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Anno MMV Æfterra Geola
- In þissum wintre wæs great wana regnes in Englalande.
- i d: Fore þissum dæge þa Bryttisce gifon .lx. millionas punda for fultume for þæm þe se tsunami sloh, ond ealle in þæm worulde gaf billion pund.
- ii d: Her in æfne æt þæm Hinduiscan hearge Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Neosdene in Lundene wæs bédgemót for þæm þe þolodon þurh þæm tsunami.
- Her Jeb Bush broðor foresittendes þæs USA ond Colin Powell eodon to Thailande.
- iv: Her fore sunnupgonge æt Banda Aceh lyfthyðe in Sumatran oxa þæs cynnes Bubalus arnee þe eac hatte se wæterbuffalo wandrode on þone rinnungwege. Ond twæm ond healfe stunda æfter middannihte great ládberend lyftscip berende fultum cwom to lande in nihtþystro ond þenden hit rann on grunde his swiðra hwéolfót1) slóh þone oxan ond bræc ond þæs lyftscipes swiðra side feoll to grunde, ond forðý man ne mæg brucan þæt lyftfeld, buton for wingwindendum, ond seo berung fultumes æfter þæm tsunami wæs gedered, oððæt menn cwonom of Singapore mid syrwunge to astyrianne hit of þæm rinnungwege.
- Her .xl. Americisce sæfyrdmenn eodon to Sri Lankan to gefultumianne.
- Her æt Banda Aceh menn astyrodon þone gebrocenan lyftcræft of þæm rinnungwege.
- Oþ þisne dæg þa Bryttisce gifon .lx. millionas punda to fultumianne æfter þæm tsunami, ond Brytenes ric gaf .l. millionas punda. Ond is gesprec þæt þa westernan þeoda sculon forgiefan þa debita þara þeoda þe se tsunami sloh, ond nu ealle þara þeoda debita sind .cxxx. billionas dollara, þe is $1.3e11 .
- v d: Her in Lundene æweardas fengon þreo hyssas for morðre þæs Damilola Taylor.
- vi d: Her forðferde Makgatho Mandela sunu Nelsones Mandelan þurh þære seocnesse AIDS, ond he lifde .liv. gearu.
- vii d: Her Kofi Annan eode of Aceh to Sri Lankan.
- viii d: Her wæs heard regen ond stormwind on Scotlande ond Norþymbrum ond Wealum. Ond in Cumbralande feollon nigon inceas regnes ond macodon deopne flod in Carleole2) þe þa Romiscan heton Luguvallium, ond þær derede .mm. hus, ond fyf aswulton oððe man ne mæg findan hie, ond on þissum dæge in geare .mmvi. man giet ne mihte wunian in .cd. þisra hus. Ond in Europam þes storm acwellede .xi. oððe maran.
- Her Henry æþeling oðerra sunu Charleses æþelinges eode to ellorréafsymble in Wiltúnscire3) ond his reaf wæs fyrdreaf Germanisces fyrdmannes swa wæs in Norðafricae wéstenne in Rommeles hǣse, ond on þæm reafe wæs se swastika. Ond in Europam ond Americam se swastika is tacn greates hearmes ond deaðes ond yfles for þæm Naziiscan Holocausto, ond sóna wolde beon Holocaustus-dæg in Brytene. Ond Charles æþeling wearþ swiðe ierremod æt þæm, ond he hét strange þæt William ond Henry his suno gán to Auschwitz in Pola landes suðan to seonne þone greatan hearm þe manige dydon for þæm swastikan.
- ix d: Her wæs heahfolccyre gemang þæm Palestiniscum, ond Mahmûd `Abbâs feng to rice.
- Her in Nairobi Sudanes ric ond þa Suðsudaniscan wiðfeohteras macode frið. God gife þæt se frið þolie. Ac nis frið giet in Darfure.
- xi-xii dd niht: Her wæs heard stormwind ond regen on Scotlande ond Norþiralande ond hit afyllede healf million treowa ond þreo aswulton oððe maran ond scipu ne mihton faran.
- xiv d: Her ESAn woruldrumcræft Huyghens cwom to Saturnes monan Titane ond hit worhte rihte ond sendede gelicnesse eft to Eorðan. Ond ærra se woruldrumcræft Cassini freogede Huyghens, ond Cassini fleag seofon gearu of Eorðan.
- Her in Iraqe man onfeng Hassan Hamad Abdullah Mohsen al-Duleimi ond he is propagandasceacle þæs Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
- xv d: Her in Baghdâde man onfeng Sami Muhammad Ali Said al-Jaaf þe eac hatte Abu Omar al-Kurdi, ond he macode þrie in ælcum feowerum þara utberstunga in wægna þe man macode in Baghdâde æfter Hreðmonaðe geares .mmiii.. ond he is scealc þæs dyrnweargheretogan Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
- xvi d: Her in Fort Worth in Texase dema sendede se Americisca fyrdmann Charles Graner to carcerne for teon gearum for þæm þe æt Abu Ghraib carcerne in Iraqe he tintregode Iraqisce hæftas.
- Her in Bucuresti in Romaniam Adriana Iliescu acennede dohtor and heo wæs .lxvi. gearu eald, ac þæt cild ne cwom of hire ægrum.
- xviii d: Her ongann se Hajj, þe is seo greata Muslimisca peregrinatio to Meccan, ond for hire þær eodon maran þonne twa million. Ond on .xix. dæge hie cwomon to `Arafâtbeorge.
- xx d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in þæm USA ond George W.Bush feng ongean to rice.
- xxvii d: Her in Brytene wæs Holocaustusgemyndedæg. Ond manige eodon for gemynde to Auschwitz in Pola landes suðan ond Moshe Katsav foresittend Israheles ond Horst Koehler foresittend Germaniae ond Vladimir Putin foresittend Russiae ond Dick Cheney underforesittend þæs USA ond Jacques Chirac foresittend Francrices ond Beatrix cwen Niðerlandes ond Albert cyning þara Belgiscena ond Eadweard æþeling eorl Westseaxna ond manige oðre þeodtogan ond .m. þe ærra wæron hæftas þara Nazia ond manige þe ærra wæron fyrdmenn þæs USSR: ond þær wæs snawstorm ond strang wind ond snaw on grunde ond forst, ond hie onǣledon manige candla. Ond Russisce fyrdmenn freogodon þone hearmstede on þissum dæge in geare .mcmxlv.. Ond Nazias acwelledon million ond healf þær.
- Ond wæs gemyndegemot in Westmynstrehealle in Lundene, ond þær wæs Elizabeth cwen Brytenes ond se Dux Eadwineburge, ond .dc. þe wæron hæftas in Auschwitz ond gelícum Naziiscum locum, ond .xl. þara fyrdmenn þe freogodon hie. Ond þær seo cwen ond oþre onǣledon .lx. candla mid lige of delferelicum leohtfæte þe man onælede twa wuca ærra æt Belsene ond sume þara Royal Scots Dragoon Guards bæron hit þanon to Englalande. Ond Belsen nu is in Niedersachsen underrice in Germaniam.
- xxx d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in Iraqe, ond manige curon, þeah þe þa Sunniscan dyrnwearhergas sohton dón hearm. Ond in ælcum fyfum Iraqiscum án is Sunnisc Arab ond án is Kurdisc ond þreo sind Shî`isce Arabas, for þæm mǣstum. Ond næfre ærra þa Iraqiscan Shî`iscan hæfdon rixungmiht.
- Her se papa wearþ seoc mid þære influenza ond manige Romaceasterware.
1)hwéolfét (pl.) = "undercarriage".
Anno MMV Solmonað
- In þissum monðe seo influenza fugla wearþ strang in Thailande ond Vietnames suðan ond Cambodiam ond menn eac aswulton þurh hit, ond hit wearþ to macianne seocnesse in ropum, ond is pleo þæt hit wille weorþan heard mannbana in manigum landum.
- i d: Her in æfne se papa eode to Gemelli seochuse in Romam þurh tracheitis ond hramman in his þrotbollan1) ond earfoðnesse æðmunge, ond he wæs .lxxxiv. gearu eald, ond he wæs in þæm seochuse teon dagas. Ond nu wæron .mc. millionas Romacatholiciscra. Ond sume segdon þæt he worhte oferhearde for his ieldo.
- viii d: Her in Sharm el Sheikh Ariel Sharon fyrmestscealc Israheles ond Mahmûd `Abbâs ongunnon metan ymb wæpngestand.
- vii d: Her æt 10.29 stundum in æfne Ellen Macarthur cwom to Ushant leohthuse neam Bretagne in Francrice ond heo fór ánlaga in segelbáte ymb worulde in .lxxi. dagum ond .xiv. stundum ond þæt is lytlost rinnungtid þe á wæs. Ond Ushant-ieg hatte in Frencisce Ouessant, ond geo in Celtisce hit hatte Uxisama, þe segþ Hiehst.
- x d: Her Donald Rumsfeld werungscealc þæs USA eode to Mosul in Iraqe.
- xii d: Her in æfne þæt torrbold Windsor in Madride wearþ to fýre ond bærned swiðe hearde þurh nihte, ond hit hæfþ .xxxii. flóras, ond man getimbrode hit in geare .mcmlxxiii..
- xiii d: Her in Iraqe man geendode tellan þa ceosunga for þæm heahfolccyre, ond in ælcum hundræde þæt Shi`isca mægenwerod United Iraqi Alliance hæfþ .xlvii. ond þa Kurdas habbaþ .xxv. ond þæt mægenwerod fyrmestscealces Iyad Allawi hæfþ .xiii.. Ac manige þara Sunniscena ne curon.
- Her in Beirute in Lebanone man ofsloh Rafik al-Hariri mid utberstunge ond æfterra man leahtrode Syriam for þissum. Ond ærra he wæs Lebanones fyrmestscealc, ond in æfterdagum manige scawodon in Beirute wið Lebanones rixieras ond wið Syriam.
- xiv d: Her in Arg masjide in Tehran in Irane wæs halig begong for þæm þe geo on þissum dæge æt Karbalâ' in Iraqe be þæm Islamiscum gearum man ofsloh in guðe Husayn sunu Fâtiman dohtres Muhammades witegan. Ond in þara wifa dǣle þurh misweorcunge electriciscum fyres trafu ond hangende cláðas wurdon to fyre in þæm masjide ond .lix. aswulton ond .xx. hira wurdon wif, ond .ccix. wurdon gewundode. Ond þara wifa Islamisce gewæde gehatene chador bærnedon swifte ond hearde for þæm þe man macode hie þæs acrylices. Ond manige hira aswulton þurh þringunge þenden hie sohton fleon þurh áne dure.
- Her æt Fushin in Liaoning provinciam in Cinalande in col-delfunge wæs utberstung fyrlyfte oððe col-dústes ond aswulton maran þonne .cc. delferas.
- xviii d: Her æt middannihte fore sunnupgonge se huntoð mid hundum wearð unæwlic in Englalande ond Wealum.
- Her æt Mameceaster-lyfthyðe in Englalande man onfeng cocaine weorðes .ccc. þusend punda.
- In geare .mmiii. man lagode þæt seo fóddéag Sudan 1 sie unæwlic for þæm þe man fand þæt hit mæg macian carcinomata. Ond ærra man in Indiam miscode Sudan 1 in þæt swæccdúst curry powder. Ond æfterra man sealde þis swæccdúst in Englalande. Ond man miscode hit in Weogorenaceastriscne2) sauce, þe man miscode in .cdlxxiv. cynn ǣtes oððe maran. Ond on þissum dæge þis wearð widcuð, ond man þorfte aweorpan ealle þás ǣtas.
- xxii d: Her fore sunnupgonge ymb Zarand in Kermân provinciam in Irane wæs eorðstyren ond his miht wæs Richter 6.4 ond .d. oððe maran aswulton ond maran þonne .m. wurdon gewundode, ond Dahuyah wices masjid feoll þenden manige wæron þærinne for þæm fyrmestum Musliscum gebedum þæs dæges.
- xxiv d: Her se papa ongean eode to Gemelli seochuse in Romam þurh influenza.
- xxv d: Her in Gemelli seochuse in Romam læcas dydon on þæm papam þa tracheotomiam, þe is hol in his þrote þurh to his windǣddre to þæs þe he æðmie ieðelicora, for þæm þe he hæfþ sare gesweðrode þurh Parkinsones seocnesse þe wæs in him teon gearu, ond he is .lxxxiv. gearu eald.
- Her in Cremona in Italiam mearh acenned folan Pieraz 2, ond he is clonus þæs horses Pieraz, for þæm þe Pieraz is swiðe gód for langum farungum þe nu hátte endurance ac he is castratus ond man wolde þæt he macie folan. Ond he is of þæm Arabiscum hors-cynne.
- xxvii d: Her wearþ widcuð þæt æt Hasakah ceastre in Syriam Syrisce Kurdas fengon Sabawi Ibrahim Hasan modorlicne healfbroðor Saddâmes ond gaf hine to þæm Iraqiscum Kurdum, ond æfterra Iraqisce æweardas ond Americisce onfengon hine. Ond ærra in Syria he sohte macian wiðfeohtunge gemang Iraqiscum. Ond þenden Saddâm rixode he wæs heafodmann þæs Mukhabarat. Ond man segde þæt ærra se USA scufode Syriam hearde ymb þis.
- xxviii d: Her in Hilla ceastre in Iraqes middan sum macode selfacwellende utberstunge in ceapstede ond acwellede .cxxv. oððe maran ond wundode .cxxxx. oððe maran, ond he sohte acwellan menn þe sohton weorcan for Iraqes niwum rice, ac manige hira wæron þær áne to ceapianne. Ond mæste þara Hillawara sind Shî`isce. God macie ende swylcra dæda.
- Her in nihte Steve Fossett fleag of Salina lyftfelde in Kansase in þæm USA ond he wearþ se ærest þe fleag ánhaga ymb woruld ean settunge on lande in .lxvii. stundum, ond he fleag ongean to þæm samum lyftfelde.
1)spasm of the larynx.
2)of Worcester. The Weogoran people lived in the area, and their name may come from a Celtic word meaning "winding river".
Anno MMV Hreðmonað
- .v. d: Her forðferde Lord David Shepherd þurh carcinoma ond he lifde .lxxv. gearu, ond ærra he wæs arcebiscep æt Liferpóle, ond geo he wæs criccetmann.
- Her Syria segde þæt Syriae fyrdmenn þe sind in Lebanone woldon utfaran in El Beqa`a wongdæle betweox Lebanon beorgum ond Anti-Lebanon beorgum, ond æfterra to Syria-mearce. Ond þenden Solomon rixode ond ærra on Lebanon-beorgum wæs great eorcenweald þæs treowes Cedrus libani þe in Niwenglisce hatte cedar of Lebanon, swa man wrat in þæm Babyloniscan spelle Gilgamesh ond þærinne Gilgamesh ond Enkidu his freond fuhton wið þæm þyrse Humbaba þe wunode in þæm beorg-egeswealde.
- Her in wice in Chechnya Russisce sundorfyrdmenn ofslogon Aslan Maskhadov ond he wæs heah heretoga þara Chechniscena wiðfeohtera. Ond in Turkiscum gereorde aslan segþ "leo".
- viii d: Her neah Victoria-lace in Ugandan men feng libbendne greatne crocodíl þe in twentig gearu ǣt .lxxxiii. menn, ond mæste hira wæron fisceras, ond hit is siextiene fet lang, ond hit is maran þonne .lx. gearu eald, ond man bær hit to Buwama crocodíl-tune.
- x d: Her sum macode selfacwellende utberstunge in Shi`iscum masjide in Mosul in Iraqe þenden wæs funeralis ond ofsloh .xlvii. oððe maran.
- xi d: Her wearþ widcuþ þæt in þære cyricean Basilica Sancti Pauli extra Muros in Romam man fand byrgunge ond mæg beon þæt Sancti Pauli lichama is þærinne. Ond elleshwær man fand Sancti Petri byrgunge in geare .mcmxli. ond in geare .mcmlxxvi. Paulus .vi. papa lagode þæt þis is riht.
- xiii d: Her se papa eode to hame to þæm Vaticane ond spræc to leode.
- xiv d: Her wearþ widcuþ þæt mæst dǣl þæs snawes ond ises on Kilimanjaro-beorge in Africam is ámylted. Swa déþ seo woruldwearmung.
- xv d: Her in Baghdâde wæs þæt ærest gemot Iraqes witenagemotes.
- xvi d: Her wearþ widcuþ þæt æt Athabasca-dæles westernan ende in Elysium-wonge on Mars worulde is wong þe mæg beon gefroren sæ great swa Norþsæ betweox Brytene ond Germaniam on eorðan. Ond þær is wæter, mæg beon þæt þær is lif.
- xviii d: Her man úðe Victoria-róde to þæm Bryttiscum fyrdmanne Private Johnston Beharry for þæm þe on .i. dæge Þrimilces geares .mmiv. ond on .xi. dæge Midsumermonaðes geares mmiv. he nerede .xxx. menn in gefeohte æt Al-Amarah in Iraqes suðan þonne Shî`isce weargas macode onscyte wið Bryttiscum fyrdwægnum, ond he wearþ acenned on Grenada-iege, ond hit is seo æresta Victoria-ród geunnen siððan geare .mcmlxxxii., ond hit wæs seo æresta geunnen to libbendum in marum þonne .lx. gearum. Ond man úðe .mcccliv. Victoria-roda siððan geare .mdccclvi., ond .xi. æfterra geare .mcmxlv., ond þa goldsmiðas Hancocks macodon hie ealle in Lundene of áre þe wæs dǣl twegra micelra Russiscra fyrsceotenda þe man feng in guðe æt Sevastopole in Crimean. Ond he draf gescyldod wægn for þære hloðe Princess of Wales Royal Regiment, ond he draf hit þurh wearga werunge to nerianne menn. Ond in þissum oðerran gefeohte he wearþ gewundod in heafde, ond man sendede hine to háme.
- xxii d: Her neah Tikrîte in Iraqe Americisce ond Iraqisce fyrdmenn ofslogon eahtatig weargas æt weargdomleornunglocan, ond sume hira wæron utlandisce.
- xxiv d: Her æt Texas City in Texase underrice wæs utberstung ond great fýr in ele-odene þæs BP ond .xiv. aswulton ond .c. oððe maran wurdon gewundode. Ond man segde þæt wæs gelicost þæt þis wearþ of misgelimpe ond ne of weargdæde.
- xxv d: Her wæs Godfrigadæg, ond eac Hlafdigedæg þe is seo Annunciatio þonne Gabriel archangel spræc to Mariam. Ond in Englalande sume segdon ymb swylc samodgelimp þæt "gif ure Hlaford fiellþ in ure Hlafdigan / bearm, greatne hearm bringþ þæt to þæm Englum."1). Ond wæs swylc samodgelimp in geare .mcmxxxii. ond ne æfterra oð þis gear. Ond in Romam for seocnesse ond ieldo se papa ne spræc to þæm folce.
- Her in Bishkek þe is Kyrgyzstanes heafodceaster wæs folc-ierre ymb beswicunge in heahfolccyre ond wiðgefeoht wearþ ond Askar Akayev afleoh of his rice ond Kurmanbek Bakiev feng to rice. Ond in Communistiscum gearum Bishkek hatte Frunze.
- xxvi d: Her æt his hame in Eastsuðseaxnum in Englalande forðferde Lord Callaghan ond ær he wæs lange Brytenes fyrmestsceslc, ond he lifde .xciii. gearu buton ánum dæge.
- xxviii d: Her æfter middandæge wæs eorðstyren neah Nias iege neam Sumatran westernan særiman ond his miht wæs Richter 8.7 ond hit fordyde Gunungsitoli ceastre ond .cdxxx. aswulton ond mæg beon þæt .m. aswulton þær ond on oðrum néam iegum, ac ne wearþ tsunami of him. Ond hit cleofede Nias iege lyftfeld, to þæs þe áne wingwindendas ond lytle lyftcræftas magon brucan hit. Ond æfterra endleas regen derede seo ahreddunge.
- xxx d: Her wearþ widcuþ þæt in Darfur provinciam in Sudane .cccm. aswulton ond .ii. millionas afliemdon þurh þæs rices weargdome.
- xxxi d: Her se papa wearð seocora mid heortcoðan, ond he eac hæfþ fefre þurh seocnesse his migoð-ǣdrena. Godes miltse sie for him.
- Her wæs heahfolccyre in Zimbabwe.
1) Old saying: "If Our Lord falls in Our Lady's lap, England will meet with a great mishap.".
Anno MMV Eastermonað
- ii d: Her æt hame in þæm Vaticane in æfne forðferde Johannes Paulus .ii. papa þurh ieldo ond seocnessum, ond he wæs .lxxxiv. gearu eald, ond he rixode .xxvi. gearu. Ond áne twegen ærran papan rixodon lengra þonne he, ond he fór in manige land. Ond he wæs se ærest papa þe eode in synagogam ond se ærest þe eode in masjid. Ond he fór of Romam to ellorlandum .civ. farunga.
- iv d: Her in Romam man bær þæs papae lic in Sancti Petri basilicam cyricean.
- Her wearþ widcuð þæt in Dem.Rep.Congo landes eastan is niw gefeoht in folcguðe þe is siex gearu eald, ond of hungor þurh hit .m. aswulton in æghwylcum dæge, ond sume secgaþ þæt feower millionas aswulton in þisre guðe.
- v d: Her Brytenes fyrmestscealc het þa cwene þæt heo asende þá witan to þæs þe gelimpe heahfolccyre.
- In þissum dagum maran þonne million foron be þæs papae lice.
- vi d: Her fore sunnupgong forþferde þurh seocnesse Rainier æþeling Monaco-landes ond he rixode .lv. gearu.
- vii d: Her wæron in Romam feower millionas peregrinatora for halignesse for þæs papae forþfore, ond in Romam wuniaþ þrie millionas Romawara.
- viii d: Her in morgne in Romam man byrgede Johannes Paulus .ii. papam. Ond þrie millionas cwomon þider, ond án million hira wæron Polisce. Ond þider eodon feower cyningas ond fyf cwena ond seofontiene foresittendas ond fyrmestscealcas. Ond he wæs se .cclxiv.ða papa ond Sanctus Petrus wæs se ærest papa. Ond he wearþ acenned in geare .mcmxx. in Wadowice in Pola lande. Ond manige sceawodon þa writunge "santo subito", þe in Italisce segþ "Weorþe he swifte sanctus". Ond wæron halige begonga for þissum in manigum landum ond in þære cyricean þara Haligena Heortena in Kirkuk in Iraqe.
- Her in Norðweges cynecynne wearð acenned Leah æðelingen, ond man segde þæt man nemnede hie for Leia æðelingene in þæm getalum þe hatte Steorragúða. Ond man bædzede hie on .xvi. dæge Midsumermonðes.
- Her in æfne in Friðsæwe suðan ond Costa Rica ond Panama ond Colombia ond Venezuela wæs eclipsis þære sunnan ond hit was æt sumum tidum full ond æt sumum tidum hringlic.
- ix d: Her æt Windelesóran Charles æþeling weddede Camilla Parker-Jones, ond hit wære on .viii. dæge ac he nolde þæt hit samodgelimpe mid þæs papae byrgunge.
- xii d: Her on Sumatra iege in Indonesiam se fyrbeorg Talang onwac, ond æfterra .xlim.-gerím afliemdon þærof.
- xiv d: Her in Old Bailey demungbolde in Lundene man sendede eo carcerne for seofontiene gearum Kamel Bourgass for þæm þe he acwellede æweard mid seaxe ond sohte acwellan Lundenware mid þæm atorum ricin ond cyanide, ond ærra Al-Qaeda tohte to him weargdædweorcascip.
- Her æt Belsene in Niedersachsen underrice in Germaniam wæs gemynde for þæm þe on þissum dæge in geare .mcmxlv. Bryttisce fyrdmenn freogodon swiðe yfelne hearmmǣrne Naziiscne déaðlocan þe wæs þær. Ond in gearum .mcmxl. to .mcmxlv. .lxxm. aswulton þær.
- xv d: Her æt middannihte fore sunnupgonge seo sæcoccfiscung on Morecambe-sandum in Englalande wearþ unæwlic, for þæm þe swiðe manige fengon þa sæcoccas lange ond macodon gnéaðnes.
- xvii d: Her on Grand Comore iege in þæm Comoros-iegum se fyrbeorg Karthala onwac.
- xviii d: Her in þære Cappellam Sistinam in Romam þara Romacatholiscena .cxv. cardinales ongann ceosan niwne papam. Ond man segþ þæt gif wierþþ cúð þæt cardinalis wysceþ weorðan papa, he ne weorðe papa.
- Her Jalal Talabani fyrmestscealc Iraqes segde þæt he ne nille inseglian ænige hǣse to alyfianne man acwellan Saddâm Hussein for demunge. Ond he is Kurdisc.
- Her tungolæmenn fand þæt is án ácendlicnes in .xxxviii. þæt on Frigadæge .xiii. Eastermonðes geares .mmxxix. se heofonstan 2004 MN4 slage Eorðan, ond hit is þusend fota wid.
- xix d: Her Joseph Ratzinger cardinalis wearþ papa ond he hatte Benedictus .xvi., ond he is se ærest Germanisc papa in .m. gearum. Ond he is .lxxviii. gearu eald.
- xxv d: Her on Gallipoli-næsse in Turclande manige gegaderodon for gemynde for þæm manigan þe aswulton in gefeohte þær in geare .mcmxv.. Ond neah is Troia.
- Her æt Amagasaki neam Osaka in Nipponlande irenweg-gewægnoþ fór oferswifte and fleag of his irenwege ond sloh micel bold manigra husa ond .ci. aswulton oððe maran ond .cdl. wurdon gewundode. Ond hit bær .dlx.. Ond þis is se ærest swylca miscelimp in Nippone siððan irenwegmisgelimp acwellede .xlii. ond wundode maran þonne .dc. æt Shigaraki.
- xxvi d: Her in Chicago .xiv. hea mándædwyrca-togan eodon fore deman.
- xxvii d: Her wearþ widcuþ þæt in Angolalandes norðan in Africam læcas feohtaþ hearde wið þære egeslican deaðseocnesse Marburg virus, ond giet seo seocnesse acwellede .ccc., ond .xxx. hira wæron læcas ond lácniendas.
Anno MMV Ðrimilcemonað
- iii d: Her in morgne spinnwind derede þritig-gerím husa in Hóhtúne1) neam Blæcburnan in Lonceasterscire ond afyllede twa treow.
- v d: Her was heahfolccyre in Brytene, ond se mægenwerod Labour feng ongean to rice.
- Her wæs Yom ha-Shoah, þe is se Israhelisca Holocaustusdæg, ond wæs gemyndemót æt Birkenau þe is dǣl Auschwitz locan in Pola landes.
- viii d: Her in Europam wæs mærung for þæm þe on þissum dæge in geare .mcmxlv. endode seo guð wið Hitleres rice on þæm dæge þe hatte VE-day.
- ix d: Her wæs great fyrdmannfarung in þæm stede in Moskvan þe hatte in Russisce Krasnaya Ploshchad' ond in Niwenglisce Red Square for gemynde for þære endunge guðe wið Hitlere, ond in þære guðe .xxvii. millionas Sovietiscra aswulton.
- x d: Her Bush foresittend eode to Tbilisi in Georgiam þe in Russisce hatte Gruziya in Caucasus-beorgum.
- xi d: Her in Sancti Pauli mynstre in Lundene wæs halig begong for gemynde þara þe aswulton in þæm tsunami on .xxvi. dæge Foregeoles geares .mmiv., ond man alyfede feallan .xxxm. blómléaf innan of his hrofe for gemynde þara aswulton in þæm tsunami. Ond man segde þæt .cclm. aswulton in þæm tsunami.
- xiv d: Her in Andizhan ceastre in Uzbekistane manige fuhton wið þæm rice ond mæg beon þæt .d. aswulton ond þæt ric ahte wælstowe gewald. Ond Islam Karimov is Uzbekistanes foresittend ond he feng to rice in geare .mcmlxxxix..
- xxxi d: Her in þæm Canaria-iegun man feng .mmmmm. kilogrammas þæs atores cocaine, ond þæt is elpendes gewiht, ond þæs weorð is .ccxxl. millionas punda.
1) Hoghton near Blackburn in Lancashire in England.
Anno MMV Midsumermonað
- x d: Her in Preosttune in Lonceasterscire dema sendede Rosalind Gregson to carcerne for þæm þer in geare .mmiii. man fand þæt in Seolfordæle in Lonceasterscire1) heo heald in anum huse .ccxlvi. hundas ond .xxv. oþre deoras ond hie wæron swiþe fule ond hungrige.
- Her Bryten forgaf manige greate gieldunga þe manige earme Africisce þeod ahton gieldan to Brytene.
- xiii d: Her æt Mamecceastre in Englalande dema sendede to carcerne Anastasios Arnouti ond Philip Harper ond Philip Rayner ond twegen mid him for þæm þe æt Æsctune under Lyme hie macodon gelicnesse Engliscra ond Americiscra sceattwritunga for manige millionas punda.
- Her in Santa Maria in Californiam endode seo swiðe langa demung þæs truðes Michael Jackson for paederastiam ond gelicum mándædun, ond man démede þæt he næs gyltig. Ond þeos demung rann .xiv. wuce.
- xiv d: Her in morgne fore sunnupgonge wæs eorðstyren in Chile landes norðernan ende near Peru-mearce ond Bolivia-mearce, ond his miht wæs Richter 7.9, ond eahta aswulton oððe maran.
- xv d: Her wæs eorðstyren under sæ neah Californiae norðdǣles særiman, ond his miht wæs Richter 7, ond wæs pleo þæt tsumnami sie.
- Her Hispanisce æweardas fengon sixtiene Islamisce weargas.
- xvi d: Her in æfne wæs eorðstyren in Californiae suðan, ond his miht wæs Richter 5.3.
- Her æt Siem Reap ceastre neah Angkor Wat heargum in Cambodiam wæpnedmenn fengon þritig cildrum swa gislas ond mæste þara cildru wæron utlandisce, ac æweardas ond oðre fuhton wið þa wæpnedmenn ond ofslogon twegen hira ond freogodon þa gislas, ac Canadisc cnapa aswealt. Ond þa wæpnedmenn sohton ánne sceattas ond ne wæron for Islame oððe swylcum.
- xvii d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in Irane.
- xviii d: Her ymb Karabîla ceastre in Iraqes westwéstenne neah Syria-mearce þusend Americisce ond Iraqisce fyrdmenn ofslogon fyftig weargas ond fengon .c., ond þis is Operation Spear.
- xix d: Her wæs heahfolccyre for .xxix. witenagemotmannscipum in Lebanones norðan.
- Her æfter dagum hætu wæron greate þunorstormas on Englalande, ond ymb Helmesléa ond Seljabý ond Súþtúne under Hwítstánclife2) in Eoforwicscire norþan þunorstormas on héam mórum hie macodon deopne swiftne flod, ond wingwindendas þorfton nerian menn.
- xxviii d: Her ond in æfterdagum æt Portesmuðan in Englalande wæs gemot .clxvii. guðscipa of .xxxvi. þeodum, for þæm þe on þissum dæge in geare .mdcccv. wæs sægefeoht æt Trafalgar-næsse þe is neah Cádiz in Hispaniam. Ond hit is seo greatost scipfyrdoferseoung þe á wæs, ond seo ærest scipfyrdoferseoung siððan geare .mcmxxvii..
1) Silverdale in Lancashire.
2) Helmsley, Selby, Sutton under Whitestonecliff.
3) fleet review.
Anno MMV Æfterra Liða
- In þissum geare is great dryhþ ond hætu ond wana wæstmes ond manige wealdfyr in Franciam ond Hispaniam ond Italiam ond Morocco ond Algeriam.
- Ond is sar hungor ond unwæstm in Niger lande in Africam þurh dryhþ ond locustas.
- iii d: Her æt Husayba on Iraqes ond Syriae mearce on Euphrates-ea Iraqisce weargas fuhton wið utlandiscum Al-Qaediscum, for þæm þe þær Al-Qaeda þryccedon þa ceasterware mid heardre Islamiscre æwe. Ond in Riyadh Saudisce æweardas ascuton Yûnis Muhammad Ibrâhîm al-Hayyârî ond he wæs Al-Qaedan heretoga for Saudiscre Arabiae.
- iv d: Her in Eadwinebyrig1) in Scotlande ongann great scawung folca wið þæm capitalismus for þæm þe on .v. dæge ond æfterra wæs great gemot þeoda neah æt Gleann na h-Eaglaise9).
- vi d: Her man ceos þæt in geare .mmxii. þa Olympiscan Plegan beon in Lundene in Englalande.
- vii d: Her æfter middandæge sume macodon feower selfacwellende utberstunga in folcberendum in Lundene, ond acwelledon .liii., ond mæg beon þæt þis is dǣd Al-Qaedan weargdomes. Ond man ne mæg findan .xxxi.. Ond on .xii. dæge man fand þæt þreo þara wearga wunodon in Loidise2) ond hira cynn cwom of Pakistane. Ond þára án winode in brytene ond cwom of Jamaican. Ond is pleo þæt sume Bryttisce willen secan onwrecunge. Ond on .xiv. dæge in Englalande æweardas macodon infaringe in sum hus in Æglesbyrig in Buccingahamscire, ond in ærdagum in Lygetune.3). Ond wæs gemynde for þissum on .xiv. dæge in manigum landum.
- viii d: Her se hweolstorm Dennis sloh Cuban ond Haiti ond acwellede .xxxii. oððe maran. Ond in Cubam .xvi. aswulton oððe maran.
- x d: Her se hweolstorm Dennis sloh Floridae norþwestan ond his wind wearþ to .cxx. milum in stunde. Ond in þæm USAn feower aswulton.
- xi d: Her æt Srebrenica in Bosniam wæs gemynde for þæm þe on þissum dæge ond in his .vii. æfterdagum in geare .mcmxcv. Serbisc fyrd þæs Radko Mladic acwellede .viiim. Muslimas þær ond þone mæst dǣl þenden his afliemdon þurh beorgas.
- xii d: Þes wæs dæg sceawfarunga Protestantiscra in Norðiralande. Ond án hira fór þurh Catholiciscra land æt Ard Eoin10 ond wearþ folcgefeoht ond scyldæweardas wærdon in þæm gefeohte.
- xiii d: Her æt feower stundum fore sunnupgonge æt Sarhad irenweg-stoppungstede neah Ghotki in Sindh provinciam in Pakistane þreo gewægnoþas slogon æghwylce oþre þurh misgelimp oððe wanhydignesse ond .cxxv. aswuton oððe maran ond .m.-gerim wæs gewundod. Ond án gewægnoð wæs gestoppod ond oðer sloh hit, ond dǣlas hit wurdon geworpene in þone oðran irenweg ond þridda gewægnoð sloh hie. Ond man mæg rædan ymb þis her.
- xvii d: Her in Musayyib in Iraqe man macode utberstunge mid gestolenum fýreleberende neah masjide ond ceapungstede þenden manige eodon in þæm masjide for æfenbéde ond wearþ heard fyr ond .xcviii. aswulton oððe maran. Ond mæste þara Musayyibwara sind Shî`isce. God bringe frið :: ond in Sanskrite þis gebed is Ôm shantiH, ond þus oft Hinduisce biddaþ, ond ic bide swa eac.
- Her æt Searobyrig4) forðferde Edward Heath, ond he lifde .lxxxix. gearu, ond geo he wæs fyrmestscealc Brytenes for þara Conservativorum mægenwerode. Ond he wæs witenagemotmann fyftig gearu.
- xvi d: Her in Guadalajara lande in Hispaniam ongann great ond strang wealdfýr ond .xi. fyrfeohteras aswulton in gefeohte wið him. Ond hit ongann of ánum cócungfýre in wealde, ond hit bærned .xiiim. hectaras píntréowa.
- In Brytene .d. Muslimisce leornnedmenn settedon hira naman on fatwa þe segþ þæt selfácwellungútberstung is great yfel hearmsynn and unriht, ond on þissum dæge in Westmynstre .xl. hira gifon þone fatwan to witenagemotmannum.
- xviii d: Her se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Emily hearde sloh Mexicos easternan særiman ymb Cancún.
- xx d: Her forðferde James Doohan, ond he plegode Engineer Scott in þæm ærestum Star Trek, ond he lifde .lxxxv. gearu.
- Her in Pakistane æweardas fengon maran þonne .cc. þe wæron hearde for Islame ond maðelodon for þæm weargdome.
- xxi d: Her in Lunden sume macodon feower utberstunga ac áne hira detonatores utberston ond án wearþ gewundod ond nænig aswealt.
- xxii d: Her æt Stoccwiellan5) in Lundenes suðan æweardas huntodon ond ascuton mann, ac he wæs Brazilisc ond næs in weargdóme.
- Her in Wyrmholtscrubbum6) man fand utberstend ond hit ne utbærst. Ond Wyrmholtscrubbas sind án holt in Lundene ond þærinne is carcern. Ond man fand utberstendas þe wæren .xiv. utberstendweæpen.
- xxiii d: Her in nihte fore sunnupgonge sume macodon þrie micle utberstunga in Sharm el Sheikh wynnstede, ond án wæs in gæsthuse ond án wæs in wægngearde ond án ws in ceapstede, ond acwelledon .lxxxviii. oððe maran ond .cc.-gerim wæs gewundod, ac mæste hira wæron Ægyptisce Muslimas ond ne þa þe þa weargas sohton acwellan. Ond æfterra Ægyptisce æweardas fengon .lxx.-gerim ond manige hira wæron Sinailandisce wéstennware þe hatte in Arabisce badw ond in Niwenglisce bedouin.
- Her æt Stoccwiellan5) æweardas fengon twegen menn ymb weargdom.
- xxvi d: Her æt Canaveral-næsse in Floridam se woruldrúnscytel7). Discovery fleag uppe ond ongann fleogan ymb eorþan.
- Her strang spinnwind derede sume hundræd-gerím husa in Cyningeshæþe ond Mollesléa ond oþrum stedum in Beornmundingahámes suðan in Englalande, ond his wind wearþ ..cxxx. mila in stunde ond ahof wægn of grunde ond wundode .xix. folca. Ond eac wæs spinnwind æt Medeshamstede8)
1) Edinburgh.
2) Loidis = Leeds in England. The name came from Celtic.
3) Aylesbury, Luton.
4) Salisbury.
5) Stockwell.
6) Wormwood Scrubbs. The name means "snake-infested wood", and later someone added "wood" again: compare the place name Beechhurst Holt Wood.
7) space shuttle.
8) Kings Heath, Moseley, Birmingham, Peterborough.
9) Gleneagles. The name is Gaelic for "the glen of the church".
10) Ardoyne. The name is Gaelic for "John's height".
Anno MMV Weodmonað
- iii d: Her .cc. metras under sæ neah Kamchatka-næsse in Russiae feorran Eastan smeall Russisc undersæbát AS20 wearþ geholden in fiscungnettum ond wirum fyrdwæccungsearwes ond seofon menn wæron in him. Ond on .vi. dæge Bryttisce smeall mannleas undersæbát genemned Scorpio 45 snáð þa nett ond þa wiras ond freogode þone AS20.
- viii d: Her se woruldrunscytel Discovery wolde cuman to eorðan, ac hit ne mihte for wolcnum ofer Canaveral-næsse in Floridam.
- Her in Nagasaki in Japanlande wæs gemynde for þæm þe on þissum dæge in geare .mcmxlv. Americisc lyftcræft alyfede feallan plutoniumcyrnútberstend on Nagasaki.
- ix d: Her se woruldrúmscytel Discovery cwom ongean to lande ean hearme in Californiae heam eastwéstenne, for wæs þunor æt Canaveralnæsse, ond hit fleag ymb eorðan .ccxix. tidas.
- xiv d: Her Boeing 737 folcberend lyftcræft þæs Cyprususcan airlines fleag of Larnaca in Cypruse to Prag in Czechlande ond hit feoll to eorðan in beorgum neah Grammatiko þe is norð Marathone in Attika provinciam and aswulton ealle .cxv. þe ridon þærinne ond his siex scipmenn, ond þyncþ þæt þis is of wanan oxygenes þenden hit fleag .xxxvm. fet ofer eorðan.
- xv d: Her in manigum stedum wæs gemynde for þæm þe þes dæg geares .mcmxlv. wæs VJ-dæg ond guð wið Japane endode.
- Her wæs eorþstyren .xx. kilometras under sæ neah Miyagi in Japane in Sendai lande ond his miht wæs Richter 7.2.
- xvi d: Her ongann Israheles rices hæs þæt ealle Isrehalisce wuniendas moton utgan of Gazalande. Ond ærra .viiim. ond .d. Israhelisce wunodon in Gazalande.
- Her folcberend lyftcræft fleag of Panama to Martinque iege ond neah mearce Colombiae ond Venezuelae hit feoll to grunde ond ealle .clii. þe ridon in him aswulton ond his eahta scipmenn. Godes miltse sie.
- xviii d: Her Benedictus .xvi. papa eode to Germaniam.
- Her oððe ærra in Iraqiscum Kurdistane man openode niwe lyfthyðe æt Irbil þær ærra wæs fyrdlyftfeld Saddâmes.
- xix d: Her Benedictus .xvi. papa spræc in synagogam in Köln in Germaniam.
- Her micel folcberend lyftcræft bær on his bæce þone woruldrumscytel Discovery eft to Canaveral-næsse.
- xx d: Ymb þissum dæge wæron strange egeslice wealdfýr in Portugale.
- xxiii d: Ymb þisne dæg great regen macode deopne flod in Middaneuropam.
- xxiv d: Her Cinalandisce iirenwegwyrcan settedon weg-iren in heare þurhgonge ofer Tanglha beorgum in Tibete on niwum irenwege of Qinghai to Lhasa, ond seo þurhgong is .xvim. ond .dcxl. fet ofer sæ, ond hit is se hiehst irenweg in þæm worulde. Ond Lhasa irenwewg-stoppungstede will beon .xvi. ond .dcxxvii. fet ofer sæ ond se hiehst in þæm worulde.
- xxvii d: Her se hweolstorm Katrina fór ofer Floridae suðan of Atlas-sæ to Carib-sæ ond dyde micelne hearm ond acwellede seofon ond his mihtgerím wæs .i.. Ond æfterra his miht weaxode to .v., þe is se greatost, ond mæste þara New Orleanswara afliemdon of his egese.
- xxix d: Her se hweolstorm Katrina cierrede to eastan ond his eage cwom to lande æt Gulfport ond hit sloh Mississippi ond sloh Alabama ond Louisiana underricu, ond hit forhergode máre land þonne is in eallum Brytene. Ond hit acwellede maran þonne .dcccxl.. Ond in New Orleans ceastre Katrina dyde þæt þe menn lange ondræddon ond þurhbærst 17th Street Canal bátwæterweges eastriman neah Pontchartrain-lace ond Industrial Canal bátwæterweges westriman in middan ond macode deop flod in 80% dǣle New Orleans ceastre þurh wæter þe fór innan þærþurh of Pontchartrain-lace ond Mississippi-ea, ond hit wearð deopora þurh regen þe Katrina macode farende norð ofer lande. Ond on æfterdagum mæste þara New Orleans-wara eodon þanon to manigum dǣlum þæs USA. Ond is wen þæt .xm. aswulton. Ond manige forstalodon of ceapungboldum ond þanon wearþ sceotung. Ond in Mexico-sæ Katrina derede elewiellan ond ele-odene ond þanon wearþ wana eles.
- Her in Baghdâde swiðe manige Shî`isce eodon over brycge ofer Tigris-ea to Kaðimîya masjide for haligre begonge, ond sum segde þæt wæs selfacwellende utberstedmann in þæm folce ond se folc afliemdon ond maran þonne .dccc. feollon of þære brycge ond adruncon in Tigris-ea. Godes miltse sie. God macie frið.
- For þæm þe in Islame, þa æ þe Muhammad witega segde ond he ne segde þæt hie wæron of Allâhe, hatte se Sunna, ond þa Sunnisce giemaþ þone Sunna, ac þa Shî`isce ne giemaþ hit.
Anno MMV Hærfestmonað
- i d: Her in Beslan in Norð-Ossetiam in Caucasus beorgum ongunnon þreo dagas gemyndes for þæm þe on þissum dæge in geare .mmiv. weargas fengon manige gislas in scole.
- Her in Asiae suðeastan giet sind .mmmm. deade Europeisce ond Americisce þe se greata tsunami acwellede ond man ne wát hwá sie sind.
- v d: Her in New Orleans man gebétede þone riman þæs 17th Street Canal ond ongann útsúcan þæt flódwæter eft in Pontchartrain-lacu.
- Her wæs great heard regen on Francrices suþernan særiman.
- vi d: Her in þæm USA is Labor Day þe segþ Gedeorfdæg. Ond se USA-isca lyftcræftberend Iwo Jima cwom to New Orleans. - x-xi dd: Her in Beal Feirste in Norðiralande wæs heard folcgefeoht manigra Protestantiscra wið æweardum ond micel derung æhta for þæm þe þa æweardas ne alyfodon some Orangemenn faran andlang weg þær Catholicisce wonodon.
- x d: Her in nihte fore sunnupgonge ealle Israhelisce fyrdmenn foron ut of Gazalande.
- x-xii dd: Her in Tall `Âfar þe is .xxxv. míl west Mosul ceastre in Iraqe .viiim. ond .d. Americisce ond Iraqisce fuhton wið weargum ond hie ofslogon .clvi. weargas ond fengon maran þonne .cd. ond manige hira wæron Arabas þe næron Iraqisce.
- xiii d: Her USAisce guðlyftcræftas flugon wið weargum in Al Hadîþa ceastre þe is on Euphrates-ea ond west Þarþâr-lace in Iraqe.
- xiv d: Her in Baghdâde weargas macodon twelf selfacwellende utberstunga ond acwelledon .clii. ond wundodon .dxlii. ond mæste hira wæron Shî`isce ond .cxii. hira oððe maran aswulton in Kaðimîya ceasterdǣle.
- xviii d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in Afghanistane.
- Her wæs heahfolccyre in Germaniam.
- xix d: Her in 1)Preosttune in Lonceasterscire fyf menn ongunnon gan fore deman for þæm deaðum þara .xxi. sæcoccfiscera on Morecambe-sandum in Solmonaðe geares .mmiv..
- xx d: Her se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Rita sloh Floridam ond þa Floridisca Cæga ond Cuba ieg, ac his eage fór betweox Floridam ond Cubam.
- Her hweolstorm sloh Bangladesh ond ofsloh .l.. Ond hit eac sloh Indiam ond macode .c. þusenda hámléase.
- Her in Wien in Eastrice1) forþferde Simon Wiesenthal, ond þurh his æfterspyrunga maran þonne .mc. Naziisce guðmándædwyrcan eodon fore demum. Ond he wearþ acenned in Buczacz in Pola landes suðan. Ond he wæs hæft in Mauthausen deaþlocan ond þærinne he naerolice áspédde of sceotunghloðe. Ond he wæs Iudeisc ond swiþe manige his mægcynnes aswulton under Hitleres rice.
- xxi d: Her seo sæcoccfiscerdemung eode of þæm demunghuse to Morecambe-sandum to ridanne hovercræft to seonne þa pleo þara sanda.
- Her þæs Caribbeiscan hweolstormes Ritae miht wearþ to .v. ond his wind wearþ .clxx. mila in stunde ond hit is strangora þonna Katrina ond hit is .cccdxx. mila wid. Ond in Texase mæste þara Galvestonwara ond Houstonwara afliemdom to heam lande. Ond in geare .mcm. hweolstorm fordyde Galveston ond acwellede gerim betweox .vim. ond .xm..
- xxiii d: Her in New Orleans seo niwa edniwung in Industrial Canal wæterweges weall þurhbræc þurh Ritae miht.
- xxiv d: Her Ritae middel sloh Texases særiman æt Beaumont ond Port Arthur ond his miht wæs nu .iii..
- xxix d: Her in Beornmundingahame2) .xxv. wiflice æweardas infóron in hórhúse ond freogodon .xix. utlandisce wifmenn þe man heald þærinne to beonne horcwenan. Ond hie onféngon þreo menn ond áne wif for hórcéapunge, ond þrie bycgendas, ond hie fengon sume wæpen.
- Her in Balad ceastre norþ Baghdâde in Iraqe utberstung acwellede .xcviii. ond mæste þara Baladware sind Shî`isce.
- xxx d: Her utberstung in ceapungstede in Hilla in Iraqes suþan acwellede maran þonne twelf ond wundode .xlvii..
1)Vienna in Austria.
Anno MMV Winterfylleð
- i d: Her in El Salvador se fyrbeorg Santa Ana onwac ond acwellede .ii..
- Her æfter middendæge se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Stan wearþ, ond æfterra hit fór to westan ofer Yucatán-næsse to Campeche-cofan ond on .iv. dæge hit sloh Veracruz underric æt Alvarado.
- iv: Her forðferde se Bryttisca truð Ronnie Barker þurh heortseocnesse ond he lifde .lxxvi. gearu..
- vi d: Her se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Stan hergode Middelamericam of Mexico ond Costa Rica ond ofsloh maran þonne .ccxxx. ond macode eorðslidunga ond .ccm. sind huslease, ond his middel macode greatne regen ond deop flod þenden hit ofereode hea beorgas in Oaxaca underrice in Mexico. Ond hit eode to Friðsæ, ond gif hit wierþþ strang þær, man will eftnemnian hit Pilar. Ond in Guatemala man ne mæg findan .mcd., ond .d. aswulton ond manige hira wæron ymb Atitlan-lace. Ond in Mexicos middan .dc. aswulton.
- vii d: Her wearþ widcuþ þæt in Malawi lande in Africam is hungor ond wana fodes þurh dryhðe, ond is pleo hungres for feower millionum Malawiscum.
- viii d: Her in morgne wæs eorðstyren .lx. mila norðeast Islamabade in Pakistanes norðan ond his miht wæs Richter 7.6, ond his middel wæs 6.2 mila under eorðan neah Balakot in Pir Panjal beorgum in Punch scire in Pakistaniscum Kashmire, ond in Islamabade þa Margala-torras feollon ond þærinne wunodon manige, ond Muzaffarabad ond .cm. wice ond ceastra sind fordóne, ond hit ofsloh maran þonne .livm. þær ond in Kashmire ond in Pakistanes Norþwestmearcprovinciam ond wundode .xlim., ond .xviim. hira wæron cildru. Ond .cxxm. sind huslease ond sume segdon þæt mæg beon þæt feower millionas sind huslease, ond manige wic sind swa þing þe næfre wæs. Ond hit fordyde .viiim. scóla, ond swiðe manige cildru aswulton þonne scólbold feollon. Ond .mxxx. aswulton in Indiscum Kashmire. Ond æfterra wæron .clxxi. æfterstyrena. Ond eorþslidunga fordyde swiðe manige wæstmland ond wæstmtreow ond forstoppodon þone heahweg þe scytt of Jammu to Srinagare, ond þone niwe edniwodne weg þe scytt of Srinagare to Muzaffarabade, ond þone weg þe scytt of Pakistan-wonge to Muzaffarabade, ond manige oþere wegas. Ond in Kashmires beorgum manige hundrædas þæs weargherges Lashkar-e-Toiba aswulton. Ond hit wæs seo strangost in Suðasiam siððan seo eorðstyren æt Kangra in Madhya Pradesh provinciam in geare .mcmv ond hit acwellede .xxm.. Ond heolpendas eodon þider of Brytene ond Turclande and of Japanlande. Ond man mæg seon maran ymb þis in Niwenglisce on þissum tramete.
- xi d: Her to Pakistaniscum Kashmire cwomon stormas mid heardum regne ond cyle ond deredon þa ahreddunge, for þæm þe in Suð-Asiam sumor bringþ regen ond forðý hátte se monsoon.
- xiii d: Her man fand þone influenza fugla gehatenne H5N1 in Ceamurlia de Jos wice in Danubemuðanlande in Rumaniam ond on .viii. dæge man fand hit æt Kiziksa wice in Turklandes norðwestan. Ond wildra fugla beraþ hit ond hit acwelleþ swiðe manige fuglas, ond in Asiam hit ærra acwellede .lx. folces in geare .mcmxcvii. ond æfterra, ac giet hit ne mæg faran of manne to manne. Ond is pleo þæt hit will áwendan ond weorþan seocnesse þe wel mæg faran of manne to manne ond acwelleþ manige swa swa se Hispanisca influenza in gearum .mcmxviii. ond .mcmxix. acwellede ..xxv.-.l. milliona in worulde.
- xv d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in Iraqe to ceosanne hwæðre sie niw constitutio to rixianne Iraqe, ond þærinne manige Sunnisce Arabas middan Iraqes ceoson ond ne oðstodon of þære ceosunge swa in Niwenglisce hátte boiacotung2).
- Her in Pakistanes norðan to Muzaffarabade cwomon regen ond þunor ond deredon þa ahreddunge ond þa flyhðas wingwindenda, ond wintercyle cymð in þæm heam beorgum.
- xvi d: Her in Stoctúnhæþe in Weringtúne in Legeceasterscire1) wæs great fyr in odene þe macaþ þurh þa distillationem drincas þærinne strange is se alcohol þe geo hatte se gást wínes.
- Her Cinalandisce mannberende woruldcumscip Chengzhu cwom eft to eorðan in Innoramongoliam.
- xviii d: Her in Carib-sæ se hweolstorm Wilma wearþ strang, ond in .xix. dæges morgne his middan lyftþiccnesse wearþ .dccclxxxii. millibaras, þe is níðemest gecnáwen for Atlas-garsecge. Ond hit fordyde 17% Floridae goldæppelwæstmes.
- xix d: Her in Baghdâde Saddâm Hussein ond seofon mid him ongunnon gán fore demum for mándædum wið mancynne ond þæt æt Dujail wice hie ofslogon .cxliii. menn æfter þæt sume þæs Shî`iscan dyrnmægenwerodes þe hátte Islamisc Dawa sohton ofslean hine þær in geare .mcmlxxxii., ond mæste þara Dujailwara wæron Shî`isce, ond Ibrâhîm Jaafari is in Islamiscum Dawan ond nu he is fyrmestscealc Iraqes.
- xxi d: Her in Portesmúðan hýðe wæs mærung ond gemynde for þæm þe on þissum dæge in geare .mdcccv. wæs scipgefeoht neah Trafalgar-næsse in Hispaniae suðwestan ond Nelson scipfyrdtoga Brytenes ahte wælstowe gewald ac forðferde in gefeohte. Ond in Brytene man bærnede .m. béacen, ond Elizabeþ cwen lihtede þæt æreste æt Portesmúðahýðe.
- xxi-xxii niht: Her se swiðe strang Caribbeisca hweolstorm Wilma sloh Mexico-landes Yucatan-næsse hearde ond þær restede, ond his windes sped is .cxl. mil in stunde mid gustum to .clxxx. mil in stunde, ond manige utlandisce þorfton secan hleo in strangum boldum. Ond æfterra Wilma aeode to norðeastan.
- xxii d: Her æt Eskilstuna in Swéolande man fand wilde eneda þa aswulton þurh influenzam fugla.
- xxii-xxiii dd: Her in Lozelles in Beornmundingahame in Englalande wæs gefeoht in strætum betweox Caribbeiscum ond Muslimum ond Sikhum æfter þæt sum wæs in wifcyððe mid mægðe be mihte.
- xxiii d: Her se hweolstorm Alpha wearþ suð Hispaniola-iege in Carib-sæwe. Næfre ærra þa Caribbeiscan hweolstormmenn þorfton ongean naman æfter þære bocstæfrǣwe ende. Ond hie ne brucaþ þa bocstafas q u x y z.
- xxiv d: Her weargas macodon utberstunga in Baghdâde to acwellanne utlandisce ærendwritungmenn, ond hie acwelledon twintig ac mæste hira wæron Iraqisce pæððende.
- Her forðferde Rosa Lee Parks þurh ieldo, one heo sweart wif, ond on .i. dæge Foregeoles geares .mcmlv. hwit mann wyscede sittan þær heo sat, ond heo forsóc standan of setle, ond of þæm wearþ seo lange gefeoht for samrihtnesse sweartes folces in þæm USA swa in Niwenglisce hatte Civil Rights. Ond hire lic læg in Capitol bolde ond on .i. dæge Blotmonaðes man byrgede hie in Detroite.
- xxv d: Oð þissum dæge in Iraqe man ofsloh .mm. Americisce fyrdmenn ond .xxxm.-gerim Iraqiscra.
- Her in Iraqe man endode tellan for þære heahfolccyre .xv. dæges ymb þá constitutionem, ond fand þæt .lxxviii. in hundræde ceoron giese, ac þa þrie Sunniscan provinciae Nineveh, Salahuddîn, Anbar ceoron strange for nic.
- Oð þissum dæge in Pakistane Kashmire wæron .cm.-gerim æfterstyrena, ond nu wearþ ceald ond snaw in þæm heam beorgum. Ond swiðe manige in Brytene gifon ganggeteld3) for þara eorðstyrenlandwarum. Ond man fand þæt seo eorþstyren astyrode þa beorgas þurh twegen metras. Ond .xivm. sind deade ond .lxxvm. sind sare gewundode.
- xxvii d: Her in norðdæla Parises þreo Muslimsce geonge heledon sylfe in electricale substatione þenden his afliemdon of æweardum ond twegen hira aswulton be misgelimpe þurh electricitate. Ond þonnne ond in manigum nihtum þæræfter þær in Francrice wæs folcþracu gemang geongum Muslimum ond hie bærnedon manige wægen ond bold. Ond eac in Nantes ond Dijon ond Toulouse ond Lille ond elleshwær on sumum dagum.
- xxx d: Her in Delhi þrie utberstunga ofslogon .lxi. oððe maran, ond þæs ymbe lytel will beon se Hinduisca haligdæg Diwali ond eac se Muslimisca haligdæg Eid al-Fitr þe is Ramâdânes ende.
- Her neah Veligonda ceastre in Nalgonda scire in Andhra Pradesh in Indiam strang regen bærst gemacode lacu ond macode flod þe fordyde brycge ond forþý irenweggewægnoþ genemned Delta Express feoll in flodwæter ond .cx. aswulton. Ond flod dyde manige hearmas in Indiam.
- Her in Huwaidir wice .xxxv. mila norþ Baghdâde utberstung acwerllede .xxv. oððe maran ond þa Huwaidirware sind Shî`isce.
- Her in Nahrawân þe is .xv. mila suðeast Baghdâde Shî`isce wæpnedmenn þæs Muqtada Sadr ond æweardas eodon to ahreddanne sumne hira þe wæs gisl Sunniscra wearga ond ahreddede þone gisl ond fengon twegen weargas ac Sunnisce weargas ofslogon .xviii. þara Shî`iscra wæpnedmanna ond twegen æweardas.
- Her se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Beta sloh Providencia iege þe is Colombiae ǣhta ond æfterra hit sloh Nicaragua.
- Her in Dresden in Germaniam man efthalgode þa cyrice Frauenkirche, ond in æfne .ix. dæges Solmonaðes geares .mcmxlv. Bryttisce guðlyftcræftas tobræcon hit ond ofslogon .xxxvm..
- xxxi d: Her in Carib-sæwe .c. mila of Nicaraguae særiman þæt Bryttisce guðscip HMS Cumberland fand swiftne bát berendne .mm. kilogrammas cocaines ond þæs weorð in strætum wære .cc. millionas punda, ond se bat rann to lande, ond neah lande sum in Lynx wingwindend asceat þæs bates scufendsearu, ond þæt scip feng þone bat ond feower menn.
- Her se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Beta sloh Nicaraguam ond Providencia ieg and San Andres ieg.
1)Stockton Heath in Warrington (= "Wier Farm") in Cheshire.
2)Man nemnede þa boiacotung for manne ond man nemnede sumne his ealdfædra for Boiacote wice in Buccingahamscire ond se stede nu hátte Boycott. Ond sume geleofaþ þæt þæt word boia segde cnapa oððe þeow ond þæt word is nu boy. Ond mæg beon þæt þæt word boia wearþ of þæs Celtiscan folces Boii þe geo wunode in Czechlande ond Germanisce folc gehaten Marcomanni þe is Mearcmenn utdraf hie ond þús þæt manige fleogende Boii þorfton weorþan þeowas, ond þæt word boia wearþ þeow, swa æfterra Slav wearþ slave for þæm þe manige Slavonisce wurdon þeowas.
3)ganggeteld = tent.
Anno MMV Blotmonað
- i d: Her Charles æþeling Brytenes wæs in Niw-Eoforwice ond Camilla his wif þe is dux Cornweala.
- iv d: Her Charles æþeling wæs in New Orleans to seonne þone greatan hearm ond tobrecunge þe Katrina hweolstorm dyde.
- v d: Her in Aulnay sous Bois in Parises suðan wæs folcfarung for folcfriðe wið þæm greatan foldþrace.
- v-vi dd: Her in æfnum in þæm folcgefeohtum in Francrice man sceat to æweardum ond wundode .xxxiv. hira.
- vi d: Her wæs strang æfterstyren æt Hazara in Pakistaniscum Kashmire, od his miht wæs Richter 6.
- ix d: Her in æfne þrie sylfacwellende utberstunge in þrym gásthusum in Ammân ceastre in Eastiordanum acwelledon .lvii. oððe maran ond wundodon .cx., ond mæste hira wæron Eastiordanisce. Ond twa þara utberstunga wæron in weddungsymblum. Ond sume secgaþ þæt þis is dæd dyrnweargherges þæs weargtogan Abu Musab al-Zarqawi ond he is Eastiordanisc ond he wearþ acenned in Zarqa neah Ammâne ac he is nu in Iraqe.
- x d: Her in Pakistaniscum Kashmire ongann wintersnáw, ond þreo millionas sind huslease þurh þa eorðstyrene.
- xxiii d: Her in Atlas-gersecges middan se hátsæwisca hweolstorm Delta wearþ. Ond in æfterdagum Delta sloh þa Canary-ieg ond Africae norþwestan særiman.
- xxv d: Her in seochuse in Lundene forðferde George Best se mæra fotðoðormann þurh seocnesse his lifres þe wearþ of langre oferdrincunge, ond he lifde .lix. gearu, ond on .iii. dæge Geolmonaþes he wearþ gebyrged in Rosewood lictune in Beal Feirste1) in Norðíralande onemn Ann his modore, ond his funeralis wæs æt Stormont-castele.
- Her to Cornwealum ond Defnum in Englalande cwom deop snaw þe heald þusendgerím wegfarendra on Bodmin-móre.
- xxviii d: Her wæs deop snaw in Gleawceasterscire in Englalande.
- xxix d: Her in Atlas-garsecges middan se hweolstorm Epsilon wearþ, ond hit is se .xxvi.oþa in þissum geare.
- xxx d: Her John Sentamu wearþ se .xcvii.ða arcebiscep æt Eoforwice in Englalande, ond he wearð acenned in Ugandan, ond he bær stæf þe man macode of timbre Beþlehemisces elebergetreowes.
1) Belfast.
Anno MMV Geolmonað
- iii d: Her in Norþ-Wazîristâne in Pakistane neah Afghanistan-mearce utberstung acwellede þone Al-Qaeda-togan Abu Hamza Râbi`a ond fyf mid him.
- Her in morgne in Rikshospitalet seochuse in Oslo in Norþwege, Mette-Marit heahaðelingen acennede cild ond he hatte Sverre Magnus.
- x d: Her twa stunde æfter middandæge folcberend lyftcræft feoll to grunde þenden hit cwom to lande in þunorstorme æt Port Harcourt in Nigeriam ond liget sloh hit, ond hit fleag of Abuja in Nigeriam, ond hit bæt .cx., ond .ciii. hira aswulton, ond .vii. oferlibbedon.
- xi d: Her be misgelimpe æt þæm siexþan stunde morgnes wæron hearde utberstunge ond wearþ great fyr æt Buncefield greatum ele-heddærne be Hamelhǣmstede in Heorotfordscire. Ond þære ærestre utberstunge miht wæs Richter 2.4 swa eorðstyren ond hit fordyde manige hus. Ond þa utberstunga deredon swiðe manige bold. Ond man gehyrde hit in Francrice ond Niðerlande. Ond .xl.-gerim wurdon gewundode ac nænig aswealt of þissum. Ond hit wæs seo strangost utberstung þe wæs in Europam buton in guðgearum. Ond hit macode great wolcen þrosmes ond þystro on Englalandes suðeastan.
- xii d: Her wæs eorþstyren in Hindu Kush beorgum in Afghanistane ond his miht wæs Richter 6.7.
- xiv d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in Iraqe, ond se gecorena mægenwerod sceal rixian feower gearu. Ond manige Iraqisce Sunnisce curon. Ac þa hæftas ond þa lǣcas curon on .xiii. dæge.
- xviii d: Her Sharon foresittend Israheles wearþ seoc mid blodgelimpe in brægne, ond he is in seochuse in Jerusaleme.
- xix d: Her Afghanistanes witenagamot métton, one hit ne métte ærra in .xl. gearum.
- xxvi d: Her æt Phuket ond Phi Phi iege ond Khao Lak iege ond manigum stedum in Asiae suðeastan wæs gemynde for þæm þe aswulton in þæm tsunami.
- xxx d: Her in Atlas-sæwe norðeasten suð Azores-iegum se hátsæwisca hweolstorm Zeta wearþ, ond he is se .xxvii.oða in þissum geare.
(to next year)