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Anno MMIV Æfterra Geola
- i d: Her in Englalande on Niwgearnihte wæs heard wind on Englalande ond snaw on Scotlande ond Norþymbrum ond sare derede þa Niwgearmærunge. Ond of þæt cwom great wana electricitatis in Scotlande ond Norþymbrum.
- ii d: Her wearþ widcuþ þæt in Curugsewu deorstede in Kendal ceastre in middan Java iege in Indonesiam is great snaca þæs cynnes reticulated python ond hit is .xlix. fet lang ond his gewiht is .cmlxxxv. pund. Ond menn fengon hit on Sumatra iege suðan þær se Kubu cynn wunaþ in wealde ond þa Kubu heoldon hit ond feddon hit ond lagodon þæt hit wæs hira rixiend. Ond hit æt fyf-gerim hunda in æghwylcum monaðe.
- Her NASAn mannleas woruldrumscip Stardust fleag neah þære cometam Wild-2 ond hit wæs .cxlv. mila of þære cometam ond .ccxlv. ond healf millionas mila of eorðan ond hit feng dust of þære cometam ond in geare .mmvi. hit will bringan hit eft to eorþan.
- iii d: Her Ægyptisce folcberende lyftcræft feoll in þa Readan Sæ seofon mila suþ of Sharm el Sheikh dyfungceastre þenden hit fleag of Sharm el Sheikh to Cairo to ganne to Parise ond ealle .cxlviii. aswulton þe hit bær ond .xiii. hira wæron his Ægyptisce scipmenn ond .cxxvii. þara oþrena wæron Frencisce. Ond in geare .mmiii. wæron .clxii. mislimp lyftcræfta buton hergum ond fyrdum ond in him .mcc. aswulton. Ond sume secgaþ þæt þis wæs mislimp ond ne dæd dyrnwearga.
- iv d: Her fore eorðan sunnupgonge NASAn mannleas woruldrumscip Spirit cwom to lande on Mars worulde in heofonstánslegeseaðe gehatenum Gusev ond hit is hál ond hit andswarode to Eorþan. Ond þes Gusev is greatora þonne Connecticut underric ond sume secgaþ þæt geo wæs lacu wætres þærinne, ond þær wæs wæter, mæg beon þæt þær wæs líf. Ond Spirit fleag seofon mónþas of Eorþan.
- Her Blair fyrmestscealc Englalandes fleag to Basran in Iraqe to seonns his fyrde.
- vii d: Her in Cambodiam wæs mærung for þæm þe on þissum dæge in geare .mcmlxxix. Vietnames fyrd fór in Phnom Penh þe is Cambodiae heafodceaster ond aweorp Pol Pot of his rice, ond ærra Pol Potes ric acwellede maran þonne million ond healf þæs folces.
- viii d: Her æt Suðhamtune1) Elizabeth cwen Englalandes nemnede þæt miwe greate folcberende scip Queen Mary 2.
- ix d: Her in Iraqes suðan Denisce fyrdmenn fundon .xxxvi. utberstendas for þæm mortar ond in him is poccmaciende atorlyft2). Ond hie wæron gebyrgede þær teon gearu oððe maran.
- xiii d: Her fore sunnupgonge in Wacufeld carcerne3) man fand þæt Harold Shipman heng his sylfne in nihte mid beddlíne. Ond þæm niehstan dæge he weorþe .lviii. gearu eald. Ond þurh .xxiii. gearu in Híde ond Tottamǣredene4) he acwellede .ccxv. oððe maran.
- xv d: Her in Australiam se ærest irenweg-gewægnoð rann of Adelaide to Darwin þurh Australiae greatan middanwestenn, ond se gewægnoþ wæs neah mile lang., ond se irenweg hatte se Ghan.
- Her in Iraqe þa ealdan sceattwritunga berende Saddâmes wlitan wurdon unæwlic for ceapunge ond gieldunge.
- xvi d: Her in Gusev seaðe on Marse se mannleasa wægn Spirit Rover fór utan of his scipe.
- xvii d: Her in Lundene Dr.Panos Zavos segde þæt he ongann macian clonus mannes ond he settede þæt æg in wife þonne hit hæfde geworden ðoðor cellulena.
- xviii d: Her in Baghdâde sum ofsloh his sylfe maciende utberstunge æt geate þara Americiscena heafodbolde þe ærra wæs sum Saddâmes cynehealla, ond acwellede .xx. oððe maran ond wundode maran ðonne .xc.. Ond mæste hira sind Iraqisce. Swylc yfel wierþþ of sume Islamisce prediciunga. Ond þæt geat hatte þara Assassinra geat, ond Assassin geo wæs Arabisc hashshâshîn, þe is menn þe geo in Alamut byrig neah Qazvin in Îrâne ymb gear .mc. weorþaþ hearde mannbanan þurh etunge þone hashîsh þe eac hatte cannabis mid beswicunge þæt hie foron to Godes heofone ond ongean to eorðan. Swylc yfel doð þa wynn-ator.
- xix d: Her þæt ládberende scip Rocknes fór of Bergen hýðe in Norðwege andlang Raunefjord ond hit awilwede ond sanc ond .iii. his .xxx. scipmanna sind deade ond .xii. sind generede ond man ne mæg findan .xv.. Ond man nerede .iii. þara .xii. þurh ceorfunge hol in þæs scipes boðme. Ond mæste his scipmanna wæron Philippinisce. Ond in þara Wicinga tide Bergen hatte Bjorgyn.
- xx d: Her in Leyte provinciam in Philippin-iegum heard regen macode eorþslidunge þe acwellede .lxxvii. ond man ne mæg findan .cxiii. ond þis wearþ of afyllunge treowa on hliðum.
- xxiii d: Her Brytene lagode þæt hanena flæsc ne mæg coman to Brytene of Thailande þurh pleo þære seocnesse þe hatte fugla influenza. Ond seo seocnesse acwellede ánne mann in Thailande ond siex in Vietname.
- Her in Srirangam ceastre in Tiruchchirâpalli scire in Tamil Nadu underrice in Indiam wæs weddung ond fyr wearþ þurh misgelimpe ond se brideguma ond .d. oþþe maran aswulton ond .lxxv. wurdon gewundode.
- Her þæt mannlease woruldrumscip Mars Express fand þæt on Mars worulde is ís wætres ymb his suðernan polum ond ne ána ís þæs carbon dioxide.
- xxiv d: Her on Isandhlwana beorge in Suþafricam wæs great gemot Zuluiscra for þæm on þissum dæge in geare .mdccclxxix. Bryttisce fyrd fohte wið Zuluiscre fyrde ond þa Zuluisce ahton wælstowe gewald ond aswulton .mcd. Bryttisce ond .mmm. Zuluisce ond feawe Bryttisce oferlibbedon þeah þa Bryttisce hæfdon fyrstafas ond þa Zuluisce áne hæfdon garas ond scyldas ond cycgelas. Ond þæt nama Isandhlwana segþ cy oþerran magan þe deorlæcas hataþ reticulum, for þæs beorges hiwe.
- xxv d: Her þæt Americisce mannlease woruldrumscip Opportunity cwom to lande on Mars worulde on Meridiani Planum wonge.
- xxviii d: Her in Lundene Garry Davies alætte his ric þæs Bryttiscan BBC for þæm geðinge þæs David Kelly.
- xxx d: Her Musharraf foresittend Pakistanes aweorp Abdul Kader Khan of his searuscealcscipe for þæm þe he sealde cyrncyððu to Irane ond Libyam5).
1) Southampton.
2) blister gas.
3) Wakefield (Yorkshire). The name means "festival field".
4) Hyde and Todmorden.
5) scientific advisor, nuclear information.
Anno MMIV Solmonað
- i d: Her æt þæm Hajje æt Mina neah Meccan .ccxliv. aswulton þurh þringunge ond atredunge æt þære deofolstanunge ond .ccxliv. wurdon gewundode. Ond þis is se greatost deaþ æt þæm Hajje siððan .mcdxxvi. aswulton þurh þringunge in þyrelwege in geare .mcmxc.. Ond twa million cwomon to þissum Hajje.
- Her æt Irbil in Iraqe twegen acwelledon hira synfe maciende utberstunga æt twæm boldum Kurdiscra mægenweroda ond .lvii. oððe maran aswulton þenden hie wæron æt þæm Muslimiscan mæssedæge Eid-al-Adha. Ond sume secgaþ þæt þis is of Al-Qaedan oþþe Ansar-al-Islam.
- ii d: Her in Konya in Turklande boðl feoll ond ofsloh .lxviii. ac on .viii. dæge man fand sumne Muhammet Kalem þærunder libbendne.
- iii d: Ymb þisne dæg in Haiti folchere wearþ ond ongann feohtan wiþ Haitis rice ond on .xxiii. dæge hie fengon Cap Haitien ceastre.
- iv d: In þissum wuce lang heard regen macode flod in Englalande ond Wealum, ond æt Capel Curig in Wealum feollon fot ond healf regnes in fyf dagum.
- Her wearþ widcuþ þæt in Suþende2) in Eastseaxnum man fand byrgunge ond in hire manige dyre mæðmas swa cyninges byrgung ond þyncþ þæt man byrgede hine in onginnunge þæs seofoþan gearhundrædes æfter Xti acennednesse. Ond mæg beon þæt he wæs Sæberht ond he rixode in Eastseaxnum of .dciii. to .dcxvi. ond he wæs se ærest Cristen cyning Eastseaxna, ac æfterra his cynn wearþ ongean hæðen.
- v d: Her æfter middandæge .xxxiv. Cinalandisce eodon on Lónéamúðan sandum þe nu hatte Morecambe Bay to nimanne sæcoccas1) ond þære sæwe faroð nam .xxi. hira ond hie adruncon ond .xvi. wurdon generede ond man fand .xix. hira lica. Ond .xx. hira cwomon of Fujian underrice ond án hira of Liaoning underrice in Cinalande. Ond æfterra æweardas fengon seofon menn for þissum. Ond on .iii. dæge Þrimilcemonaðes man fand gebrosnode lic ánes hira neah on særiman æt Boðltúne þara Sanda6).
- vi d: Her sum macode utberstunge on folcberendum undergrundiscum irenweg-gewægnoþe in Moskvan ond acwellede .xxxix. ond wundode .cxxix..
- Her in Dominica wæs læcung for Rebeca Martinez for þæm þe heo hæfde oþer heafod geanlæhte on tope hire heafdes craniopaguslice, ac æfterra heo aswealt þurh bledunge, ond heo lifde seofon wuce.
- Her in Haiti sume ongunnon feohtan wiþ rice Jean-Bertrand Aristide foresittendes.
- vii d: Her forðferde Norman Thelwell se mæra mæcere þara gelicnessa þe hátte cartoons, ond he lifde .lxxx. gearu.
- viii d: Her Charles æþeling fleag to Basra in Iraqe ond wæs þær siex stunde, ond æfterra he fleag to Tehran.
- ix d: Her Charles æðeling spræc þær mid Mohammed Khatami foresittende Iranes ond eode to Bam þær ærra wæs eorþstyren, ond æfterra he fleag to Riyadh.
- x d: Her in Iskandarîya in Iraqe sum macode utberstunge in wægne neah æwearda bold ond ofsloh .xlix. oððe maran ond mæst dæl hira sind Iraqisce þe woldon weorðan æweardas.
- Her Iranisc lyftcræft cwom to Sharjah lyfthyðe in Arab-landum ond feoll to grunde ond .xliii. aswulton.
- xi d: Her in Baghdâde in Iraqe sum macode utberstunge in wægne neah fyrdbold ond ofsloh .xlvii. oððe maran ond mæst dæl hira sind Iraqisce þe woldon weorðan fyrdmenn.
- Her wæs snaw ond eorðstyren in Israhele, ond on .xiv. dæge in Ierusaleme eald weall feoll in wifa ábiddunggearde on Heargbeorge neah þæm Westwealle, ac God gaf þæt nænig wearþ gewundod.
- xiii d: Her æt Morecambe lífbáthýðe wæs Buddhisc halig begong for þæm .xx. Cinalandiscum sæcoccfiscerum.
- Her man feng Ryan Anderson for þæm þe he sohte sendan fyrde dyrnláre to Al-Qaedan ond he is Americisc scriðdracamann ond his fyrdset is Fort Lewis in Washington underrice ond he wearþ Muslim in geare .mcmxcix.. Swylc uninholdnesse wierþþ of Islame.
- Her wæs snaw ond heard forst in Athens in Greclande.
- xii d: Her Harry sunu Charleses æþelinges Englalandes eode to Lesotho ond will weorcan þær þreo monðas.
- xiv d: Her in Fallûja in Iraqe seofontiggerim wearga fuhton wið æweardboðle ond aswulton .xviii. æweardas ond feower weargas ond feower Iraqisce þe næron in þæm gefeohte. Ond sume þara wearga ne wæron Iraqisce.
- Her in æfne in Moskvan in Russiam micles swimmungboðles glæsen hrof feoll þurh gewiht snawes ond .xxvi. aswulton ond .cx. wurdon gewundode, for þæm þe gebrocen glæs cierfþ swa sweord. Ond manige nacode for swimmunge þorfton utgan in snawe ond heardum wintercyle þe wæs -20ºC. Ond in ærdagum in Moskvan feoll micel snaw. Ond þæt boðl hatte Transvaal Park ond hit is in Moskvan suðeastan.
- Her delfend togode to norðan up on Hjapfjall3) efntoppwægn þe bær ealde weg-iren ond se wægn wearþ freo ond rann feower mila to suðan of dune ond æt Tiba-iege7) hit sloh hloðe teon irenwegwyrcena ond ofsloh feower hira ond wundode þreo.
- Ymb þissum dæge wearþ widcuþ þæt in Idaho underrice man macode clonus múles gehatanes Idaho Gem, ond æfterra twegen oðre.
- xvii d: Her in Californiam tungolæmenn fand niwne woruld gehatenne 2004 DW ond hit gæþ ymb sunnan furðor þonne Plutonis pæþ ond his widnesse is .mdcl. kilometras.
- xviii d: Her neah Neyshâbûr þe eac hatte Nîshâpûr in norðan Khurâsân provinciae Îrânes irenweg-gewægnoþ .li. wægna stod æt Abu Muslim stoppungstede ond hit bær micle byrðen swefeles ond fyr-eles ond þæs fertilizer ond hit ongann rinnan ean drifere ond wearþ swift ond neah Khayyâm stoppungstede hit tobræc ond bærned ond æfterra utbærst swiðe hearde ond acwellede .ccxcv. ond wundode .cdl. ond fordyde fyf wic, ond þære utberstunge miht wæs Richter 3.6. Ond mæst dǣl þara deadena wæron fyrmenn ond ahredderas ond geréfan.
- xix d: Her Englalandes cwen gaf to Simon Wiesenthal þone cnihtoþ þe hatte KBE for his langum geweorce to fónne Naziisce guþmándædwyrcan for æwe ond dome, ond he is .xcv. gearu eald, ond geo he wæs hæft in Mauthausen.
- xx d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in Irane.
- xxi d: Her man lagode þa leahtrunge for dome wið Ali Hamza Ahmed Sulayman al Bahlul ond he is Yemenisc ond Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al Qosi ond he is Sudanisc for guðmándædum ond hie sind Al-Qaedan, ond hie sind þa fyrmeste Guantanamiscan hæftas þe eodon fore deman.
- xxiii d: Her in morgne wæs eorþstyren ymb Al Hoceima hýðceastre in Morocco ond his miht wæs Richter 6.5 ond .dlxiv. aswulton oððe maran.
- xxiv d: Her wæs utberstung fyrlyftes in Baixing coldelfunge in Heilongjiang provinciae in Cinalandes ond .xxxii. aswulton oððe maran. Ond oft coldelferas aswulton under grunde in Cinalande. Ond þæt nama Heilongjiang segþ Sweartdraca-ea ond seo ea eac hatte Amur.
- xxv d: Her Elizabeþ cwene Englalandes gaf árweorðednessa to guðhæleðum ond sum hira wæs seo George-ród to Christopher Finney for þæm þe neah Basra in Iraqe Americisc lyftcræft þurh misgelimpe sceat hearde swa in Niwenglisce hatte strafung to him ond sumum ond þeah he wæs gewundod he ahreddede twegen of byrnendum wægnum. Ond he wæs .xix. gearu eald ond he wæs se gingst þe hæfde George-rode. Ond libbaþ .xxiv. George-rodberendas.
- Her æt Kourou in Frenciscre Guiana fyrspere gehaten Ariane sceolde fleogan in woruldrume berende þæt mannlease woruldrumscip Rosetta ond in geare .mmxiv. hit sceal metan þone cometam 67D/Churymov-Gerasinov. Ac on þissum dæge þurh heardum winde dæge hit ne mihte fleogan. Ond hit fleag on .ii. dæge Hreðmonaðes. Ond Rosetta is genemned for þæm Ægyptiscan Rosetta-stáne, for þæm þe man hopaþ þæt hit will findan hwanon cwom Eorðan lif.
- Her æt sunnupgonge Jean-Bertrand Aristide foresittend fleag of Haiti ond alætte his ric. Ond Boniface Alexandre feng to rice ond he is Haitis dématoga, ac he hæfþ lytel miht to rixianne, ond sóðora wære þæt ongean se AK47 feng to rice ond stælunge of ceapboldum.
- xxix d: Her Americisce sæfyrdmenn flugon to Haiti to secanne macianne æ ond rixodnesse ond folcfrið, ond eac Canadisce ond Frencisce.
- Her in Karbalâ' in Iraqe ongann seo micla Shî`isca Islamisca gearmæsse Ashura þe is gnornung for þæm þe æt Karbalâ'-feldum in geare .dclxxx. Sunnisce Muslimas ofslogon Hussein sunu Fâtiman Muhammades dohtres ond his here in gefeohte. Ond hit sceal rinnan teon dagas ond twa million-gerim foron þider ond manige hira cwomon of Irane. Ond Sunnisce Muslimas ne lufiaþ þás mæssan ond Saddâmes ric forbead hit for þæm þe þa Sunnisce secgaþ þæt þes Hussein næs Muhammades riht yrfeweard for þæm Khâlifascipe5) ond þæt sceal beon þa mæssan þe Muhammad witega scráf ond ne oþre ond forþý is wen Sunniscra weargdæda. Ond is heard unfreondscip betweox þæm Sunniscum ond þæm Shî`iscum. Ond se ærest dæg þæs Ashuran is se teoða dæg þæs Muslimiscan monaðes Muharram.
- Her wearþ widcuþ þæt se swiðe greata Friðsæwisca4) hæfern Paralithodes camtschatica þe eac hatte se reada cyninghæfern færþ swifte to suðan of Barents-sæwe andlang Norðweges særiman ond hæfþ gecuman to þæm Lofoten-iegum, ond under sæ hit forswilgþ ealle ond macað wéste, for þæm þe þær wunaþ naht þe mæg wiðhealdan hit. Ond ærra Russisce brohton hit to Barents-sæwe of Friðsæwe4).
1) cockles.
2) Southend.
3) Shap Fell, flatbed wagon, Tebay.
4) Pacific Ocean.
5) caliphate.
6) Bolton le Sands.
7) Tebay.
Anno MMIV Hreðmonað
- ii d: Her æt þære Ashura-mæsse in Iraqe man macode þrie utberstunga ymb þone Kaðimîya-masjid in Baghdâde ond hie acwelledon .lxx. oððe maran, ond seofon oððe maran æt Karbalâ' in Iraqe ond hie acwelledon .cxii. oððe maran ond sume hira wæron Iranisce, ond wundodon .cd.-gerím. Ond þrie hira æt Baghdâde wurdon selfcwellunga, ac weardas fengon feowerþan þisra wearga ean utberstunge, ond hie fengon wæpnedweargas æt Karbalâ' ond æt Najaf ond æt Basra. Ond æt Quetta in Pakistane Sunnisce sceotenda ond macienda utberstunge ofslogon .xliv. Shî`isce oððe maran ond wundodon maran þonne .cl.. Ond siex in æghwylcum teon Iraqiscum sind Shî`isce. Ond Iraqes rixunggemot lagode þreo gnornungdagas. Ond man segþ þæt þis is of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi ond he is Eastiordanisc ond he is mann þæs Osama bin Laden.
- Her wearþ widcuð þurh NASAn þæt in lytle seaðe in Meridiani Planum wonge on Mars worulde þæt woruldrumscip Opportunity fand scéatas sandes swa weorþaþ under wætre ond sume mid hiwum gemacodum be wætres ýðum ond þæt segþ þæt on Marse geo wæs micel wæter swa swa lif mihte beon þær.
- vi d: Her in Es Migjorn Gran wice in Menorca iege forðferde æt hame Joan Riudavets Moll ond he lifde .cxiv. gearu old he wæs se ieldst in worulde ond ærra he wæs scohwyrca ond he wearþ acenned þær.
- vii d: Her Israheles fyrd fór in þa fleogendsetl Al Bureij ond Nusseirat in Gazalande secende wæpnedmenn ond .xiv. Palestinisce aswulton.
- ix d: Her wearþ widcuð þæt man fand þæt Suðamericisce deor coati neah Haukssǣtr1) ond æt Hafriþveit ond æt Sigariðerg-castele in Cumbriae suðan in Englalande.
- xi d: Her neah sunnupgonge in Madride þe is Hispaniae cyneceastre sume macodon .xi. utberstunge in þrim irenweg-hýðboldum ond acwelledon unrihte .cxci. ond wundodon .mcdxxi. oððe maran. Ond æfterra ETA segde þæt þis næs hira geweorc, ond Al Qaeda segde þæt þis wæs hira geweorc. Ond ETA is Bascisc1) dyrnwearghere. Godes wite sie on þæm mandædwyrcum. Ond þreo utberstendas ne utberston. Ond in Madrides riman man fand wægn ond in him seofon detonatores ond ánne swegwriðan ond on him dǣlas þæs Qur'ânes. Ond æfterra man feng .xv. for þissum ond mæst hira wæron Moroccisce.
- xiii d: Her in Agogo scire in Pader lande in Uganden wearghere þe hatte his sylf þone Lord's Resistance Army ofsloh .lii. landware, ond oft þes here deþ hearm in Ugandam. Ond þæs herges nama segþ þæs Dryhtnes Fyrd Andwiges.
- xiv d: Her in gemynde æt Buccingaham-cynehealle in Lundene þære Edwendunge þara Wearda soncræft wæs se Hispanisca Marcha Real ond ne God save the Queen swa is wunelic. Ond wæs heahfolccyre in Hispaniam ond se Socialistisca mægenwerod feng to rice. Ond æfterra wæs halig begong for gemynde in Santa Maria de la Almuneda mynstre in Madride, ond eac on .xxiv. dæge.
- Her wearþ widcuþ þæt þæt niwe woruldrum-têlescopium Spitzer fand niwe worulde gehatene Sedna ond hit is maran þonne eahta billionas mila of sunnan ond hit is lytle læssa þonne Pluto. Ond hit rinnþ áne rinnunge ymb sunnan in .xm. ond .d. gearum. Ond Sedna is Eskimoisc sæ-gyden.
- xvi d: Her æt Cuetzalan in Puebla underrice in Mexico siex Bryttisce eodon in langne hol to infindanne hwæt wæs þærinne, ac strang regen fyllede dǣl þæs holes mid wætre ond hie ne mihton utgan, ond on .xxv. dæge Bryttisce holdyferas brohton hie utan mid dyfera ǣðmsearwum. Ond feower þara siex sind fyrdmenn. Ond ymb Cuetzalan manige giet sprecaþ Nahuatl-gereord. Ond his nama in Nahuatlgereorde is rihte Quetzallân þe segþ "gemang þæm quetzalfuglum". Ond æfterra man onfeng hie ond leahtrode þæt hie sohton þone uranium ond æfterra þæt hie wæron þær for fyrdlicre sendunge ond ne for wynne swa nu hatte tourism, ond on .xxix. dæge man utweorp hie to Englalande.
- xvii d: Her man macode utberstunge æt þæm gásthuse Hotel Lebanon in Karrada in Baghdâde ond fordyde hit ond acwellede .xxix. oððe maran ond micel dǣl hira wæron Ægyptisce. Ond man seceþ Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi for þissum ond he is Osama Bin Ladenes heafodscealc in Iraqe.
- Her in Kosovska Mitrovica hloð Serba rinnende folgedon þreo Albanisce cnapan ond fleogende þa cnapan rinnon in ea ond án hira swamm ond nerede his feorh ond twegen hira adruncon. Ond of þæm wearð great folcgefeoht in Kosovo ond æfterra .dccl. Bryttisce fyrdmenn eodon to Kosovo.
- xix d: Ymb þisne dæg ymb Wala ceastre in Suð-Waziristan provinciam in Pakistane Pakistanes fyrd fohte wið beorgweargum, ond sume secgaþ þæt þær is Ayman al Zawahiri þe is Bin Ladenes heafodþegn, ac manige þara wearga flugon þurh langne þyrelweg. Ond neah in Afghnistane Americisce fuhton wið Talibaniscum.
- xx d: Her in Soestdijk cynehealle æt Baarn in Niðerlande þurh pneumoniam þenden heo sleop forðferde Juliana þe ærra wæs cwen Niðerlandes, ond heo lifde .xciv. gearu, ond heo wæs seoc mid Alzheimeres seocnesse, ond on .xxx. dæge man byrgede hie andlang Wilhelmina hire modore in þære Niwan Cyrican æt Delft. Ond heo feng to rice in geare .mcmxlviii. ond in geare .mcmlxxx. heo alætte hire ric for ieldo ond Beatrix hire dohtor feng to rice. Ond Julianae modor wæs Wilhelmina cwen ond in geare .mcmxlviii. Wilhelmina alætte hire ric for ieldo ond seocnesse ond þære gedréfednesse þara geara Hitleres gúðe.
- xxii d: Her neah masjide in Gaza ceastre fore sunnupgonge Israhelisc wingwindend ofsloh mid fyrspere Sheikh Ahmed Yassin ond fyf mid him ond he wæs Hamases toga ond he bebad swiðe manige weargdædas wið Israhele.
- xxiii d: Her on Mars worulde NASAn woruldrumscip Opportunity fand sand þe geo wæs grund sealtigre sæwe on Meridiani Planum wonge.
- xxiv d: Her in morgne Israheles fyrd fór in Khan Yunis fleogendsetl.
- xxv d: Her Blair fyrmestscealc Englalandes eode to Libyam to sprecanne mid Colonel Gaddafi.
- xxviii d: Her hweolstorm sloh Santa Catarina ond Rio Grande do Sul underricu in Brazile ond fordyde manige bold ond ofsloh menn. Næfre ærra þenden wedergearwritunga rinnon wæs hátsæwisc hweolstorm in Atlas-sæwe suðan. Ond menn heton hit Catarina.
- Her forðferde Peter Ustinov se mæra truð, ond he lifde .lxxxii. gearu.
- xxix d: Her in Helvetiam3) forðferde se mæra truð Peter Ustinov, ond he lifde .lxxxii. gearu.
- Her NASA segde þæt on Mars worulde þæt mannleasa woruldrumscip Mars Express fand lytle andefne þære fyrlyfte methane ond mæg beon þæt hit cwom of fyrbeorgum ond mæg beon þæt hit cwom from wihtum þe giet libbaþ on Marse.
- Her under middan Mameceastre in Englalande fýr bærnede feorrsprecunglína ond forþý man ne mihton brucan .cxxx. þusend feorrspreceras in Mameecasterlande ond Legeceasterscire ond Djurabýscire.
- Her in Californiam niw mannleas lyftcræft gehaten X-43A fleag æt hrædnesse Mach .vii. þe is fyf þusend mila in stunde, ond his scufend wæs scramjet.
- xxx d: Her in Englalande neah Lundene æweardas fengon healf ton þæs utberstendes ammonium nitratum æt Hanawiellan ond onfengon eahta geonge menn Pakistanisces cynnes æt Wixabrycge ond Hyleforde ond Sló ond Cráwléa ond Hornléa.4)
- Ymb þisne dæge in Uzbekistane maran þonne .xx. aswulton in gefeohte betweox þæm rice ond Islamiscum weargum.
1) Hawkshead (= Hawk's summer pasture); Haverthwaite (= oat clearing); Sizergh (= Sigarið's summer pasture).
2) I use "Basc" for Basque.
3) Switzerland.
4) Hanwell, Uxbridge, Ilford, Slough, Crawley, Horley.
Anno MMIV Eastermonað
- ii d: Her æt Mocejón neah Toledo in Hispaniam irenwegwyrca fand utberstend under þæm irenwege þe scytt of Madrid to Sevilla ond hit wæs rædig to utberstanne.
- Her Rumania ond Bulgaria ond Slovakia ond Slovenia ond Estonia ond Latvia ond Lithuania wurdon gegildan NATOes.
- Her in Leganes þe is dǣl Madrides æweardas ymbsat bold husa ond þærinne Serhane ben Abdelmajid Farkhet ofsloh mid utberstendum his sylf ond feower his scealca ond ánne æweard. Ond þes Serhane wæs heretoga þæe weardherges þe macode utberstunga in Madride. Ond þa æweardas leahtrodon .xv. for þissum utberstungum ond acwellungum.
- iv d: In Iraqe Moqtada al-Sadr is heardmod Shî`isc preost, ond her he ongann folcgefeoht wið þæm Americiscum ond Engliscum, for þæm þe ærra Americisce onfengon Mustafâ Ya`qûbî for morðre þæs `Abdul Majid al-Khoei (þe rihte is Khô'î), ond for þæm þe Americisce forstoppodon al-Sadres ærendwritunge Al-Hawza. Ac sume Shî`isce preostas sind lǣssan heardmode ond cealledon for friðe. Ond wearþ gefeoht in Najaf ond Baghdâd ond Amâra ond Kût ond Fallûja ond elleshwær in Iraqe. Ond fyftig-gerim Iraqisce aswulton ond sume Americisce. Ond man nam feower Japanisce swa gislas. God bringe frið.
- v d: Her Elizabeþ .ii. cwen Brytene wæs æt symble in Champs Élyssés cynehealle in Parise for þæm þe hundræd gearu ærra Bryten ond Francric macodon þa geþwærnesse þe hatte seo Entente Cordiale. Ond þær seo spræc in Frenciscum gereorde.
- vi d: Her in Brytene æweardas onfengon sume þe sohton macian deaþ mid þæm atore osmium tetroxide.
- ix d: Her in æwearda bolde in Sofia þe is Bulgariae heafodceaster sum mid þære teagorlyfte chloropicrin wundode .xl. oððe maran.
- Her in Chad lande Sudanes ric macode frið mid twæm folcfyrdum Darfur provinciae.
- Her se USA sendede lyftcræft to Ross-iege in Antarcticae wintre to ahreddanne sume menn þe wurdon seoce.
- Her wæs Eosterfrigadæg, ond in Romam se papa lædde halige begonge in þæm Colosseum.
- x d: Her in Iraqe ongunnon seo Shî`isca mæsse gehaten Arba`în, þe segþ Feowertig.
- Her in Taizhina coldelfunge in Kemerovo lande in Siberiam wæs utberstung þære fyrlyfte methane ond .xlvii. coldelferas aswulton ond man nerede siex.
- xii d: Her Hispanisce æweardas onfendon þreo menn for þæm utberstungum.
- Her on Canadae særimum æt Newfoundland ond Hudson Bay ongann se greatost seolhhuntoð in fyftigum gearum, ond man wysceþ ofslean .cccl. þusend geongra seola for þæm þe þa seolas etaþ swiðe manige fiscas.
- Ymb þisne dæg in Sri Lankan þa Tamilisce Tigridas foldfyrd fuhton wið Vinayagamoorthy Muralithanran þe eac hatte Karuna ond he is sum hira fyrdtogan ond he forgymede his hlafordas ond fohte for his sylfe ond werode his sylf æt Thoppigala þe is .lxxv.-gerim mila norþ of Colombo. Ond þa Tamilisce Tigridas secaþ macian in Sri Lankan hira agen þeodland gahaten Tamil Eelam.
- xiv d: Her Abdullah .ii. cyning Eastiordana segde þæt in þissum monaþe his ric onfeng hloð Al-Qaediscra dyrnwearga ond feng micle utberstendas ond þis forstod gerædunge þe éaðe mæg wolde acwellan .xx. þusenda mid atorlyfte in Eastiordanlandes dyrnþeowotbolde.
- xv d: Her in Najafe in Iraqe al-Sadr macode wæpengestand ond segde þæt his wæpnedhloð ne feohte æfterra.
- Her sum þe segde þæt he wæs Osama Bin Laden segde þæt he wolde macian wæpengestand mid þæm Europeiscum ac ne mid American gif þa Europeisce ne weorcen ænig dæd wið Muslimum in ænigum lande. Ac Europan þeodtogan segdon þæt hie ne mihton geðafian mid þissum.
- xvii d: Her in Gaza ceastre Israhelisc wingwindend ofsloh mid fyrspere Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi ond his twegen weardas ond he wæs heretoga Hamasas in Gazan ond he lædde swiðe manige weargdædas.
- Her wæs heahfolccyre in Suðafricam ond Thabo Mbeki ond se ANV fengon ongean to rice.
- Her in Kosovo lande Eastiordanisce æweardas scuton to Amrriciscum æweardas for yrre ymb Iraqe ond wearþ gefeoht ond aswulton twegen Americisce ond án Eastiordanisc.
- xix d: Her ongann heahfolccyre in Indiam.
- xx d: Her in Englalande æweardas onfengon nigon menn ond áne wif ond hie wæron Iraqisce Kurdas ond Norþafricisce ond eac þone utberstend ammonium nitratum, ond sume secgaþ þæt þa teon woldon acwellan manige in Mameceastre mid utberstunge oððe mid atorlyfte.
- xxi d: Her in Israhele Mordacai Vanunu wearþ freo of Ashqelon carcerna ond in geare .mxmlxxxvi. dema sendede hine to carcerne for þæm þe he spræc to þæm worulde ymb Israheles cyrndyrngeweorc. Ond ærra he wæs Iudeisc ac æfterra he wearþ Cristen. Ond nu he nis alyfede gat ut of Israhele, for þæm þe he wát micel ymb Israhales cyrngeweorc.
- Her in morgne in Basra in Iraqe sylfcwellendas macodon utberstunga neah æwearda boldum ond acwelledon .lxviii. Iraqisce in wegum ond sume hira wærum geonge cildru gánde to scóle. Ond sum acwellede menn mid utberstunge in Baghdâde.
- Her in Riyadh in Saudiscre Arabiam sum macode utberstunge ond acwellede teon oððe máran.
- xxi d: Her æt Ryongchon stoppungstede in Norðkorean norðwestan ende irenweg-gewægnoð bær micel láde utberstenda ond hit hreppode nacodne wír þærinne electricitas rann ond hit utbærst hearde ond acwellede manige ond fordyde .mdccc. hus. Ond twegen gewægnoþas utberston ond in him eac micle fyr-ele ond fyrlyft utberston. Ond .cliv. aswulton oððe maran ond .lxxvi. hira wæron scólcildru, ond maran þonne .mccc. wurdon gewundode.
- xxv d: Her Francrices æftemest col-delfung endode.
- xxvi d: Her in Iraqe wæs ongean gefeoht æt Fallûja ond æt Najaf.
- xxvii d: Her Colonel Gaddafi eode to Brussels ond wæs þær twegen dagas. Ond his nama is rihte Qaðâfî.
- Her in æfne in Damascus Al-Qaedisce macodon utberstunga æt æmettigum bolde þærinne ærra wæron Americisce ond feower Syrisce aswulton.
- Her in Thailandes þrym suðernum provincium Islamisce weargas fuhton wið fyrdboldum ond æweardboldum ond æt masjide in Pattani ceastre ond aswulton .cvii. weargas ond fyf fyrdmenn. Ond Thailandes mæst dǣl is Buddhisc ond spricþ Thai gereorde, ac se suðerna ende is Muslim ond spricþ Malayisce.
Anno MMIV Ðrimilcemonað
- i d: Her æt middannihte fore sunnupgonge Hungaria, Pola land, Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Grecisc Cyprus wurdon dǣlas þæs EEC.
- Her seo Bryttisca bismerfulla ond undeora ærendwritung Daily Mirror utsendede fægunga þe ætiwað Bryttisce fyrdmenn tintregiende ond misbeodende Iraqisce hæftas in Iraqe, ac þa fægunga wæron untreowe ond forleogunge, to þæs þe ærendceapmenn gefangen sceattas, ac of þæm fægungum wearþ micel hearm for þara fyrda mǣrðu in Iraqe ond in worulde. Ond on .xiv. dæge man aweorp þone editorem þæs Daily Mirror of his weorcstede.
- iii d: Her in Bursa ceastre in Turklande æweardas onfengon .xvi. oððe maran þæs Ansâr al Islâm þe woldon macian utberstunga in Istanbule on .xxviii. dæge Midsumermonaðes þonne NATO-togena gemot sceal onginnan.
- iv d: On þissum dæge in geare .mcmiv. æt þæm gasthuse Midland Hotel in Mameceastre middan þæt geferscip Rolls Royce ongann.
- Her in æfne wæs eclipsis þæs mónan.
- viii d: Her in Waffensen wice neam Bremen in Germaniae norðan æweardas onfengon Sven Jaschan for þæm þe macode þone swiðe bealofullan virus cyrcolwyrda þe hatte Sasser.
- ix d: Her in Grozny in Chechya-lande æt stadium utberstung acwellede Akhmed Kadymov foresittend Chechnyae þenden wæs fyrdgong for Sigedæge ond on þissum dæge in geare .mcmxlv. endode guð wið Naziiscre Germaniam.
- x d: Her wæs micel þunor in Englalande, ond spinnwind neah Brecon in Weala suðan.
- xi d: Her æt Stockline Plastics odene in Glascú1) ofen utbærst ond seo oden feoll ond nigon aswulton.
- xiii d: Her endode heahfolccyre in Indiam, ond Sonia Gandhi ond se mægenwerod Congress fengon to rice. Ac on .xviii. dæge Sonia Gandhi segde þæt heo nolde rixian. Ond heo is Italisc ond heo is widwe þæs Rajiv Gandhi.
- xiv-xx dd: Her Israheles fyrd fór in Rafah in Gazalande to secanne weargas ond wæpn-odena ond to findanne þyrelwege þærþurh Gazalandisce dyrne brohte wæpn innan ond seo fyrd tobræc manige hus ond wearþ gefeoht ond .xl. Palestinisce aswulton.
- Her forðferde Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer, ond on Comoro-iegum on .xxii. dæge Foregeoles geares .mcmxci. heo fand þone fisc Latimeria chalumnae ond hit is þæs cynnes Coelacanthia ond ærra menn segdon þæt nænig swylc fisc hæfde gelibbed in marum þonne .lxx. millionum gearum.
- xvii d: Her þæs USAes fyrd segde þæt in Iraqe man settede utberstendhealdere for fyrwæpnum to utberstanne neah USA-isce fyrdmannum ond in him wæs nænig utberstend ac seo atorlyft sarin.
- Her æt Hǣþrǣwe2) lyftfelde neam Lundene nigon menn sohton stælan gold ond sceattas ond hira weorð is .lxxx. millionas punda, ac æweardas fengon eahta þara manna.
- Her in Baghdâde sum macode selfcwellunge utberstunge ond ofsloh `Izz-ad-Dîn Salim ond seofon oðre ond he wæs heafodmann Iraqes rixienda, ond he wæs Basraisc Shî`isc.
- xix d: Sume secgað þæt her æt Makr eð Ði'b wice in Iraqe neah Syria-mearce wæs weddung ond menn scuton uppe for myrignesse ond Americisce wingwindend þohte þæt þis wæs gefeoht ond hit sceat ond manige aswulton. Ond þæs stedes nama segþ Lytignesse þæs Wulfes. Ac sume secgaþ þæt þis wæs gemot wearga. God bringe frið ond rihtne ende.
- xxiv d: Her in Hispaniola-iege in Carib-sæ teon ynceas regnes feollon in anum dæge ond macode flod ond horhslidunge þe acwelledon maran þonne .cm..
- Her wearð widcuþ þæt in geare .mmii. æt Sanctae Mariae seochuse in Mameceastre wearþ acenned cnapa ond he wearþ geeacnode in glæse ond his fæderes sǣd wæs gefroren .xxi. gearu for þæm þe he þorfte læcnunge for carcinomate his bealluca ond þæt macode his sǣd gelde.
- xxv d: Her in Mameceastre eastdǣle seo ceapungheall Æsctunes under Lyme3) bærnede.
- xxvii d: Her in Lundene æweardas onfengon se imam Abu Hamza to þæs þe se USA leahtrie hine for manige hearmweargdædum þe he dyde for Islame: þæt he nam gislas in Yemen-lande in Geolmonaþe geares .mcmxcviii., ond tilode macian here-set to tæcanne brogaweargas for jihâde æt Dog Cry Ranch neah Bly in Oregone underrice betweox Winterfylleðe geares .mcmxcix. ond Æftergeole geares .mm., ond gaf fultume to weargum ond Talibanum ond jihâdmannum in Afghanistane. Ond man ne miht handcyspan hine for þæm þe he ne hæfþ hand, ond his name segþ Fæder Hóces. Ond he wearþ acenned in Ægpte.
- Her se Dalai Lama cwom to Brytene ond wæs þær seofon dagas. Ond on þissum dæge he wæs æt Liferpóle, ond he spræc in þæm Anglicaniscan Liferpol-mynstre. Ond Lama in Tibetisce segþ "preost". Ond Dalai in Mongolisce segþ "garsecg", for þæm þe Europisce ærest gehyredon ymb hine þurh Mongolisce, ac his agen riht ricungnama is Tibetisc.
- xxix d: Her æt Al Khubar þe eac hatte Khobar in Arabiam neam Bahrain weargas fengon utlandiscra bold gehaten Oasis ond fengon manige gislas ond ofslogon .xvvii. oððe maran ond án hira wæs Bryttisc. Ond æfter .xxv. stundum Saudisce sundorfyrdmenn cwomon in wingwindendum ond fengon þæt bold ond freogodon ealle þara gisla, ond in gefeohte aswulton .xxii. ond seofon hira wæron weargas ond þrie wæron utlandisce, ond hie fengon twegen weargas. Ond sum segde þæt þa weargas sind Al-Qaedisce.
- xxxi d: Her in Karachi in Pakistane man macode utberstunge in æfengebedum in þæm Shi`iscan masjide Imam Bargha Ali Raza ond acwellede fyfteon oððe maran ond wundode maran þonne feowertig, ond þis wæs onwrecung for þæm þe on .xxx. dæge man ofsloh Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai ond he wæs Sunnisc Muslimisc preost ond he wæs mid þæm Al Qaeda.
1) Gaelic name for Glasgow.
2) Heathrow.
3) Ashton-under-Lyne. "Lyme" is probably Celtic for "the elms".
Anno MMIV Midsumermonað
- iii d: Her forðferde Frances Shand Kydd þurh seocnesse hire brægnes, ond heo was modor Dianae æðelingene, ond heo lifde .lxviii. gearu.
- v d: Her in Brytene ond æt Pegasus-brycge in Normandige wæs gemynde for þæm þe aswulton in gefeohte wið Hitleres herge on þæm dæge þe hatte D-day in geare .mcmxliv.
- Her æt hame in Bel Air in Los Angeles forþferde Ronald Reagan þe ærra wæs foresittend þæs USA ond he lifde .xciii. gearu ond he wæs teon gearu seoc þurh Alzheimeres seocnesse.
- viii d: Her in morgne in Europam Venus fór fore þære sunnan, swa man seah on eorþan, ond tungolǣmenn hataþ þis transitus Veneris.
- xi d: Her in Washingtone in þæm USA man byrgede Ronald Reagan ond ærra he wæs foresittend.
- xix d: Her in Fallûja in Iraqe Americisc lyftcræft fordyde hus þæs Abu Musab al Zarqawi ond acwellede .xxii. ond he is se heretoga Al-Qaedan in Iraqe.
- Her in Riyadh in Arabiam æweardas ascuton feower Al-Qaedisce dyrnhereweargas ond fengon twelf, ond on .xviii. dæge sume þara wearga beheafdodon þone Americiscan gísl Paul Johnson. Ond án þara feower wæs `Abdul `Azîz al Mukrin ond he wæs heah in Al-Qaedan.
- xx d: Seo Germanisca geferscip Zeppelin macode lyftpoccisc lyftscip swa oft hatte Zeppelin ond hit wæs þæt æreste swylce in marum þonne .lx. gearum. Ond hit hatte Yokoso Japan, ond hit is .ccxlvii. fet lang. Ond on þissum dæge hit fleag ofer Lundene ond hit will fleogan to Japane þær hit will wunian. Ond hit mæg beran twelf rideras ond his twegen scipmenn.
- Her Iranisce fengon siex Bryttisce sæfyrdmenn ond twegen Bryttisce fyrdscipmenn in Shatt al `Arab ea þe is mearc Iraqes ond Iranes ond nom hie to Tehrane, ac æfterrs hie freogodon hie.
- xxi d: Her in Mojave-westenne in Californiam se lyftcræft White Knight fleag uppe ond hit bær þone lyftcræft SpaceShipOne ond SpaceShipOne wearþ freo ond fleag uppe, ond wæs in woruldrume feower minuti ond hit wæs /lx/ mila of eorþan, ac ne eode ymb eorþan. Ond hit nis of Nasa ond ne of ænigum þara rixiera þeoda. Ond Burt Rutan lǣdde þa þe macodon hit. Ond Paul Allen gieldede þa sceattas to macianne hit.
- xxiv d: Her man macode utberstunga æt Mosule in Iraqe ond/lxi. aswulton ond .xxxv. wurdon gewundode, pnd wæs sceotung æt Baqûba ond æt Ramada.
- xxv d: her wearþ widcuð þæt mæg weorþan wana þæs chocolate in worulde for þære wiccebesmaseocnesse þe acwelleþ manige cacaotreo ond seo is nu in Suðafricam ond is ege þæt seo will faran to oþrum landum.
- Her Americisc guðlyftcrft sloh hus in Fallûja in Iraqe ond acwellede .xxv. þæs herges þæs dyrnheretogan Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
- xxvii d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in Lithuaniam ond Valdis Adamkus feng ongean to his rice.
- Her in Nabluses ealdan ceastre in Westiordanum Israhelisce feallhleofyrdfmenn ofslogon Nayef Abu Sharkh ond siex in dyrnþyrelweg under huse ond he wæs sum þara heretogena þære Al-Aqsa-hlóðe.
- xxviii d: Her bryten ond se USA gieldedon Iraqes rixiunge to Iraqiscum þeodtogum ond Shaikh Ghazi Yawer feng to Iraqes rice ond Iyad Allam is his fyrmestscealc.
- xxx d: Her in Liferpole æweardas onfengon þreo Cinalandisce for þæm deaðum þara .xxiii. sæcoccfiscera, ond on þæm æfterdæge hie eode fore deman æt Lonceastre1).
- Her Colin Powell eode to Darfur lande in Sudane ond þær seoh þa greatan hungor ond þoliunge þara Darfurwara for þæm þe Sudanes ric oft sendedon þone westennhere Janjawîd to herganne þa Darfurware þeah ba folc sind Muslimas.
1) Lancaster.
Anno MMIV Æfterra Liða
- In þissum monaðe in Indiam wæs great flod in underricum Bihar ond West Bengal ond Assam, ond twegen dǣlas of þrym Bangladeshes wurdon under wætre.
- i d: Her in Baghdâde Saddâm Husain eode fore deman for his mándædum, ond eac Chemical Ali ond oþre.
- ii d: Her forðferde Marlon Brando se mæra truð ond he lifde .lxxx. gearu.
- v d: Her in Den Haag in Niðerlande man forstoppode þa demunge þæs Slobodan Milosevich for his seocnesse.
- vii-viii dd: Her wæron hearde wind ond regen on Englalande ond wind afyllede manige treow.
- xvi d: Her in Kumbakonam heargceastre in Tamil Nadu underrice in Indiam fyr wearþ of cócunge in cycene ond brædede to lytelra cildra scóle gehatenum Sarasvatî þe is dǣl Srî Krishna scóle ond .xc. cildru aswulton ond .xviii. hira wæron mægða oððe maran, ond maran þonne .xxvi. wurdon gewundode, for þæm þe þæs boldes geþacode hrof feoll. Ond mæste þara cildru wæron .viii. .ix. .x. gearu eald. Ond æfterra man onfeng fadiendas1) þære scole for mándǣdum wanhydignesse. Ond eac aswealt in þæm fyre se mann Ranjith Kumar þenden he sohte nerian sume þara cildra. Ond maran ymb þis is gewriten her.
- xxi d: Her in Afghanistane .mmcd. Americisce sæfyrdmenn foron of Oruzgan scire ond ærra in feower monþum hie ofslogon maran þonne Talibanisce weargas ond áne án sæfyrdmann wearþ ofslægrn.
- xxii d: Her in Turclande swift irenweggewægnoð eode of Istanbule to Ankara ond neah Pamukova in Sakarya provinciam hit fleag of þæm weg-irenum ond bræc ond .xxxvi. aswulton oððe maran.
- Her in Ramada ceastre in Iraqe Americisce sæfyrdmenn fuhton wið weargas ond ofslogon .xxv. hira ond wundodon .xvii. ond fengon .xxv..
1) manager.
- xxiii d: Her in Mostar in Bosniam man ongean openode þa greatan stánbrycge ofer Neretva-ea þe hatte Stari Most þe segþ "seo ealdan brycg" in Serbocroatisce ond Charles æþeling wæs þær. Ond man macode hit in geare .mdlxvi. þenden Turcland rixode þær. Ond hit feoll in guþe in geare .mcmxciii. þenden Croatas fuhton wið Bosniscum Muslimum. Ond æfterra man edniwode hit. Ond hit is .c. fet lang.
Anno MMIV Weodmonað
- In þissum monaðe in Englalande wæs se mæst regen in ánum Weodmonaðe siððan wederwritunge ongunnon, ond sare derede þone wæstm.
- i d: Her in San Paolo þe is dǣl Asuncion ceastres in Paraguay great ceapungbold bærned ond maran þonne .cd. aswulton ond æfter fyr wearþ man betýnede þæs boldes dura to þæs þe nænig utgange berende ceapas ond ne angieldende. Ond æfterra þæs boldes bebeodend ond sume his wearda eode for deman for morðre.
- ii d: Her æt þæm æfterran ende Birkenau locan æt Auschwitz wæs gemót for gemynde ond þider eodon manige Romaisce þe in Niwenglisce hátte Gipsies for þæm þe geo þa Nazias acwelledon swiðe manige hira þær. Ond þær sind gemyndetácn in manigum gereordum ond giet in Romaiscum gereorde. Ond þær ic seah þá tácn in Blótmonaþe geares .mmi..
- Ymb þisna dæg hearde þunorstormas macodon flod in stedum in Englalande.
- iii d: Her in Englalande in æfne æt 2)Blæcburnan ond Byscehæge ond Æscsceare ond Léofatune ond Paddingatune ond Wiellesdune æweardas onfengon twelf iunge menn for dyrnweargdædum ond heoldon hie æt Paddingatune in Lundene.
- iv d: Her manige Gibraltarware heoldon handum swa ráp ymb Gibraltar-beorge for þæm þe on þissum dæge in geare .mcciv. Brytene feng Gibraltar of Hispaniam.
- Her æt þæm Cenotaphus in Lundene wæs gemynde for þæm þe aswulton in þære greatan guðe in geare .mcmxiv. to .mcmxviii. ond þider eode feower memm þe fuhton in þære guðe ond se gingest wæs .ciii. gearu eald ond se ieldest wæs .cviii. gearu eald. Ond hie sind sume þara .xxiii. Bryttisce guðmenn þære guðe þe giet lifdon.
- v d: Her æt Alortune1) neah Liferpole3) ongunnon funerales for lícum ond dǣlum líca márena þonne .m. cradolcildra ond ærra man fand hie gehealdene in þæm formalin in Alorhægseochuse ond þæe universitasseochuse in Beornmundingahame ond mæste hira wæron acennede déade fore geare .mcmlxxx.
- vi d: Her in Iraqe Americisce fuhton wið heremannum þæs Moqtada al-Sadr, ond ofslogon .mcc. hira in Najafe ond manige in Baghdâde ond in Basran, ond ahte gewald Najafes, ond se here rixode Najaf siððan Eostermonaðe. Ond þes Moqtada is Shi`isc preost. Ond æfterra .mcc. menn Moqtadan gieldedon in Najafe. Ond Heah-ayatollâh al-Sîstânî fleag of Iraqe to Lundene for læcunge heartseocnesse ond he is .lxxiii. gearu eald. Ond man segde þæt sume his arteriarum sind betýnede.
- vii d: Her in morgne on Morecambe Bay sandum feower mila of lande twegen wægnas mid getogodum slogon æghwylce oþre ond án bær lx. Scyttisce sæcoccfisceras ond án bær .lxxvi. Cinalandisce sæcoccfisceras ond man nerede ealle hira. Ond sume secgað þæt mæg beon þæt wæs unfreondscip betweox him ymb fiscung-ymbhwyrftum.
- Her in Houston in Texase forðferde Paul Neil Adair þe eac hatte Red Adair ond he lifde .lxxxix. gearu. Ond he wæs mǣr for þæm þe he oft fohte wið swiðe strangum elewiellefýrum. Ond his fæder wæs smið.
- viii d: Her neah Patrai in Greclande man openode niwe lange Rio-Antirio brycge ofer Korinthos-nearwe ond hit is án ond þreo feorðandǣlas míla lang ond hit is seo lengest in worulde.
- x d: Her giet is gefeoht in Najafe in Iraqe, ond in .xii. dæge man wundode Moqtada al Sadr.
- Her great regen cwom to Brytene ond macode flod ond se storm wæs ærra se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Alex.
- xiii d: Her in Athênai in Greclande ongunnon þa .xxxviii.þan Olympiscan plegan.
- xiv d: Her se hweolstorm Charlie sloh Floridam ymb Punta Gorda ceastre ond dyde swiðe micelne hearm.
- Her in Iraqe Americisce guðlyftcræft ofsloh .l. weargheremenn in Samarrâ'. Ond wæs gefeoht in Al Hillah ond man ofsloh manige heremenn.
- Her se papa eode to Lourdes in Francrice.
- xvi d: Her on Cornweala norðernan særiman siex inceas regnes feollon in twæm stundum ond macode rinnendne flod in nearwum deopum dalum þara ea Valency ond Jordan ond dyde micelne hearm to wægnum ond boldum in Boterelescastele4) ond man ne mæg findan fyfteon folces. Ond se flod bær manige treow. Ond on þissum dæge in geare .mcmlii. wæs se greata flod in Hlynnmuðan5).
- Her in Brytene man oncunnede for demunge eahta menn for þæm þe hie gerædedon acwellan menn mid atoræpnum ond cyrnwæpnum.
- xviii d: Her neah Ceann Loch Éireann7) in Perth scire in Scotlande on ráde þe scytt andlang Loch Éireann lacuriman under beorge heard regen macode flod ond twa landfeallunga ond betweox him weron twentig-gerim lytelra wægna ond án coach ond twegen Sea King wingwindendas ábæron .lvii. folces þe wæron þærinne.
- xx d: Her se Muslimisca preost Abu Hamza eode fore deman in Lundene.
- xxii d: Her wæs spinnwind neah Wuttuceshǣddre6) in Englalande.
- xxiv d: Her in Russiam twa Tupolev Tu-134 lyftscipu flugon of lyfttyðe æt Moskvan, ond án hira feoll to grunde in Tula provinciam, ond án hira gánde to Sochi feoll to grunde neah Rostov na Donu ceastre, ond aswulton ealle þe wæron þærinne, þe is .cx.. Ond æfterra man fand þæt wæron utberstunga in him.
- xxv d: Her Heahayatollah `Alî al Sistânî eode ongean to Iraqe ond on .xxvi. dæge in morgne he eode to Najafe ond he wæs .xxv. dagas in Lundene for læcnunge heortseocnesse, ond ongann wæpngestand þær. Ond al-Sadres here aeode of þæm `Alî-masjide, ond se here heald hit .iii. wuce. Ond âyatu llâh segð versus þæs Qur'ânes, ac in Shî`isce hit eac segð preost.
- Her in Suðafricam æweardas fengon Mark Thatcher sunu þære Margaret Thatcher for þæm þe he sohte heolpan utweorpan of his rice Teodoro Nguema Obiang foresittend Equatoriscre Guineae.
- xxvi d: Her in Kûfa neam Najafe wæs utberstung in þæm heahmasjide ond manige aswulton, ond man segde þæt þis wæs þurh þæt wæpn þe hátte mortar.
- xxviii d: Ymb þissum dæge endode se langa hearda regen on Englalande, ond man segþ þæt þes regen dyde maran hearm to landbuendum þonne dyde seo seocnesse fota ond muða in geare .cci..
1) Allerton (= alder farm).
2) Blackburn (Lancs), Bushey (Herts), Esher (Surrey), Luton, Paddington, Willesden.
3) Liverpool, Alder Hey, Birmingham.
4) Boscastle.
5) Lynmouth.
6) Uttoxeter. (= Wuttuc's heath)
7) Lochearnhead. (Gaelic for "head of the Irish lake").
Anno MMIV Hærfestmonað
- i d: Her æt Beslan in Norð-Ossetiam in Caucasus-beorgum in Russiam Chechenisce wearghere Checheniscra ond Ingushiscra ond Araba feng scólbold ond .mcc.-gerim cildru ond hira cynna swa gislas ond ne alyfede fod oððe wæter to him, ond Russisce fyrdmenn ymbsat þone stede. Ond on .iii. dæge misgelimp macode utberstunge þærinne ond manige gislas hlupon utan þurh eagþyrle ond weargas scuton to him þenden hie runnon, ond wearþ heard gefeoht ond seo fyrd freogode þa gislas, ac .cccliii. gislas aswulton oððe maran, ond man bær .cdxxxiv. gewundode to seochusum. Þus man mæg seon þone langan hearm ond wig ond deaþ ond deriunge ond heardan ricunge that oft wierþ of Islâme, á siððan in Arabiam Muhammad `Abdullâhes sunu ongann tǣcan hit in þæm seofoþan gearhundræde æfter Christes acennednesse, ond sume secgaþ þe wæs seoc mid þurh þære brægnseocnesse schizophrenia, swa swa þara beorga nama Hindu Kush segþ "Hindua Awyrdung" oððe "Hindua For-náhtung" in Iranisce, for þæm þe þær geo in ánre guðe Muslimas hearde unrihte ofslogon maran þonne million Hinduas. For þæm þe Islâm segþ þæt wig ond acwellung for þære halignesse sind hálige, ac Christ segde betere þæt will aswultan be swurde he þe lifþ be swurde. Ond Norðossetiae heafodstede hatte Vladikavkaz þe segþ Caucasus-weard, ond in Communistiscum gearum hit hatte Ordzonokidze. Ond þa Chechenisce ond þa Ingushisce sind Muslimas ond þa Norðossetisce sind Cristnas.
- v d: Her se greata hweolstorm Frances sloh Floridam underric.
- Her in Japanlande wæron twa eorðstyrena under sæ .cx. mila feorr Mie scire ond þære fyrmestes miht wæs Richter 6.9 ond þære oðerre miht wæs Richter 7.3. Ond wæron lytle tsunami. Ond tsunami in Japanisce segþ hýð-ýð.
- v-vi dd niht: Her in felde in Gazalande æt middannihte Israhelisce guðlyftcræftas ofslogon .xiv. heremenn Hamases þenden man tohte hie þa maciunge weargmándæda.
- viii d: Her se stranga Caribbeisca hweolstorm Ivan forhergode Grenada ieg. Ond on .xi. dæge hit sloh Jamaican, ond his miht wearð .v. þe is se strangost, ac his middel rann ofer sæ suðan of þæm iege. Ond on .xii. dæge hit cwom to Cayman-iegum, omd æfterra to Cubam ac his middel fór áne ofer sæ, ond on .xvi. dæge his middel eode to lande over Mobile hýðceastre in Alabamam. Ond he is .cc. mila wíd.
- xi d: Her in Niw-Eoforwice wæs gemynde æt þæm stede gehatenan Ground Zero þær wæron þa Woruldceapungtorras.
- xiii d: Her in Lundene mann gewǣdod swa se Hréaðmúsmann eode be swicdome in Buccingaham-cyneheall to þæm stede þær oft seo cwen stent fore hire folce, ond of þissum cwom tweo ymb þære cwene weardunge.
- xv d: Her in Brytenes Witenagemothuse wæs gespræc ymb niwe æ to forbeodanne huntoþ mid hundum in Englalande ond Wealum, ond manige þe ne sind ceasterware wurdon ierremode æt þissum, ond manige hira eode to strætwegum neam þæm Witenagemothuse to mǣnanne, ond feawe hira eode be swicdome in þæt Witenagemothus fore þæm Witum, swa næfre wæs siððan Charles .ii. rixode. Ond of þissum wearþ strang tweo ymb þara Witena weardunge.
- xvi d: Her in Iraqe Americisce lyftscipu slogon geard in Fallûja ond acwelledon .lx. Sunnisce weargheremenn, ac sume Iraqisce segdon þæt .xvi. hira næron feohteras.
- xvii d: Her Henry æþeling Brytenes eode to Lesotho þe ærra hatte Basutoland to weorcanne wiþ þære seocnesse AIDS þe singal acwelleþ manige Lesothisce, ond he is Dianae æþelingene oðerra sunu.
- Her æt Arnhem in Niðerlande wæs gemynde for þæm gefeohte þe wæs þær in geare .mcmxliv., ond on .xviii. dæge eft feallhleowodon þær teon þe feallhleowodon in þæm gefeohte. Ond on .xix. dæge Charles æþeling Weala eode þider.
- Her in Athênai in Greclande ongunnun þa Paralympisce plegas, ond plegeras eodon þider of .cxl. þeodum.
- xix d: Her se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Jeanne sloh Haiti hearde ond macode flod ond horhslidunga ond in Haiti acwellede maran þonne .mcc. ond man ne mæg findan .mcc. ond se mæst dǣl in Haitis norþwestan ond in Gonaïve ceastre, ond .xi. oððe maran in þære Dominiciscan Republicam. Ond on .xxiv. dæge hit sloh Bahama, ond on .xxv. dæges æfne hit cwom to Floridae easternan særiman. Ond in Atlas-sæwe middan wæs hweolstorm Karl ond his miht wæs .iv., ond Lisa folgede Karl. Ond in æghwylcum geare in æghwylcum garsecge þa naman þara hweolstorma rinnaþ swa þa bocstafas.
- xxiii d: Her in Washington underrice in þæm USA se fyrbeorg Mount St.Helens onwac, ond hit sleop siððan geare .mcmlxxxvi..
- xxv d: On þissum dæge in geare .mdcii. man ærest arǣdede þa Sikhiscan haligan boc Guru Granth Sahib.
- xxvi d: Her maran þonne .lxx. wægn Israheles fyrde fóron in Jenîne in Westiordanum ond wearþ gefeoht.
- xxix d: Her Gazalandisce weargas scuton fyrspere in Israhele ond ofsloh twa geonge cildru.
- xxx d: Her in Baghdâde sum macode utberstunge ond acwellede .xxxiv. Iraqisce cildru æt openunge wæterclænung-odenes. Rihte þis scæwþ þæt se jihâd is heard wulfdom ond adharma ond nis in him gód.
- Her ond in æfterdagum Israhelisce fyrdmenn fóron in Gazalande to secanne weargas ond ongann gefeoht, ond in þære guðe aswulton þreo Israhelisce ond maram þonne .c. Palestinisce.
Anno MMIV Winterfylleð
- i-iii dd: Her in Samarrâ' in Iraqe maran þonne .mmm. Americisce ond Iraqisce fyrdmenn fuhton wið Sunniscum weargheremenn, ond ofslogon maran þonne .cxxv. hira ond ahton wælstowe geweald, ond hie nomon þa ceastre ond ahreddedon Turciscne gísl, ond twegen Americisce aswulton. Ond þá weargheremenn ahton þa ceastre siððan Þriemilcemonaðe. Ond eac lyftcræftas alyfedon feallon utberstendas on Fallûja ond acwellede manige ond mæst dǣl hira wæron weargas togelædende wæpn ond utberstende. Ond manige þara wearga ne sind Iraqisce.
- Her in Sialkot ceastre in Sialkot scire in Punjab provinciam in Pakistane sum macode selfacwellende utberstunge in Shî`iscum masjide ond acwellede manige. Gif þa Muslimisce weargas gehatene jihâdîyîn ne magon findan Unmuslimas to hergianne, hie maciaþ heardne jihâd wið æghwylce oðre.
- ii d: Her in Washington underrice in Americam se fyrbeorg Mount St.Helens onwac.
- iv d: Her se lyftcræft SpaceShipOne fleag ongean.
- Her in morgne se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Lisa cwom to Brytene.
- v d: Her in Gazalande Israhelisce fuhton wið weargum in Jabalîya fleogendsetle ond manige weargas aswulton.
- vii d: Canada bohte Bryttisc undersæscip ond eftnemnede hit Chicoutimi, and hit fór of Englalande togeanes Canadam, ac in Atlas-sæ fyr wearþ innan ond acwellede anne scipmann ond wundode twegen, ond man togode hit to Fas Lann1) sciplocan neam Helensburgh in Dùn Beartainn scire in Scotlande.
- viii d: Her in Latifîya neam Baghdâde weargas acwelledon þone Bryttiscan gísle Kenneth Bigley, ond hie heoldon hine .xxii. dagas, ond he wæs Liferpólisc.
- ix d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in Afghanistane, ond Hamid Karzai feng to rice.
- Her Elizabeth .ii. cwen Brytenes openode Scotlandes niwe witenagemothus.
- x d: Her in Legeceaster-deortune3) in Englalande wearþ acenned elpend ond his gewiht wæs .clxxx. kilogrammas.
- xiii d: Her wearð widcuð þæt æt Al Hadr þe eac hatte Hatra be Wadi Þarþâr drygre eagonge in Iraqes norþan man fand gebyrgede lic manigra Kurda þe Saddâmes here ofsloh in geare .mcmlxxxvii. in þære hergunge þe hatte Al Anfal. Ond sume secgaþ þæt Saddâmes ric ofsloh .ccd. þusenda Shî`iscra ond .l. þusenda Kurda. Ond eac man fand swylce byrgunga manigra æt Halabja in Kurdlande, ond æt Al Hillah, ond æt Muhammad Sakran ond Az Zubair ond Abu Hasib ond þes þrie sind nea Basra.
- Ymb þisre dæg in Sadr-ceastre in Baghdâde manige Al-Sadres herges gifon hira wæpn to mannum þæs rices. Ond seo ceaster ærra hatte Saddâm-ceaster.
- xiv d: Her wearð widcuð þæt æt Currach an Alt delfunge in Na Speirin beorgum in Tír Eoghain2) scire in Iralande man fand goldstán in grunde, ond his weorð is .ccl. milliones punda.
- xvii d: Her Norodom Sihanouk cyning Cambodiae alætte his ric for ieldo, ond Norodom Sihamoni his sunu feng to his rice.
- xix d: Her in Lundene man oncunnede Abu Hamza for .xvi. mándǣdum.
- xx d: Her se hweolstorm Tokage sloh Japanes suðeastan ond acwellede .lxxix. oððe maran ond man ne næg findan twelf, ond hit dyde micelne hearm. Ond in Japanisce tokage segð "áðexe". Ond Tokage wæs se strangost hweolstorm þe sloh Japan in .l. gearum. Ond ærra nigon hweolstormas slogon Japan in þissum geare ond þurh him .cii. aswulton ond man ne mæg findan .xiii..
- xxi d: Her wearþ widcuð þæt in Iraqe .d. Bryttisce fyrdmenn will gan of Basralande to Babil provinciam neare Baghdâde to alyfianne Americisce fyrdmenn gan þanon to feohtanne wið þæm Fallûjiscum weargum. Ond sume þara .l. is seo hloð behaten Blæcwæcce.
- Her in Gazalande Israhelisc mannleas lyftcræft ofsloh mid fyrspere twegen menn Hamases in wægne ond sum hira wæs Adnan al-Ghûl, ond he wæs Hamases utberstendmaceretoga, ond Israhel lange sohte ofslean hine. Ond in Arabisce ghûl segþ "deofol" oððe "scucca".
- Her Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono wearð foresittend Indonesiae, ond ærra he wæs fyrdtoga.
- xxiii d: Her wæs eorþstyren in Niigata scire in Japane, ond his miht wæs Richter 6.8, ond .xxi. aswulton oððe maran. Ond wæron æfterstyrena. Ond hit wearp of his irenwege swiftne irenweg-gewægnoþ gehatenne bullet train. Ond on .xxv. dæge wæron æfterstyrena.
- xxiv d: Her .lvi. mila norþan of Arkalyk in Kazakhstane Russisc woruldrumcræft Soyuz cwom to eorðan in nihte fore sunnupgonge, ond hit bær of þæm International Space Station þá woruldrummenn Michael Fincke ond he is Americisc, and Gennady Padalka ond Yuri Shargin ond hie sind Russisce. Ond Shargin wæs þær .xviii. dagas ond þa oðre wæron þær .clxxxviii. dagas. Ond Padalka ond Fincke æghwylc eode of scipe in woruldrumreafe feower tida.
- xxv d: Her æt Balaklava in Crimean wæron gemynde ond eftplegung for þæm mæran Charge of the Light Brigade þe gelamp þær on þissum dæge in geare .mdcccliv..
- xxvi d: Her se mannléasa woruldrumcræft Cassini cwom to Saturni mónan Titan.
- xxvii d: Her seo Bryttisca fyrdhloð Black Watch ongann faran of Basran to Camp Dogwood neam Baghdâde, ond þeos farung hatte Operation Bracken.
- Her wearþ widcuð þæt on Flores iege in Indonesiam man fand bánas seofon folca lytles ealdes cynnes manna Homo floresiensis ond se cynn wæs hárig ond þrie fet heah ond hæfde lytelne brægn ond sume nu hátaþ hit þone Hobbit, ond man feng þæt nama of Tolkienes writungum.
- Her on ráde in Eastiordanum manigberend wægn fór neah Petra ond án his hweolrimena bærst ond forðý hit hweorf ond sloh hefigne ládberend þe fór wiðhwanon4), ond se manigberend awilwede, ond aswulton seofon Bryttisce ond twegen Eastiordanisce. Ond wurdon gewundode .xvii. Bryttisce ond twegen oðre, ond on .xxix. dæge Charles æþeling Brytenes eode to Eastiordanum ond néas hie in seochuse.
- Her strang storm sloh Englalandes suðernan særiman.
- xxix d: Her in morgne Yasser Arafat fleag of his locan in Ramallah to Ammân in Eastiordanum ond þanon to Percy fyrdseochuse æt Clamart neam Parise in Francrice for læcnunge, for þæm þe he wæs swiðe seoc. Ond in Arabisce his nama is rihte Yâsir `Arafât.
- xxx d: Her forðferde Alice æðelingen ducissa Gleawceastre5) þenden heo sleop, ond heo lifde .cii. gearu, ond heo wæs widwe éames Elizabeþes .ii. cwene, ond he forðferde in geare .mcmlxxiv..
1) Gaelic names: Faslane (= "abode/station on enclosed land"), Dumbarton (= "fort of the Britons").
2) Gaelic names: Curraghinalt (= the plain of the cliff), Sperrin (= the spurs of rock), Tyrone (= the land of Eoghan).
3) = Chester Zoo.
4) My guess at a word for "from an opposing direction".
5) Duchess of Gloucester. Name from Roman name `Glevum' + OE "ceaster".
Anno MMIV Blotmonað
- i d: Her great flygende here þæs greatan gærshoppan þe hátte locusta fleag of Norðafricam to Cyprus iege ond wearþ ege þæt hie derien þone wæstm. Ond on .xxxix. ond .xxx. dagum sume hira flugon to Canaria-iegum.
- ii d: Her Elizabeth cwen eode to Germaniam.
- Her wæs heahfolccyre in þæm USA, ond George W.Bush foresittend feng ongean to rice.
- Her in Íslande se fyrbeorg Grímsvötn onwac, ond hit is under Vatnajökull íse. Ond wind bleow his æscwolcen ofer Norðwege ond Sweolande ond macode pleo for lyftscipum.
- Her man sendede to Cinalande þa lic .xxi. Cinalandiscra sæcoccfiscera þe adruncon in Solmonðe in geare .mmiv. on Morecambe Bay sandum.
- vi d: Her forðferde Fred Dibnah þurh carcinomate þe wæs in him þrie gearu, ond he lifde .lxvi. gearu., ond he wunode æt Boðltune2) in Lonceasterscire. Ond on .xvi. dæge his funeralis wæs æt Sancti Petri cyrican in Boðltune, ond man byrgede hine æt Tange3).
- Her folcberende irenweg-gewægnoð fór of Paddingatune to Plymmuðan æt .c. milum in stunde, ond æt Offatune þara Neyrnut1) neah Þelum neam Readingum hit sloh lytel rádwægn, ond seofon aswulton, ond maran þonne .lx. wurdon gewundode.
- vii-viii d: Her in nihte Americisce ond Iraqisce fyrdmenn ongunnon faran in Fallûja, ond hie fengon þære ceastre seochus ond twa brycga þe sceoton ofer Euphrates-ea, ond in þæm seochuse hie fengon weargas.
- viii d: Her in Iraqe ongann heard gefeoht in Fallûja.
- xi d: Her in nihte fore sunnupgonge in Percy fyrdseochuse æt Clamart in Hauts-de-Seine scire neah Parise aswealt Yasser Arafat se Palestinisca weargtoga, ond he lifde .lxxv. gearu. Ond on .xi. dæge man fleag mid his lice to Cairo ceastre þe rihte hatte al-Qâhira. Ond his funeralis wæs æt al-Qâhira lyftfelde. Ond on .xii. dæge man fleag mid his lice to Al `Arîsh in Sinailande ond þanon to his locan in Ramallah, ond þær man byrgede hine.
- xiii d: Her in Iraqe þa Americisce hæfdon eall Fallûja ceastre buton hire suðwestan þe Americisce hataþ Queens, ac Queens nis his rihte nama.
- xv d: Her þæs USAn fyrd segde þæt in gefeohte in Fallûjan man ofsloh þusendgerim wearga ond fengon betweox .cdl. ond .dl. weargas, ond .xxxviii. Americisce aswulton ond .cclxxv. wurdon gewondode, ond hie fundon swiðe manige wæpn ond utberstendas.
- Her in Liferpolmynstre wæs gemynde for Kenneth Bigley ond he wæs gisl Iraqiscra wearga ond hie ofslogon hine.
- xvi d: Her over Pacificus-sæ B52 lyftcræft fleag of Edwards lyftfelde neah Los Angeles ond hit bær mannleasne lyftcræft X-43A ond alyfede hit fleogan ond se X-43A fleag æt lytlum under .viim. mila in stunde mid þæm cynne scufenda þe hátte scramjet. Ond se X-43A is twelf fet wid ond fyf fet wid.
- xviii d: Her wearþ widcuð þæt in Fallûjan Americisce fyrdmenn fundon sume gebur þærinne weargas heoldon ond acwelledon gislas.
- xxi d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in Ukrainiam ond man segde þæt Viktor Yanukovich feng to rice, ac manige segdon þæt wæs micel beswicung in þære folcceosunge ond þæt Yushenko sceoldon fón to rice. Ond in Kieve þonne ond in æfterdagum manige macodon scawunge ymb þissum þeah wæs ceald snawwinter. Ond on .xxviii. dæge Ukraininae witenagemot lagode þæt þeos ceosung wæs unæwlice geworht.
- Her in Iraqe se Ayatollah Sîstânî lagode fatwa þæt þa Shî`isce sculon ceosan in Iraqes heahfolccyre.
- Her Colin Powell eode to Jerusaleme in Israhele ond to Jericho in Westiordanum.
- xxiv d: Ymb þissum dæge æt Lâtifîya ond Iskandarîya ond Mahmûdîya eastan Euphrates-ea suðan Baghdâde seo Bryttisca fyrdhloð Black Watch ond oðre fengon manige menn to secanne weargas ond weargtogan þe fuhton for Saddâme. Ond wæs gefeoht in Iskandirîya ond Lâtifîya.
- xxviii d: Her æt King Island betweox Australiam ond Tasmaniam .lxxx. delphini ond hwalas þæs cynnes gehatenan pilot whale oððe maran swummon in lande ond aswulton.
1) Ufton Nervet near Theale near Reading.
2) Bolton in Lancashire in England.
3) Tong.
Anno MMIV Geolmonað
- i d: Her forðferde æþeling Bernhard þara Niðerlanda, ond he lifde .xciii. gearu.
- ii : Her æt Bhopal ceastre in Bhopal scire in Madhya Pradesh underrice in Indiam wæs gemynde for þæm þe aswulton þurh þære odenlican atorlyfte methyl isocyanate þær in geare mcmlxxxiv in nihte Geolmonaðes daga ii-iii.
- Her hweolstorm sloh þara Philippine-iega easternan særiman ond flod ond landslidunga ofslogon maran þonne .m., ond manige segdon þæt þes landslidunga wæron strangora þurh manige afyllunga treowa.
- iv d: Her seo Bryttisca fyrdhloð Black Watch eft fór of Camp Dogwood neam Fallûja to Basra. Ond fyf hira hæfdon aswulten in gefeohte ymb Fallûja.
- v: Her þara Philippin-iega riceras lagodon þæt afyllunga treowa sie unæwlice.
- vi d: Her æt Jidda in Saudiscre Arabiam weargas foron in Americiscre ambahthuse ond Saudisce fyrdmenn fuhton mid him ond þa Saudisce ahton wælstowe gewald on awulton þreo weargas ond feower weardas ond fyf ambahthusweorcan, ond man feng þreo weargas.
- Her in Englalande irenweg-gewægnoð fór of Lincolne1) to Slioforde ond æt Helprícingahame hit sloh rádwægn ond twegen aswulton.
- vii d: Her in æfne Lynx wingwindend fór of Gifltún2)-lyftfelde ofer sæ to secanne to nerianne ond suðan Lysarð3) næsse hit feoll in sæ ond his feower scipmenn aswulton.
- xi d: Her in Vienna in Eastrice lǣcas fundon þæt þenden Ukrainiae heahfolccyre rann sum macode Viktor Yushenko þone Ukrainiscan mæengwerodmann seocne mid þæm atore dioxin.
- xiv d: Her in Francrice Jacques Chirac openode niwe hea brycge æt Millau over Tarn-ea dæle in Massif Central beorgum, ond hit is mil ond healf lang, ond sum his stapola is .mcl. fet heah, þe is hearra þonne se Eiffel-torr.
- xv d: Her in Athenai in Greclande for mándæde feawe Albanisce fengon folcberend wægn, ac fore .xvi. dæge sunnupgonge hie freogodon ealle hira gislas ond gieldedon.
- Her David Blunkett Bretlandes inlandscealc alǣtte his ric for þæt he macode scufung writungboldwyrcena to swifte macianne writunge gehatene visa for wife þe giemede cradolcild sumre Kimberly Quinn þe he ærra lufode. Ond se inlandscealc rixaþ þa æweardas ond þa carcern.
- xviii d: Her in Baghdâde eode fore demum for gúðmándǣdum Ali Hassan al-Majid þe eac hátte Chemical Ali ond Sultan Hashem Ahmed þe wæs Saddâmes fyrdscealc. Ond be Chemical Alis hæse in geare .mcmlxxxviii. man ofsloh manige Kurdisce mid atorlyfte æt Halabja.
- xix d: Her in Iraqe twegen macodon selfacwellunge utberstunge neah þæm `Alî-masjide in Najaf ond neah þæm Imam Husayn masjide in Karbalâ' ond acwelledon .lxii. oððe maran ond wundodon .cxx.-gerim. Ond þa ceastra sind halige to þæm Shî`iscum.
- xx d: Þæt theatrum Rep in Beornmundingahame æghwylcum dæge plegode þæt drama Behtzi þe Sikhisc wif wrat. Ond hit ætieweþ wifcyððe ean leafe ond morðre in Sikhiscum hearge. Ond on þissum dæge manige Sikhas wurdon ierremode æt þissum ond gewinn wearþ þær ond man þurfte alættan plegan hit. Ond "Behtzi"4) in Punjabisce segþ "unweorð".
- Her in Beal Feirste7) þeofas fengon .xxvi. ond healf millionas punda sceattwritunga of sceattbolde be mihte, ond hie heoldon cynn twegra þara sceattboldwyrcena swa gislas. Ond æfterra se IRA segde þæt se IRA ne wæs gyltig þisses. Ond on .xvii. dæge Æftergeoles geares .mmv. man onfeng seofon menn for þissum.
- xxi d: Her Tony Blair fyrmestscealc Brytenes fleag to Baghdâde to metanne Iyad Allawi fyrmestscealc Iraqes ond æfterra to Basra. Ond æfterra he fleag to Israhele.
- xxii d: Her in Preosttune5) in Lonceasterscire fyf menn eode fore deman for mannslohtre þara .xxi. sæcoccfiscera þe adruncon on Morecambe-sandum ond þæt hie gifon geweorc to feowerum þe cwom in Bryten ean ǣwe leafe.
- xxiv d: Her forðferde Richard Wallace Annand ond he lifde .xc. gearu. Ond he wæs se ærest þǣm man gaf Victoria-rode in þære oðerran woruldguðe. Ond man mæg seon maran ymb hine on þissum webbtramete.
- xxv d: Her in Englalande on Cristemæsse wæs snaw ond forst.
- xxvi d: Her in morgne wæs strang eorþstyren under sæ .xl. mile of Simeuluë iege þe is west Aceh scire þe is Sumatran ieges norþernan ende in Indonesiam, ond his miht wæs Richter 9.0. Ond næs strangora eorþstyren æfter geare .mcmlxxxiv., ond áne wæron feower strangoran æfter geare .mcm.. Ond hit macode strang tsunami-yð þe acwellede .ccxxviiim. ond .dci. oððe maran ond macode fyf million húsléase ond million ond .dcccm. fódléase ond dyde micelne hearm on særimum on Sumatran westernan særiman ond Andaman-iegum ond Nicobar-iegum ond Thailandes suðwestan ond eallum Sri Lankan easternan særiman ond Maldiv-iegum ond Bangladeshe ond Indiam ond Somaliam ond Kenya. Ond Simeuluë rás þæs þe coral andlang his særiman is nu á ut sæwe. Ond in Sri Lankan ond Tamil Nadu aswulton manige máran wif þonne menn for þæm þe þenden se tsumani cwom, menn fiscodon on sæ ac wif wæron on særiman. Ond seo eorþstyren rann .xv. minutas þenden hit rann andlang þa langan eorþcleofung þe is betweox Indonesiam ond India-garsecges grunde.
- Ond þes tsunami wæs greatora þonne se tsunami þe seo utberstung Krakatoa fyrbeorges macode on .xxvi. dæge Weodmonaðes geares .mdccclxxxiii.. Ond wæron æfterstyrena ond hira strangostre miht wæs strangora þonne Richter 8.
- Ond in Indonesiam aswulton .clxxiiim. ond .cmlxxxi. oððe maran ond mæg beon þæt .ccxxm. aswulton, ond mæste in Aceh scire on Sumatran iege. Ond hit macode Banda Aceh hyðceastre eall wéste, buton hire masjide. Ond hit macode eall Aceh scire westernan særiman weste ond acwellede mæst dǣl þæs folces in manige wicum ond ceastrum. Ond hit dyde þone greatostne hearm in Sumatra ond mæst þæs in Aceh. Ond in Banda Aceh seo flod acwellede manige lǣcas in seochuse. Ond in Aceh eac seo eorþstyren sylf dyde hearm.
- Ond aswulton .vm. ond .cccv. in Thailande ond mæg beon þæt .xim. aswulton ond man ne mæg findan .mmmmcdxcix. ond manige hira sind utlandisce ond is wen þæt mæst dǣl hira sind deade, ond mæste on Khao Lak ond Phi Phi sæwynnstede-iegum néam Phuket. Ond neah Phuket in Thailande .lxx. utlandisce dyfedon mid scuban in þæm Emerald-holum on Ko Muk iege þonne se tsunami sloh þæt land, ond ealle libbedon buton twæm. Ond æt Khao Lak særimaceastre neah Phuket in Thailande aswulton .lxx. utlandisce.
- Ond æt Phukete Bryttisce mægð seah þæt seo sæ afliemde of lande ond cneow þurh scólláre þæt tsunami ongann ond heo ceallede to þæm folce þæt tsunami cwom ond manige afliemdon to lande ond .c. wurdon generede. Ond on .iii. dæge Blotmonaðes geares .mmv. heo eode to Americam and spræc mid Clinton þe ærra wæs foresittend.
- Ond sum lædde elpend6) on særiman in Thailande for truðgeweorce ond þonne cwom se tsunami he settede cildru on þæs elpendes bæc ond nerede hie of þæm flode. Ond in æfterdagum in Thailande man bær in wægne siex mannlice elpendas to Phuket iege ond Phang Nga provinciae særimum ond hie worhton strange to togianne gefallene treow ond gebrocene wægn ond dǣlas bolda to openianne wegum ond to findanne gehiddene libbende ond deade. Ond ærra man seah þa siex elpendas in þære astyrendan gelicnesse "Alexander". Ond eac in Aceh-lande ahreddendas worhton mid elpendum.
- Ond aswulton .xxxviiim. ond .cxcv. oððe maran on Sri Lankan, ond million sind eam hamum, ond man ne mæg findan .xxiiim. Ond æt Paraliya on Sri Lanka flod acwellede .mdccc. in anum irenweg-gewægnoðe, ond þæt is maran þonne aswulton þonne þæt scip Titanic sanc. Ond Arthur C.Clarke se woruldrúmspellwritere ond dyfere is gesund ond he wunað in Colombo ond he is .lxxxvii. gearu eald, ac seo yð fordyde his dyfungwynnstede Underwater Safaris æt Hikkaduwa, ond man mæg rædan ymb þis on þissum webbtramete.
- Ond æt Mullaittivu in Sri Lankan Tamiliscum lande wuniaþ andlang særiman .md. Romacatholicisce ond hie gað to feower cyricum neam sæ. Ac þriwa in geare hie ne gað to þissum cyricum ac to Sancti Josephi scrine on heam lande neah þære ceastre. Ond þider hie eodon on þissum dæge. Ond God macode þæt James Pattinathan se preost spræc his sermonem swa oferlangne þæt se tsunami sloh þenden þa .md. wæron þær gebeorglice on heam lande.
- Ond aswulton .xm. ond .dccxliv. oððe maran in Indiam ond mæste in Tamil Nadu underrice ond man ne mæg findan .vm. ond .dclxix., ond man þearf byrgan manige hira, for þæm þe næs genog wudu to bærnan hie swa dóþ þa Hinduas ond Buddhisce. Ond in Tamil Nadu se tsunami tobræc .xxm. bátas fiscera, þe is feower of æghwylcum fyf-geríme.
- Ond on sumum þisra særimena wæron swiðe manige utlandisce for dyfunge ond oðrum wynnum, ond þusendas hira aswulton. Godes miltse sie.
- Ond on Andaman-iegum ond Nicobar-iegum þusendas aswulton. Ond scipu ne mihton cuman to lande mid fultume for þæm þe seo flod bræc þa hyð. Ond sume sohton swimman of lande to þæm scipum ac crocodilas acwelledon hie. Ond on Nicobare man ne mæg findan .xm.. Ond seo flod fordyde Indiae greate lyftfyrdhyðe on Car Nicobar iege, ond hire lyfthyðmanna .xxiii. aswulton ond man ne mæg findan .lxxvi.. Ac man edniwode hire rinnungweg to beranne fultum.
- Ond in Burma þe nu hatte Myanmar manige þusendas aswulton ymb Irrawaddy-ea muðan, ac Burman ric segþ þæt áne .lxvii. aswulton.
- Ond aswulton .lxvii. in Malaysiam ond mæste hira wæron ymb Penang.
- Ond aswulton .cl. oððe maran in Somaliam ond mæg beon þæt .ccxclviii. aswulton.
- Ond aswulton .lxxxii. in Maldiv-iegum ond man ne mæg findan .xxvi..
- Ond aswulton .x. in Tanzaniam ond .i. in Kenyan ond .i. in Seychelles-iegum ond .ii. in Bangladeshe.
- Ond .cclxxiv. oððe maran Bryttisce swulton in þissum tsunami, ond mæste hira wæron in Thailande ond .viii. in Sri Lankan ond .iii. in Maldiv-iegum, ond man ne mæg findan .cccxci. Bryttisce þær.
- Ond man wrat máran ymb þissum in Niwenglisce on þissum webbtramete.
- Ond in Nipponisce þæt word tsunami segþ hýð-ýð. Ond is wen manigra márena deaða þurh þa seocnessa dysenteria ond cholera ond typhoides.
- Ond manige þeod sendedon micelne fultum to þissum landum, from Europam ond Indiam ond Israhele ond Nippone ond Taiwane ond Australiam ond elleshwanon. Ond þider eodon manige scipu scipfyrda berende wingwindendas.
- xxvi d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in Ukrainiam ond Viktor Yushchenko feng to rice.
- xix d: Her æt Mosul in Iraqe Americisce fuhton wið weargas ond ofslogon .xxv. hira.
- xxx-xxxi dd: Her in nihte fýr acwellede .clxxv. in þæm nihtwynnstede Republica Cromagnon in Buenos Aires.
- xxxi d: Her cwom lang heard regen to Sri Lankan ond macode flod þe wæs mara hearm for þæm þe se tsunami sloh.
1)Lincoln, Sleaford, Helpringham.
2)Yeovilton. `Gifl' is a Celtic river name.
3)The Lizard. `lys ardh' is Cornish for "court [on a] height".
4)Punjabi for "dishonor".
5)Preston in Lancashire.
(to next year)