, ond he hæfde gewunod þær ymb .lxx. dagas. Ond he is þære cwene fyrmestes sunes fyrmest sunu.
- Her Clinton foresittend wæs in Belfast ceastre in Norþiralande.
- xiii d: Her in æfne æfter langum spacum ond efttellungum Al Gore forbeah ond segde þæt George W.Bush sceolde fon to rice in þæm USA.
- xiv d: Her in Péacháme4) in Lundene æt sunnupgonge æweardas fengon .xi. cnapan ymb Danilolan deað, ond þæm ilcan dæge hie freogedon anne hira, ond alyfedon six hira agan ac heton þæt hie giet wæron oncunnede.
- Her Shlomo Ben-Ami utlandscealc Israheles ond oþer eodon to Gazan ond metton Yasser Arafat to secanne frið, ond Ehud Barak spræc ymb gifunge to þæm Palestiniscum þone Templbeorg þær sind nu þa twegen swiðe haligan Muslimiscan templ þe hatton al-Masjid al-Aksa` ond al-Haram al-Sharif, ac þis nis gód to manigum Iudeum, for þæm þe þær wæs geo þara Iudea templ. Ac in æfterrum dagum sume Palestiniscum segdon þæt hie ne woldon macian frið gif Israhel ne alyfe gan to hira hamum þa Arabas þe afliemdon in geare .mcmxlviii. þenden Israhel wearþ, ond hie sind swiðe manige ond hira cildru. Ond Muslimisc templ hatte in Arabgereorde masjid oððe jamî` ond in Niwenglisce mosque.
- Her gemot lagode þæt manige fisceras ne mihton fiscian in þa sæm ymb Brytene ond Francrice, for þæm þe þá fiscas hæfdon geworden swiðe feawe.
- xv d: Her se gebidende cyrnmihtofen3) æt Chernobyle in Ukraine endode his geweorc, ond þis næs wynn to þæm ymbwuniendum, for þæm þe six þusend hira worhton þær.
- Her in Luoyang ceastre in Cinalande soncræfthus tobærned ond .cccix. aswulton in fyre.
- xvi d: Her neah Mexico-ceastre þe geo hatte Tenochtitlan se fyrbeorg Popocatepetl onwac, ond his nama in Aztecgereorde segþ "récende beorg".
1) cricketer (NE "cricket" < French criquet = "stick".)
2) Isle of Sheppey.
3) nuclear reactor.
4) Peckham in south London (= "peak home").
(to next year)