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Gearu fore Christi acennednesse
- mdcxxvii: Her in Aegea-sæ se iegfyrbeorg Thera þe nu eac hatte Santorini utbærst swiðe strange ond sare fordyde manige land.
Annis MCMXCVII ond ærra
- dxxxv - dxxxvi: Her on worulde wæs great cyle ond wana sunnan ond wana wæstma. Ond sume secgaþ þæt þis wearþ of greatre utberstunge fyrbeorges oððe woruldrumstane þe sloh eorðan. Ond sum secgaþ þæt se fyrbeorg wæs Ilopango in El Salvador rice in Midamericam.
- dccxxxii: In þissum geare micel here Muslima fór of Hispaniam in Francrice, ond `Abd-ur-Rahman Ibn-`Abdullah al-Ghafiqi wæs his heretoga. Ond hie sare hergodon ond bærnedon Bordeaux ond unrihte ofslogon swiðe manige folca þe næron feohteras ond God áne wat þæt gerim. Ond ymb þone .xxv. dæge Winterfylleðes Charles Martel cyninges healles heafodgerefa Francrices fohte wið þæm here seofon dagas betweox Poitiers ond Tours in Francrice ond ahte wælstowe gewald ond on þæm seofoðan dæge lytle fore æfne man ofsloh `Abd-ur-Rahmân, ond þa Muslimas afliemdon dyrne in nihtþystro. Ond æfterra Arabas ond Islam næfre wurdon pleo for Westeuropam. Ond sume secgaþ þæt þæt gefeoht wæs æt Cénon neah Poitiers, ond sume secgaþ þæt hit wæs æt Moussais-la-bataille þe is siex mila suðwest of Châtellerault, ond sume secgaþ þæt man fohte in manigum stedum ond æt ende neah Poitiers. Ond in geare .dccxx. Muslimas foron of Hispaniam in Francrice ond fengon Carcassone ond Nîmes ond Narbonne, þe is Septimania-land. Ond hie macodon scipherehyðe æt Narbonne ond heton hit Arbûna. Ond in geare .dccxxv. hie foron norþan andlang Rhone-ea ond hergodon Autun ceastre. Ond in geare .dccxxxi. Muslimas hergodon eall Aquitaine land ond fengon hit. Ond in geare .dccxlvii. in Francrices suðan Provence landes ric alyfede Muslimas faran innan, ac Charles Martel utdraf hie. Ond for þissum dædum man het hine Martel, þe segþ Hamor. Ond in geare .dccxli. he forðferde. Ond in geare .dcclix. Pépin le Bref his sunu fengon Narbonne of þæm Muslimum. Ond æfterra Pépines sunu Charles wearþ casere Francrices ond he hatte Charlemagne. Ond æfterra Charlemagne fór in Hispaniam.
- mdcclxxxiii: Her in Íslande wearþ in grunde lang cleofung þe utwearp swiðe micle gemoltenne stan ond atorlyft ond se stede hatte Laki. Ond se gemoltena stan fordyde micel gód land. Ond seo atorlyft dyde greatne hearm to wedere ond feo ond wæstmum in manigum landum.
- mdcccxv Eastermonað v-xv dd: Her on Sumbawa iege in Indonesiam se fyrbeorg Tambora utbærst swiðe hearde ond fyllede Eorðan lyfte mid æsce ond forþý menn heton þæt gear .mdcccxvi. "þæt sumorlease gear" ond ".mdccc. ond freas to deaðe" ond se wæstm wearð sare gederod ond wearð hungor. Ond man wrat ymb þis on þissum leafum.
- mccclxxi Hreðmonað xxv d: Her æt munuca stede æt Mani in Peloponese in Greclande Germanos biscep rærede Greclandes fanan ond ongann seo Grecisca Guð Freodomes. Ond eac wæs Assumptio Virginis.
- mccclxxi Heorfestmonað xi d: Her in Greclande Þeodoros Kolokotronis ond his fyrd fengon Tripolitsa þe wæs þara Turca heafodstede in Greclande ond se stede nu hatte Tripolis. Ond æfterra in þrym dagum hie ofslogon þritig þusend Turca ond mæste dǣl hira næron wæpnedmenn. Ac seo Grecisca fyrdtoga Laskarina Bouboulina nerede þa wifa þæs Hoursit Pasha þe ærra rixode þær ond hira cildru, ond heo eac hatte Bouboulina.
- mcmxii Eastermonað xv d: Her þæt greate scip Titanic sloh isbeorg on sæ þenden hit fór of Englalande to Niw-Eoforwice ond hit sanc ond .mm. folca aswulton ond hit wæs his fyrmest sæ-farung.
- mcmxliv Midsumermonað vi d: Her fore sunnupgonge swiðe manige fyrdmenn ongunnon cuman to Normandige of Brytene to feohtanne wið Hitleres here, ond þis hatte D-day.
- mcmxlviii Ðrimilcemonað xiv d: Her in Tel Avive man lagode Israheles weorðunge.
- mcmlii Solmonað vi d: Her æt Sanddéorsigingaháme6) in Norþfolce man fand George .vi. cyning Englalandes deadne in bedde in morgne þurh heortcoðan ond he wæs seoc mid carcinomate his lungena þe wearþ þurh récunge, ond he lifde .lxi. gearu, ond he rixode .xxiii. wintru, ond Elizabeth .ii. his dohtor feng to rice ond hire fulle nama is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary.
- mcmlii Weodmonað xv-xvi niht: Her ofer Exemóre in Defnum ceald weðermearc9) swealg þunorstorm ond hit wyrsode of þæs landes hiehðe ond macode teon inceas regnes in anre nihte ond macode flod þe fordyde Linemuðan ceastre mid wætermihte ond miclum stánum ond geborenum treowum ond dyde swiðe micelne hearm in þara Lin ea dalum ond brucon .xxix. brycga ond acwellede .xxxiv. leoda.
- mcmlii Geolmonaðe v-ix dd: Her in Englalande wæs ceald ond næs wind, ond of þæm wearþ wearmora lyft ofer cealdoran lyfte, swa weðermenn hátaþ inversionem. Ond ymb Lunden is weall heara hylla Cilterna ond Norðdúna, ond þurh þisre inversione Lundenwong wearþ atorlyftbúr þe heald eallne réc husa ond odena fyf dagas, ond þis in Niwenglisce hátte smog, ond siex þusend oððe máran aswulton of þissum ond eaðe mæg twelf þusend aswulton. Ond þis wæs se greatost hearm for Brytene þurh wedere siððan Caribbeisc hweolstorm cwom to Brytene þenden Anne cwén ríxode. Ond of þissum man lagode þa Clænlyft-æwe in Brytene.
- mcmliii Æftergeole xxxi d: Her heard ond lang norþwind scufede sæ wæter ætgædre in Norþsæ betweox Englalande ond Germaniam þenden sæ wæs giet heah ond þa ea wæron fulle þurh micel regen, ond macode greatne flod in Lincolnscire ond Grantabricgscire ond Eastenglum ond ymb Temesemuðan ond mæste in Niðerlande, ond manige aswulton in flode. Ond Niðerlandisce secgað þæt hira great sæweall genemned se Afsluitdijk angieldede his macunge weorð in anre nihte.
- mcmlxi: Her se Russisca mann Yuri Gagarin fleag of eorþe ond fleag ymb eorþe, one he wæs se fyrmest mann þe eode in woruldrume.
- mcmlxii Ðrimilcemonað xxxi d: Her in Ierusaleme man heng Adolf Eichmann æfter þæt he wæs fore demum for manigum mándædum þæs Holocausti, ond æfterra man forbærnede his lic ond forscéd his æsca in deopre sæ.
- mcmlxvii Midsumermonað: Her Arabisce þeoda sohton guð ætgædre wið Israhele, ac Israhel gefór to guðe ærest ond in siex dagum hie nom Ierusalemes ealde ceastre ond eall Iordanlandes þe wæs to westan Iordan-ea ond nom eall Sinai-westenn of Ægypte ond nom of Syrian þæt land þe hatte þa Golan-hiehða to Kuneitra ceastre ond Israhel ahte manigra wælstowa gewald. Ond heo nom of Ægypte swa manige Russisce scriðdracan3) þæt hie wæron genoge for anum divisionem fyrde.
- mcmlxix Æfterra Liða xx d: Her Niel Armstrong ond Buzz Aldrin æreste stodon on þæm monan in þæm wéstennwonge þe hatte Mare Tranquillitatis.
- mcmlxxv ond mcmlxxvi:: Her on Brytene wæs seo heardost dryhð ond hætu þe wæs in .ccc. gearum, ond þæt land wearð brun.
- mcmlxxvii Weodonað xi d: Her in Memphis in Tennessee underrice forðferde Elvis Presley þurh heortcoðan, ond he lifde .xlii. gearu.
- mcmlxxx Þrimilcemonað i d: Her in Washington underrice in Americam se fyrbeorg Mount St.Helens utbærst swiðe mihtige ond fordyde micel wild wudu ond ofsloh .lvii. folca.
- mcmlxxxiv Geolmonað ii-iii d: Her in middan nihte þurh misgelimpe oððe wanhydignesse oden æt Bhopal ceastre in Bhopal scire in Madhya Pradesh underrice in Indiam alyfede utblawan .mmmm. kilogrammas þære atorlyfte methyl isocyanate gemang husum ond heo ofsloh betweox .viiim. ond .xm. ond wundode .ccc. þusenda ond Union Carbide rixode þone stede ac ne mann næfre eode fore deman for þissum. Ond Bhopales æweardtoga feng for demunge for mannslohtre sumne gehátenne Anderson þe wæs þæs odenes rixiere, ac se USA gelǣrede þæt man freoge hine for borge swa nu hatte bail, ac þes Anderson alætte þone borg ond fleogede to Americam.
- mcmlxxxv Æfterra Geola: In þissum monaþe cyrnmihtofen3) æt Chernobyle in Ukraine mælt binnan ond utbærst hearde ond for his cyrn-atore wearþ æw þæt ne mann mæg eardian in micel land great swa Englisc scir ymb Chernobyl. Ond in Ukrainiscum gereorde "chernobyl" segð "wermód"5).
- mcmlxxxvi Weodmonað xxvi d: Her in Camerûn-hiehþum in Camerûn-lande in Africam swiðe micel wolcen þære atorlyfte carbon dioxide cwom ut of Nyos-lace ond acwellede .mdcc. folces ond .mmmd. feo.
- mcmlxxxvii Winterfylleð:: Her se Caribbeisca hweolstorm Floyd ne cwom to lande in American ac rann to eastan ofer garsecge ond cwom to Englalande in nihte mid his hean strengðe ond sare sloh Westseaxne ond Cent ond Suðseaxne ond Suðrige ond Lunden ond afyllede unrim treowa ond fordyde þa wude ond dyde micelne hearm. Næfre ærra cwom hweolstorm to Englalande mid his fullan strengðe siððan Anne cwen rixode.
- mcmlxxxviii: Her seo seocnesse distemper ofsloh .xviii. þusend seolas ymb Europam.
- mcmlxxxix Blotmonað ix d: Her menn ongunnon tobrecan þone miclan ond hearmmæran weall þe wæs in Berline.
- mcmxc Weodmonað iii d: Her Germania wearþ ongean an ric.
- mcmxcii Blotmonað xx d:: Her in Englalande Windelesóra-cyneburh bærnede.
- mcmxcii Geolmonað vi d:: Her in Ayodhya ceastre in Indiam Hinduas afylledon þone Babri-masjid.
- mcmxciv Eostermonað vi d: Her in Rwandam menn þæs Hutu cynnes ongunnon ofslean .dccc. þusend þæs Tutsi cynnes. Ond hit rann .c. dagas. Ond þis wæs seo greatost swylca acwellung æfter þæm Holocausto. Ond lange þa Tutsisce rixodon þa Hutuisce.
- mcmxciv Midsumermonað ii d: Her wingwindend gehaten Chinook sloh beorg æt Maol Chinn Tíre1) (þe in Scyttiscum gereorde segþ `Landheafodnæss') þenden hit fleag of Beal Féirste in Norþiralande to Inbhair Nis in Scotlande, ond hit bær his feower scipmenn ond .xxv. hea menn dyrnþeowota þe fuhton wiþ þæm IRA, ond ealle aswulton, ond of þissum þæt gefeoht wiþ þæm IRA wearþ gedered.
- mcmxcv Weodmonað xxi d: Her wearþ gehaligod se micla Hinduisca hearg æt Néosdúne7) in Lundene ond hit hatte Shrî Swaminarayan Mandir.
- mcmxcv Winterfylleð xviii d: Her in Englalande forðferde þæt mære hors Red Rum, ond he lifde .xxx. gearu, ond he wearð gebyrged æt Ántréowe8) neah Liferpóle.
- mcmxcvii Midsumermonað xxvii d: Her forðferde Jacques-Yves Cousteau se swiðe mæra dyfungtoga æt hame in Paris ceastre þurh heortcoðan, ond he lifde .lxxxvii. gearu, ond he wearþ gebyrged in Notre Dame mynstre in Parise. Ond he macode þone aqualung, ond he lange wæs sciptoga þæs scipes Calypso.
- mcmxcvii Weodmonaðes iv d: Her in Francrice forþferde Jeanne Louise Calment, ond heo lifde .cxxii. gearu.
- mcmxcvii Weodmonaðes xxxi d: Her forþferdon Diana þe ær wæs wif Charles æþelinges ond Dodi al-Fayed hire freond þonne hira wægn sloh weall in þyrelwege in Paris ceastre, ond in æftergearum heo sceolde weorþan cwen Englalandes, ond Englaland wearþ giomor æt þæm, ond heo wearþ gebyrged in iege þe is in lace in Ollaþorppearroce4) in Norþhamtunscire.
- mcmxcvii Heorfestmonaðes v d: Her in Calcuttan in Indiam forðferde Modor Theresa, ond heo lifde .lxxxvii. gearu, ond heo wearþ acenned Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje in Macedoniam on .xxvii.þan dæge Weodmonaðes in geare .mcmx., ond heo worhte lange for þæm earmlicum folca Indiae.
- mcmxcvii Blotmonaðes xix d: Her in þæm USA Bobbi wif þæs Kenny McCaughey acennede seofon cildru ætgædre, ond ealle libbedon. Ond hie sind Kenneth, Alexis, Natalie, Kelsey, Brandon, Nathan ond Joel, ond án gear ærra hie acennede án cild Mikayla.
1) Mull of Kintyre, Belfast (= "mouth of sandbank"), Inverness.
2) nuclear reactor (compare German Kern-).
3) army tank.
4) Althorp Park.
5) wormwood.
6) Sandringham in Norfolk. The name means "sandy area belonging to Dersingham".
7) Neasden. The name means "nose[-shaped] hill".
8) Aintree. The name means "[place with] one tree".
9) front as in weather.
(to next year)