A possible near future or "alternate time line". All diving and boat use has been put under a tight naval / industrial control. Enforcing this is one of the duties of the inshore branches of the Sea Patrol.
If you don't want this sort of thing to become reality, watch out for authoritarianism and officialdom creeping up on your favourite hobby.
The Sea Patrol also performs general-purpose coastguard-type work and rescuing. (Not set in the Australian Sea Patrol television series scenario)
An account of Sea Patrol actions, with links to all these images.
Despite the new law enforced by the Sea Patrol, a teenager tries to become a scuba diver, with an unexpected result.
Starts as a Transformers story but in a world like the real world,
but in its later chapters leads into the scenario of the Sea Patrol, which in the last chapter comes into power.