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Anno MMVIII Æfterra Geola
- Her in Chinalande wæs se greatost snaw in .l. gearum ond þær man þorfte ceallan healf milliona fyrdmenn to openianne wegas.
- Her in Kenyan wæs heahfolccyre ond of him wearþ strang folcgefeolt betweox þæm Kikuyu cynne ond þæm Luo cynne.
- ii d: Her forðferde Sir Edmund Hillary ond he lifde .lxxxviii. gearu, ond on .xxix. dæge Þrimilcemonaðes geares .mcmliii. he ond Tenzing Norgay se Sherpa æreste clumbon Everest-beorg in Himâlaya-beorgum. Ond he wæs Níwsælandisc.
- xi d: Ymb þissum dæge swiðe great regen in Zambia ond Zimbabwe ond Tanzania macode great ond deop flód in Mozambique ond manige afliemdon to heam lande ond se wæstm wearþ fordón.
- xxvii d: Her forðferde Suharto þe ærra ríxode Indonesiam, ond he lifde .lxxxvi. gearu. Ond he rixode .xxxii. gearu, ond man awearp hine of his rice in geare .mcmxcviii..
Anno MMVIII Solmonað
- iii d: Her eorþstyren in Rwandan ond eorþstyren in Dem. Rep. Congo landes acwelledon .xxxviii. oððe maran ond sáre wundodon .dl.-gerím.
- xvii d: Her menn fundon niwan woruld þe fareþ ymb feorran tungol.
- xix d: Her Fidel Castro foresittend Cuban álǣtte his ric þurh ieldo ond seocnesse, ond he rixode .xlix. wintru, ond Raul Castro his bróðor féng tó ríce.
- Her wæs strang eorþstyren under Simeulue iege neam Sumatra in Indonesiam, ond his miht wæs Richter 7.6.
- xxiii d: Her on Jersey iege æt Haut de la Garenne þe ǣrra wæs cildrahám man fand stycce cildra heafodbánes. Ond in æfterdagum þær man fand þrie dyrnrymetu þǣrinne in geogearum man mistúcode cildru þe wunodon þǣr.
- xxvii d: Her fore sunnupgonge æt Marketræsnum wæs eorþstyren ond his miht wæs Richter 5.2 ond hit derede bold þær ond æt Gegnesbyrig ond elleshwær.1)
- xxix d: Her in Zimbabwe wǣron heahfolccyras for þæm witenagemotscipum ond þæm foresittendscipe.
1) Market Rasen, Gainsborough
Anno MMVIII Hreðmonað
- xix d: Her on Sri Lanka íege forðferde Arthur C. Clarke, ond he lifde .xc. gearu, ond he wrát máran þonne .c. béc ymb dúfunge ond ymb woruldrúmfarunge.
Anno MMVIII Eastermonað
Anno MMVIII Ðrimilcemonað
- i d: Her in Dusamareb ceastre in Somaliae middan feower Americisce lyftscipu ofslogon Aden Hashi Ayro hlóðtogan þære Islamiscre wearghlóðe al Shabaab ond mid him twelf oððe maran, ond he wæs Al-Qaedan heahtoga in Somaliae.
- iv d: Her se Indiasæwisca hweolstorm Nargis sloh Irrawaddy-éamúðland in Myanmar lande þe ærra hatte Burma ond sume secgaþ þæt hit acwellede .c. þúsenda. Ond hit fordyde unrim húsa ond acwellede unrim feo.
v d: Her in Chile land se fyrbeorg Chaiten onwac, ond hit sleop .xim. ond .ccclxx. gearu.
x d: Her in Sudane Darfurisce wiðfeohtendas of hira lande to foron to Khartûme ond wæs gefeoht in Omdurmane þær geo wæs gefeoht in geare .mdcccxcviii..
xii d: Her wæs eorþstyren in Wenchuan scire in Sichuan provinciam in Cinalande ond his miht wæs Richter 7.9, ond hit derede swíþe manige bold, ond acwellede maran þonne .lxxm. oððe man ne mæg findan hie, ond hit scoc eall Cinaland. Ond in æfterdagum wæron strange æfterstyrena. Ond hit macode landslidunga þe æfterron oðstodon ea ond macodon .xxxiv. lacu ond is pleo þæt þá lace bærsten ond macien flod.
xx d: Her se Dalai Lama cwom to Brytene.
xxvi d: Her in Lambhýðcynehealle1) Gordon Brown fyrmestscealc Brytenes spræc mid þæm Dalai Lama.
xxvii d: Here NASAn mannlease woruldrumscip Phoenix settede on Mars-woruldes norðernan greatan íse, ond hit worhte swa menn wyscedon.
xxviii d: Her Nepal wearþ respublica, ond ǣrra hit wæs lange cynedom.
xxix d: Her in Sumorsætnum in æfne þunorstormas macodon swiftne flod in Crycærne ond Illemynstre ond Castelcarige ond in Mendyppehyllum. 2)
1) Lambeth Palace
2) Somerset, Crewkerne, Ilminster, Castle Cary, Mendip Hills.
Anno MMVIII Midsumermonað
- i d: Her in Los Angeles in Californiam Universal Studios Hollywood libbendefǣgungwyrhta odenes bæcdǣl bærned, ond þæt fýr wearþ of bláwcéne1).
- vi d: Her in Englalande Henry Allingham wearþ .cxii. gearu eald, ond he is se æftemest libbende þe in geare .mcmxvi. fohte in þæm scipgefeohte þe hatte se gefeoht Ytenalandes.2)
- xii d: Her wearþ widcuþ þæt neah Oteréa Sanctae Mariae 3) befor 4) bytlede pyndinge on Tale-ea in Defnum, ond þeos is seo ærest beforpynding gebytled in Brytene in manigum hundrǣdum geara.
- xv: Her endode monað daga ond in þæm dagum in Afghanistane .mmccc. Americisce sæfyrdmenn ond .cc. Bryttisce fuhton wið Talibanum ymb Garmser in Helmand scire suðan, ond aswulton .cc.-gerim Talibana ond án Americisc.
- Her Hamid Karzai foresittend Afghanistanes þreagode þæt mæg weorþan þæt his fyrd fóre in Pakistanes mearclandes hean beorgas to feohtanne betere wið þæm Talibanum.
- Her se Friðsæwisca hweolstorm Fengshen sloh Iloilo provinciam in Philippin-iega middan ond acwellede .clv. oððe maran, ond feriungbát hit sanc feriungbát berendne .dccc..
1) bláwcén = blowtorch
2) Battle of Jutland
3) Ottery St.Mary
4) beaver
Anno MMVIII Æfterra Liða
-Her Barack Obama eode to Europam ond .c. þusenda Europisce sāwon hine.
- iii d: Her in Guaviare provinciam in Colombiae eorcenwealde Colombisce fyrdmenn mid wingwindendum freogode Ingrid Betancourt of þæm wealdweargherge FARC ond .xiv. oðre, ond heo wæs hæft þær siex gearu. Ond hie fengon twegen FARCmenn.
xxi d: Her in Belgrade in Serbian man feng Radovan Karadžić.
- xxxiv d: Her se hweolstorm Dolly sloh Texas.
Anno MMVIII Weodmonað
- In þisses geares sumore in Brytene wæron lange ond hearde regnas in eallum wucum þurh heorfeste ond is wen þæt hit wille sāre derian þone heorfest ond macie wana ǣtes.
- i d: Her wæs great wealdfyr in Antalya provinciam in Turclande, ond hit bærned .xivm. ond .dccx. æcras wealdes.
- i d: Hér man seah fulle ásprungennes þære sunnan on Canadan ísnorðan ond on Grénlandes norðernan riman ond on Ruslande ond Mongollande ond Cinan. Cwómon fíf þúsend manna oþþe má on Novosibirsk ceastre þære ásprungennesse tó behealdanne, ond manige eac tó óðrum stówum fóron.
- iii d: Hér swulton húru hundræd ond feowertig ond fyf on Indie þonne heard sumorregen sendede greate stanas utan of heam wealle togeanes manigum on wege þe scytt1) uppe hylle to Nainadevi Hinduiscum hearge þá hwíle hie mæssedæg freolsodon on Himaceal Pradesc provinciam. Fyftig óþre men gewundode wurðon ond híe man tó séochúse bær.
- Her forðferde Solzhenitsyn se mǣre Russisca writere ond he lifde .lxxxix. gearu, ond on .vi. dæge man byrgede hine in Donskoi-mynstres líctúne in Moskvan.
- iv d: Her in Kashgar ceastre in Uighura lande in Cinalandes feorran westan þe hatte Xinjiang twegen Uighurisce wiðfeohteras ofslogon .xvi. Cinalandisce mearcáweardas ond wundodon sume. In þissum sum hira dráf hefigne wægn ofer hie ond sum weorp útberstend ond sum feoht mid greatum seaxe.
- viii d: Her seo fyrd Georgiae in Caucasus-beorgum foron in Suðossetiam ond wæs gefeoht æt Tskhinvali.
- ix d: Her Russia sendede fyrdmenn ond scriðdracan2) ond guðlyftscipu wið Georgiam ond in Abkhaziam, ond Russisce lyftcipt alyfedon feallan utberstendas þær ond ofslogon manna cynn þe ne wæron feohteras. Ond Sarkozy fyrmestscealc Francrices eodon to Mosvan to secanne frið. God bringe frið ond rihtne ende.
- xviii d: Her Pervez Musharraf foresittend Pakistanes alætte his ric.
- xx d: Her æt Barajas lyftfelde æt Madride folcberende lyftcræft feoll to grunde þenden hit āfleag ond þara þe hit bær .cliii. aswulton ond .xvii. oferlibbedon. Ond in Hispaniam ungunnon þreo dagas þeodlicre gnornunge for þissum.
- Her in Beijing ceastre in Cinalande ongunnon þa .xxix.oþe Olympisce plegan.
- xxiv d: Her Israhel freogode .cxcviii. Palestinisce hæftas.
- xxvii d: Her se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Gustav sloh Haiti ond acwellede .lix..
- Her in Bihar underrice in Indiam wæs se greatost flod in .c. gearum.
- xxx d: Her se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Gustav sloh Cuban westan, ond þa New Orleans ceasterware afliemdon of his pleo, and sum segde þæt hit is strengora þonne wæs Katrina.
1) scéotan = "to shoot", but is also recorded as "of a road, to go [to a place]".
2) scriðdraca = "army tank", modelled on the Icelandic word ''skriðdreki''
Anno MMVIII Hærfestmonað
- i d: Her se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Gustav sloh New Orleans, ac his flodweallas ne brucon.
- viii d: Her se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Ike sloh Cubam.
- xii d: Her se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Ike sloh Texas.
- xx d. Her ābēonn Thabo Mbeki se foresittend Suðafrican þe hē his ric ālǣtan wolde, forþonn his mægenwerod curon his wiðerwinna Jacob Zuma þæt Werod Africacynnes1) tō forestandenne. Ond sume þæs landfolces secgaþ þæt hit wæs gōd dǣd ond sume secgaþ elles.
- xxiii d: Her in Kauhajoki ceastre in Finnlande sum wer ofslōh .ix. leorneras ond hira lārēow þurh sceotgewer ond hissylf bescēat.
- xxv d: Her in þaem USAn and elleshwær wæs great céapgylddréfung 1) and fela folc áberaþ.
- xxv-xxviii dd: Her Cinalandisc woruldrúmscip fleag ymb eorðan ond Zhai Zhigang fór út of þæm scipe.
- xxvi d: Her in Damascuse wægnútberstend ácwellede .xvii..
1) African National Congress
Anno MMVIII Winterfylleð
- In þissum monaðe menn leornodon má ymb þæs rodores ǣmtignesse ond acennednesse tungla.
- xxv d: Her strang regen macode flod in Haðramawt ond Mahra scirum in Yemene ond acwellede .xli. ond man ne mæg findan .xxxi.-gerím.
- xv d: Her wæs great wealdfýr in Californiae súðan.
- Her æt Yorba Linda in Californiam strang regen mcode horhslidunga þe fordyde manige hus.
1) money crisis
Anno MMVIII Blotmonað
- iv d: Her wæs heahfolccyre for þæm foresittendscipe in þæm USAn ond Barack Obama feng to rice.
- viii d: Her se hweolstorm Paloma sloh þa Cayman-íeg ond Cuban.
- Her on Haiti iege La Promesse scōl feoll þenden manige cildru wǣron þǣrinne, for þæm þe hit ne wæs wel gebytled, ond .xcii. oððe maran aswulton.
Anno MMVIII Geolmonað
- xix d: Her wæs ende siex monaða wæpngestandes betweox Israhele ond þæm Hamasiscum rice in Gazalande, ond Hamas eft ongann sceotan fyrsperu in Israheles suðan.
- xxvii d: Her Israheles lyftfyrd ongann fleogan wið Gazalande, ond ond in æfterdagum hie ofslogon manige menn Hamases. Ond man mæg seon má ymb þis her.