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Anno MMVII Æfterra Geola
- i d: Her Kofi Annan heafodmann þæs UN alætte his ric forþy his gescrifen ricungtid endode ond Ban Ki-moon feng to his rice ond he is Suðkoreisc.
vii d: Her æfter æfne forðferde Magnus Magnusson se mæra truð þurh carcinoma pancreaticum, ond he wearð acenned on Íslande, ond he lifde .lxxvii. gearu, ond he wearð widcuð þurh þa rinnendre feorrseoungplegunge Mastermind.
ix d: Her ond in ærdagum Americisce ond Eþiopisce guðlyftcræftas slogon stedas in Somaliae suðan nea Ras Kamboni næsse ond ofsloh Al-Qaedisce ond mæg beon þæt hie acwelledon þone Al-Qaeda-togan Faisal Abdullah Muhammad. Ond some þisra wearga sohton aflieman in Kenyan ac Kenyisce mearcweardas fundon hie ond fengon hie heregeatu.
- Her in Baghdâde Americisce fuhton wið Sunniscum weargum ond fengon sume.
- Her in Baghdâde man heng Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti healfbroðor Saddâmes ond Awad Hameed al-Bander þe wæs déma under Saddâme, for mándædum wið manncynnes þe sind morðru .cxlviii. Shî`iscra æt Dujail wice in geare .mcmlxxxii.
- xviii d: Her wæs se strangost stormwind on Brytene siððan geare .mcmxc. ond afellede manige treo ond derede bold ond acwellede .xiii.. Ond þis wearþ of cealdsæwiscum hweolstorme gehatenum Kyrill, ond hit eac sloh Germaniam ond oðre land in Europam.
- Her man þearf utberan in wingwindende þa scipmenn þæs greatan ládhealdereberendes scipes Napoli, ond æfterra man þearf rinnan þæt scip on særimasand æt Branocescumbe1) in Defnum to nerianne hit of sincunge. Ond sæ bær sume his burðen on lande ond manige eodon þider to nimanne hit.
- xxii d: Her in Baghdâde twa utberstunga in wægnum acwelledon .lxxv. in Bâb al Sharji ceapungstede ond wundodon .clxx.. Ond on oðrum dagum wæron manige oðre gelice dæda. God bringe frið.
1) Branscombe in Devon (UK). Branoc is an old Celtic saint; his name may mean "Little Raven".
Anno MMVII Solmonað
- ii d: Her in Gaza ceastre Fatahisce fuhton wið Hamasiscum ond þa hergas dydon hearm ond fyr, ond aswulton .xi. oððe maran, ond Fatahisce sohton bærnan þa Islamiscan Universitatem.
- iii d: Her neah Holtúne nea Hlóðvéstofte in Suðfolce1) wæron .clixm. turkeyfuglas in tune ond .mmd. hira aswulton þurh þa inflenzam fugla H5N1 ond man sceal acwellan ealle hira.
- Her in Shî`isce ceapungstede in Baghdâde sum macode strange sylfácwellende utberstunge in wægne ond acwellede .cxxxv.. Ond hie sind þa mæste þe aswulton in ánre utberstunge siððan guðeneode in geare .mmiii.. God bringe frið.
- v d: Her great flod sloh Jakarta ceastre in Indonesiam ond .xliv. aswulton.
- viii d: Her in morgne wæs deop snaw in Wealum ond Mierce ond Englalandes suðan.
- x d: Ymb þisne dæg in Niw-Eoforwice wæs swiðe deop snaw ond for him manige ne mihton gán út of hira húsum, ond man lagode status emergentiae.
- xii d: Her twa utberstunga acwelledon .lxxiv. ond wundodon .clxiv. in ceapungstedum in Shî`iscum dælum Baghdâdes. God bringe frið.
- xvi d: Her wearþ widcuþ þæt heremenn þæs Janjaweed foron of Sudanlande in Chadlande ond acwelledon hundrædas Chadiscra ond bærnedon hira hus ond manige Chadisce Arabas wurdon Janjaweed ond manige Chadisce þe ne sind Arabas afliemdon. Godes miltse sie. De furore Normannorum Domine libera nos.
- xviii d: Her in Baghdâde twa utberstunga acwelledon .lx. ond wundode .cxxx. oððe maran, ond manige hira wæron Shî`isce.
- Her wearð widcuð þæt in Mozambique great flod Zambezi-ea utdráf .cxxii. þusenda of hira husum.
- xix d: Her irenweg-gewægnoð fór of Delhi in Indiam to Lahore in Pakistane ond in him neah Panipat twa lytle utberstunga macodon strang fyr þe acwellede .lxvi. oððe maran ond manige hira wæron Pakistanisce.
- xxiii d: Her irenweg-gewægnoð fór of Lundene to Scotlande ond in æfne æt Græghrycge2) betweox Oxenaholme ond Tiba-iege hit alætte his weg-irene ond sume his wægna feollon of eorðgeweorce ond þara þe hit bær án aswealt ond fyf wurdon sáre gewundode.
- xxiv d: Ymb þisne dæg in Afghanistane Bryttisce fyrdmenn fuhton wið Talibaniscum ymb Kajaki pyndinglacu in Helmand scire, ond of him cymþ electricitas for mæstum suðan Afghanistanes.
- xxvi d: Her æt Bagram fyrdlyftfelde in Afghanistane utberstung acwellede .xxviii. ond mæste hira wæron Afghanisce.
1) Holton; Lowestoft (Old Norse name); Suffolk.
2) Grayrigg, Oxenholme, Tebay
Anno MMVII Hreðmonað
- i d: Her manige spinnwind dyde micelne hearm in þæm USAn ond sum hia fordyde Enterprise ceastre in Abalaman ond acwellede eahta cnapan in hire scole.
- iv d: Her wæs eorðstyren on Sumatra iege ond his miht wæs Richter 6.4.
- vi d: Her in Iraqe Sunnisce weargas acwelledon .cxlix. Shî`isce ond wundodon .cc. oððe maran þe foron to Karbalâ` ceastre for þære Shî`iscan mæsssan Arba`în þe is feowertig dagas æfterra Ashura þe is seo háligost Shî`isc mæsse ond hit is gemynde for þæm þe in geare .dclxxx. þæs Sunniscan khâlifan Yazides here ofsloh Husain sunu Fâtiman ond heo wæs Muhammades witegan án cild þe libbede ond þanon geo wearð guð for Muhammades yrfescipe. Ond Sunnisce secgaþ þæt þes Shî`isce mæssan sind unæwlice for þæm þe Muhammad witega ne scráf hie. Ond in Arabisce arba`în segþ "feowertig".
- vii d: Her in morgne æt Yogyakarta in Indonesiam folcberend lyftcræft cwom to lande ond fyr ongann in his forehweolum ond brǣdde ond hit bær .cxl. ond .xxii. hira aswulton oððe maran ond wundode .cxviii. Ond hit bær nigon Australisce ambahtmenn ond man ne mæg findan feower hira, þeah man cyðde þæt fela ungefundene wæron. Ond hit wæs se flyht GA 200. Ond Yogyakarta is suþwestan Jakartan þæm heahbyrig on Java-íege.
- x d: Ymb þisne dæg wæs great wealdfyr in Anaheim-hyllum in Californiam.
- xxi d: Budget day
- Her wearð widcuð þæt lytle feawere þonne twa millionas Iraqisce afliemdon of Iraqe of pleo weargdæda ond án million hira nu wuniað in Damascus in Syriam, ond hit is seo greatost afliemung folca in þæm Middaneastlandum siððan .dccm. Palestinisce afliemdon ymb gear .mcmxlviii. þonne Israhel wearð. God gife þæt hie ne bringen mid him hira gehatan.
- In ærdagum utberstung fyrlyfte in coldelfunge in Siberiam acwellede .cvii. oððe maran.
- xxii d: Her man feng twegen menn æt Mamecceaster lyfthýðe þenden hie woldon fleogan to Pakistane ond ánne mann æt huse in Loidise1) for þæm utberstunge þa gelimpon on .vii. dæge Æfterran Liðan geares .mmiii..
- Her in Tal Afar ceastre in Iraqes norðan Sunnisce weargas maciodon twegen utberstunga in Shî`iscum wununglande ond acwelledon .lv. oððe maran ond wundodon .cl..
- Her on sæ neah Basra Iranisce macodon fǣr2) ond fengon .xxv. Bryttisce scipfyrdmenn.
- xxvi d: Her in Norðiralande Ian Paisley for þæm Norþiralandiscum Protestantiscum ond Gerry Adams for þæm Sinn Féin métton to screcanne ymb frið. Ond lange ærre manige segdon þæt swylc friðgemot ne weorþe oððæt Hel freose.
- Her in Tal Afar ceastre in Iraqe utbersting in wægne gemang Shî`iscum husum acwellede .clii. ond wundode .cccxlvii..
- xxvii d: Her in wice in Gadoko scire in Kaduna underrice in Nigeriam fætuberend full þæs fýr-eles petrol oferspillede ond se fyr-ele utbræc of his fæte on strætweg, ond neahwuniendas sohton gaderian þone fyr-ele ond æfter twæm stundum fýr wearþ ond acwellede maran þonne .cx..
- xxviii d: Her in Fallûja in Iraqe Sunnisce weargas macodon twa utberstunga mid þære atorlyfte chlorine ac nænig aswealt of þissum.
- Her in Tal Afar in Iraqe wæpnedmenn ofslogon .xlvii. in Sunniscum wununglande swa wrecunge. God macie frið.
- Her wearþ widcuð þæt in Norðkorea is great wana ætes ond hie ne habbað ánne dǣl in ælcum fyf þæs ætes þe hit þurfon habban. Ond sume secgaþ þæt in þæm .mcmxc.-gearum twa ond healf milliona Norþkoreiscra aswulton þurh hungor. Ond in sumore geares .mmvi. flod macode heardne unwæstme in Norðkoream.
- xxx d: Her wæs wealdfyr in Hollywood-beorgum in Californiam.
1) Manchester, Leeds.
2) sudden attack.
Anno MMVII Eastermonað
- i d: Her tsunami sloh þa Solomon-ieg ond acwellede .xx. oððe maran.
- iv d: Her on Réunion iege in India-garsecge Piton de la Fournaise fyrbeorg onwac strange ond þær wuniaþ .dcclm..
- v d: Her þa fyfteon sæfyrdmenn ond scipfyrdmenn cwomon eft to Brytene of Irane.
- Her Elizabeth .ii. cwen Brytenes utgáf þa Mandatumsceattas1) in Mamecceaster mynstre ond ne in Lundene. Ond heo gaf hie to .lxxxi. ealdum menn ond .lxxxi. ealdum wifum, for þæt heo is .lxxxi. gearu eald.
- xvi d: Her in universitate in Blacksburg ceastre in Virginiam in þæm USA Suðkoreisc gehaten Cho Seung-hui asceat .xxxi. ond æfterra his sylf, ond man mæg rædan ymb hit in þære Wikipedian.
- xviii d: Her in Baghdâde weargas macodon fyf utberstunga þe acwelledon .cxcviii. ond .ccli.. God macie frið.
- xxiii d: Her forðferde Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin þurh seocnesse his heortan ond he lifde .lxxvi. gearu ond ærra he rixode Russiam. Ond on .xxv. dæge man byrgede hine in Novodevichimynstres lictune.
- xxvii d: Her Americisce CIAisce menn fendon `Abdul Hadi al-`Iraqi þenden he sohte faran ongean in Iraqe, ond he is heah in Al-Qaedan, ond man bær hine to Guantanamo-cofa carcerne.
- xxviii d: Her æt 8.18 morgnes wæs eorþstyren seofon ond healf mila of særiman æt Dofre2) on Centes særiman ond derede manige bold, ond mæste æt Folcanstane ond þær hit derede .cc. hus ond æfterra .l. þorfton wunian elleshwær. Ond healf dæg æfterra wæs æfterstyren.
- Her in Iraqe fore Imam `Abbâs Shî`iscum masjide in Karbalâ' selfacwellende utberstung in wægne acwellede .lv. oððe maran ond wundode .lxx.-gerim.
- xxx d: Ymb þisne dæg wæs great gefeoht gehaten Operation Silicon in Sangin dæle in Helmand scire in Afghanistane ond Bryttisce ond Denisce ond Estonisce fuhton wið manige Talibaniscum.
1) Maundy money, Manchester.
2) Dover, Folkestone
Anno MMVII Ðrimilcemonað
- i d: Her in Siciliam se furbeorg Etna onwac.
- vi d: Her wæs heahfolccyre in Francrice ond Nicolas Sarkozy wearþ foresittend.
- viii d: Her in Norðiralande ongann selfricunge, æfter þæt Westmynstre lange rixode hit swa hit wære dǣl Englalandes.
- Her wæs strang wealdfyr in Californiam in Griffith-pearroce neah Holegnwuduhyllum1) on riman Los Angeles ceastre.
- x d: Her Toby Blair fyrmestscealc Brytenes segde þæt on .xxvii. dæge Midsumermonaðes he will alættan of his rice, ond he rixode teon gearu.
- xii oððe xiii d: Her in Helmand scire in Afghanistane man ofsloh in gefeohte Mullah Dadullah ond he wæs þara Talibana heahheretoga ond þæt wæs great hearm to þæm Talibanum.
- xiv d: Her in Gaza ceastre Fatahisce fuhton wið Hamasiscum ond twegen aswulton ond man wundode teon.
- xx d: Her ongann gefeoht Lebanones fyrde wið þæm Palestiniscum weargum Fatah al-Islam in Tripoli ond æfterra æt Nahr-el-Bared fleogendsetle in Tripoli scire in Lebanone.
- xxi d: Her in Lundenes eastan neah sunnupgonge þæt mære ealde scip Cutty Sark bærned, ond þær þa fyrfeohteras þorfton oðstandan for pleo propanehealdera þe wæron þærinne for smiðgeweorce.
1) Hollywood Hills
Anno MMVII Midsumermonað
- v d: Her se swiðe strang Indiagarsecgisca hweolstorm Gonu sloh Oman, ond æfterra hit sloh Iran. Ond hit macode flod ond acwellede .xxxv. oððe maran. Ond in Fujaarah in Omane hit tobræc twelf fiscungbátas. Ond már is gewriten ymb hit her.
- xiii d: Her giet in Gazalande ond in manigum ærdagum Hamasisce fuhton wið Fatahisciscum.
- Her æt Samarra in Iraqe weargas settende utberstende tobrucon þone swiðe haligan Askarîya masjide.
- xiv d: Her after dagum gefeohtes Hamas feng eall Gaza-land of Fatahe, ond .c. oððe maran aswulton in þæm gefeohte, and wæs great tobrecung husa, od sume Gazalandisce segdon "Næfre þa Iudeas dydon swylcne hearm to us.". Ac in Westiordanum Fatah is nu strengora þonne Hamas.
- xvii d: Her in Lundene ond æt San Carlos cofan on Folclandiegum wæs gemynde for þæm þe in .xiv. dæge Midsumermonaðes geares .mcmlxxxii. seo Bryttisca fyrd freogede þa Folclandiegum of þæm Argentiniscum.
- xxv d: Her in Brytene great regen macode greatne flod, ond in Scéaþfelde1) wæs mara regen in anum dæge þonne wæs siððan wederwritunga ongunnon, ond æt Fygelingum2) in Eoforwicscire norðan feoll mara þonne feower inceas regnes in þæm dæge. Ond wæron spinnwind in Englalande3).
- xxvii d: Her Tony Blair fyrmestscealc Brytenes álætte his ric ond Gordon Brown feng to his rice.
- xxviii d: Her wealdfyr ongunnon in Greclande.
- xxix d: Her in Lundenes Westende man fand twa wægen ond in him utberstendsearwas, ac hie ne utburston. Ond æfterra twegen mann draf lytel wægen bærnende in dure Glascú4)-lyfthýðbolde ac ne acwellede. Ond æfterra æweardas fengon twegen menn for þissum in lytlum wægne on M6 wege neah Sandbæce.
1) Sheffield.
2) Fylingdales.
3) tornadoes.
4) Glasgow, Sandbach
Anno MMVII Æfterra Liða
- Ymb þissum dæge lange ond hearde regnas macodon be flode swiðe greatne hearm ond deriunga ond sume secgað þæf his weorð is án ond healf billiona punda, ond micle in Eoforwicscire ond ymb Humbremuðan ond mæste in Cuningestune on Hule1). Ond æt Wynemannadune2) weder macode þa greatoste elcunge in þære tennisplegunge in .xxv. gearum.
- iii d: Her æweardas fengon siex Muslimisce læcas wuniende in Brytene oððe willende cuman to Brytene ond twegen oðre for þæm þe hie heolpon macian þa utberstunga ond oðre weargdæda in Brytene on .xxix. dæge Midsumermonaðes.
- iv d: Her man segde þæe twegen þara eahta ne wæron in þære utberstunggerædunge, ac hie wæron in gerædunge for macunge þæs cannabis.
- ix d: Her in Buenos Aires ond dǣlas Argentinae feoll snaw æreste siððan geare .mcmxviii..
- x d: Her in middan Islamabades ceastre in Pakistane sundorfyrdmenn macodon onræs in þone Readan Masjid ond þærinne ofslogon fyftig Islamisce weargas oððe maran ond freogodon gíslas.
- xx-xxiv dd: Her in Englalandes suðan great lang heard regen macode deop flod in Sæfernwonge3) ond westernum Temesewonge, ond dyde micelne derunge in Gleawceastre ond Celtanhamme ond Téodecesbyrig, ond Téodecesburh wearþ ieg, ond hit is se deopost flod þær siððan meltende deop snaw macode flod in Hreðmonaðe geares .mcmxlvii..
- xxiii d: Ymb þisne dæg forðferde Muhammad Zahir Shâh, ond he wæs cyning Afghanistanes of Blotmonaðe geares mcmxxxiii oð gear .mcmlxxiii., ond he lifde .xcii. gearu.
1) Hull.
2) Wimbledon.
3) Severn, Thames, Gloucester, Tewkesbury.
Anno MMVII Weodmonað
- i d: Ymb þisne dæg in Bulgariae suðan wæs great ond sár hætu ond þis macode bærnunga in wealdum.
- iv d: Her flod dyde great hearm in Assam ond Bihar underricum in Indiam, ond in Bangladeshe.
- Ymb þisne dæg ond in æfterdagum seo egeslica seocnesse fota ond muða sloh feo neah Pyrigefyrhðe1).
- xiv d: Her sume macodon feower sylfacwellende utberstunga in Qahtaniya in Iraqes norðan ond acwellede .cd. oððe maran ond mæg beon þæt hit wæs .d. ond wundodon .cccclxxv.-gerim ond manige hira wæron þæs Yazîdîscan godþeowote. Ond manige Kurdas sind Yazidisce. Ond sume secgaþ þæt Al-Qaedisce dydon þis.
- xv: Her wæs strang eorðstyren under sæwe neah Ica provinciam Peru landes ond his miht wæs Richter 8 ond hit tobræc manige bold.
- xvi d: In ærdagum in Norðkorean great flod acwellede maran þonne .ccxx. ond man ne mæg findan .lxxx. ond hit fordyde teoðan dǣl Norðkorean wæstmlandes.
- xvii-xxiv dd: Her great regen macode greatne flod in middan þæs USA ond se flod dyde micelne hearm ond acwellede .xxvi..
- xviii d: Her se hweolstorm Sepat sloh Taiwan ieg, ond æfterra Fujian provinciam in Cinalande.
- xx d: Her ond in æfterdagum se hweolstorm Dean dyde midel hearm ymb Carib-sæ. Máre ymb þis is gewriten her.
- xxiv-xxix dd: Her .clxx.-gerim wealdfýra ongunnon in Greclande in Pelopponesus-lande ond ymb Athenae ceastre ond on Euboea iege þe þe Grecas nu segþ Evia, ond acwelledon .lxiv. oððe maran. Máre ymb þis is gewriten her.
1) Pirbright.
Anno MMVII Hærfestmonað
- ii-iii dd: Her in Iraqe .dl. Bryttisce fyrdmenn alætton Basra-cyneheall þe geo wæs Saddâmes ond æfterra wunodon æt Basra lyfthyðe. Ond geo in Iraqe Bryten rixode þa feower provinciae Maysan, Ðî Qar, Muþanna, Basra, ac hie rixiað anne Basra provinciam ond alyfodon Iraqes fyrde fón to rice in þæm oðrum þrym.
- iii d: Her æt Nahr el Bared fleogendsetle neam Tripoli in Lebanone endode lang gefeoht þe ongann on .xx. dæge Þrimilcemonaðes. Ond in þæm gefeohte Lebanones fyrd fohte wið Islamiscum weargum gehatenum Fatah el Islam, ond her Lebanones fyrd ahte wælstowe gewald. Ond man ofsloh .clxiii. fyrdmenn ond .ccxxiii. þara wearga ond feng maran þonne .cc. weargas, ond wundode .cd. oððe .d. þara fyrdmanna.
- iv d: Her se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Felix sloh Nicaraguan easternan særiman ond acwellede .xxxviii. oððe maran ond man ne mæg findan .lxxx..
- v d: Her se Friðsæwisca hweolstorm Henriette sloh Sonora underric in Mexico lande neah Guaymas hæfne.
- Her in Helmand scire in Afghanistane Americisce ond Afghanas fuhton wið Talibaniscum ond ofslogon twentig Talibanas.
- vi d: Her forðferde se mæra singere Luciano Pavarotti þurh carcinoma pancreaticum, ond he lifde .lxxi. gearu. Ond on .viii. dæge wæs his funeralis in Modena mynstre in Italiam.
- xii d: Her æt Egehame1) in Suðrige man fand feo seoc mid þæm seocnesse fota ond muða.
- Her wæs eorðstyren on Sumatra iege ond his miht wæs Richter 8.4.
- xiii d: Her wæs eorðstyren on Sumatra iege ond his miht wæs Richter 7.7.
1) Egham in Surrey.
- xvi d: Her in Thailande folcberende lyftcræft fleag of Bangkok to Phuket ond þenden hit sohte coman to grunde æt Phuket in regenstorme hit sloh grund ond .lxxxviii. aswulton.
- xx d: Ymb þisne dæg lang heard dryhþ in Sahel landum in Africam endode mid greatum heardum regne þe macode in .xviii. riclandum greatne flod þe dyde greatne hearm ond wyrste in Ugandan.
- xxii d: Her neah Gipeswice1) æreste cwom to Brytene seo swiðe hearmfulla seocnesse feo gehaten bluetongue.
- xxiv d: Her manige spinnwind dydon hearm in Englalandes suðan.
- xxv d: Her in Afghanistane Brittisce ond Americisce fyrdmenn ofslogon maran þonne .clxv. Talibanas.
1) Ipswich.
Anno MMVII Winterfylleð
- i d: Her in þære Readan Sæwe middan betweox Iemenlande ond Eritream seo fyrbeorg-ieg Jabal at-Tair onwac ond acwellede feower Iemenisce fyrdmenn ond seo ieg wæs hire fyrdset, ond man ne mæg findan twegen hira, ond hire nama segþ "Fugla Ieg", ond dǣl þære iege feoll in sæ.
- xviii d: Her in æfne in Karachi ceastre in Pakistanes westan sum macode selfacwellende utberstunge þennnden seo foresittend Benazir Bhutto eode neah, ond acwellede .cxxxviii. oððe maran, ond wundode manige, ac heo ne wearð gewundod. Ond þyncð þæt þis is dæd Al-Qaedan ond Talibana.
- xx d: Ymb þisne dæg in Californiam heard dryhð ond strang wind macode strange wealdfyr þe bærned .d. hus ond of hire ierre .ccc. þusenda afliemdon oððe maran.
- xxviii d: Her in Swat-dæle in Pakistanes norðwestan Pakistanisce fyrdmenn fuhton wið Islamiscum weargum ond siextig-gerim þara wearga aswulton.
Anno MMVII Blotmonað
- i d: Her in Tabasco underrice in Mexico regen macode swiðe greatne flod ond fordyde þone wæstm.
- ii d: Her æt Éadrícestúne on Stúre1) wearþ strang fýr in greatum fódwyrtgeweorcbolde ond feower fyrfeohteras aswulton þær, ond sume segde þæt fyrlyft hæfde geworden of brosnunge wyrta ond fédde þæt fyr. Ond is ege þæt Polisce ond Lithuanisce wyrtwyrcan aswulton in þæm fyre.
- Her eorðstyren sloh Antofagasta in Chile lande ond his miht wæs Richter 7.7.
- xv d: Her se hweolstorm Sidr sloh Bangladeshes særiman ond dyde hearm ond acwellede maran þonne .mmxx.: to seonne má seo her.
- xviii d: Her in Donbass col-delfunglande in Ukrainiam utberstung in Zasyadko coldelfunge neam Donetsk ceastre acwellede .lxv. ond man ne mæg findan .xliv..
- xxvii d: Her in Rawalpindi in Pakistâne sum ascéat Benazir Bhutto ond heo wæs ærra fyrmestscealc Pakistanes. Ond he macode selfacwellende utberstunge þe acwellede .xxii. oððe máran. Ond sume secgaþ þæt þis is dæd Al-Qaedan.
- Her wæs heahfolccyre in Kenya-lande ond Mwai Kibaki foresittend heald to his rice one he is of þæm Kikuyuiscan cynne. Ac Raila Odinga segde þæt he wæs rihte cegoren, ond he is of þæm Luoiscum cynne. Ond of þissum wearþ foldgewinn ond bærnunga ond acwellunga in Kenyan in æfterdagum.
- xviii d: Ner Nepales witenagemot céos þæt Nepal scule weorðan respublica and ne cynedóm.
1) Atherstone on Stour near Stratford on Avon (Warwickshire, UK)
Anno MMVII Geolmonað